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Blessed by the best....

one october evening(1996) i was showering i felt a lump in my right breast that was not there the day before. wow ! what a mind blower. i was 39 yrs old. i called my md and set up an appointment. after a needle biopsy, he said he couldn't be sure...but i could tell by the look on his face...he knew. off to the radiologist. it was confirmed....stage 2, aggresive & malignant. i did not cry at first...i just told the doc, "well, lets get rid of it !" after 23 yrs of smoking it was not hard to quit. somehow the word "CANCER" made my will to live stronger than my desire to smoke. my biggest concern was how to keep it from my family. i did not want to burden them. my husband was devistated as he lost both parents to cancer. my mother, a human saint, was very strong. my sisters (2) were frantic. november was the lumpectomy and the insertion of a veins !! december was the mastectomy. the day after Christmas was the first round of chemotherapy. not too bad i thought...until the second round...had to be sedated from then on. after 6 months of chemo & countless days of wishing for death, i was starting to feel human again ! reconstructive surgery in august 1997. 14 years since that day in october and i feel like a million bucks !! . i cannot begin to express how grateful i am for all the technology and power of prayer that saved my life. i kept a very positive attitude during my illness and the one thing that kept me strong most of all was thinking that someone else was worse off than me, i had no right to complain. yes, i am blessed !!

elaine thomas
hampton, VA

Never stop believing

I was first diagnosed with a benign cyst with my first mammogram in 2000. In 2004 I was diagnosed with DCIS and had several wide incision biopsies until they were convinced they got clean margins. I went through the regular treatment routine but ended with a week of internal radiation where I looked like a porcupine and glowed! In 2008, I was diagnosed again and chose to have a double mastectomy. My surgery was postponed several weeks because of Hurricane Ike. I underwent reconstruction with expansion and had no problems. At my ultrasound in 2009 a small mass showed up and the surgeon went in to look, finding scar tissue that she was able to remove and completed nipple reconstruction at that time. At my 2010 check everything was beautiful...I feel great, I look great and I know I did what was right for me and my family.

Get second and third opinions, ask questions and let your loved ones help. By all means, know that you are not alone and no one procedure, clinic or doctor is right for everyone. Find the one you trust and feel good with. With a great team of family and friends right behind a medical team you trust, your fight against breast cancer is made a little easier.

Just remember, breasts are body parts we don't have to live. Don't let society's emphasis on breasts be a determining factor on how you chose to fight your diagnosis and whether or not you chose to do reconstruction, and what type you chose if you do. You have to take control... it's your life, it's your fight... and it's your victory!

Debbie Pilcher
Kingwood, TX

Importance of Early Detection

I am a survivor! Only because my tiny lump, too small to feel, was detected on a routine mammeogram. Thank God! After a lumpectomy and radiation treatments and now almost two years later, I am still cancer free.

What makes my story more remarkable is that I am also a colon cancer survivior, 5 yrs. now. And that cancer was also picked up early on a routine colonoscopy. So, that is why I am a staunch supporter of early detection and urge every woman to NEVER EVER PUT OFF YOUR MAMMEOGRAM when it is due.

Janet J. Evangelisto
Sioux Falls, SD

my walk

Hi my name is marg, in nov 08 i was told i had breast cancer stage 3 , it was so bad they took me to another town for surgery. all up i had a 14 cm cancer in nodes as well so the lot went. It happen to quick i never had time to get my head round anythink untill recently
fightin for my life we moved interstate to a bigger cancer unit which they are all fantastic. we sold our home left our children young adults wit familys of there own so we left our grandkids as well, after fightin long an hard and we know wat hard means , for now nearly 4 years ive finaly got the ok , i was told wen i started did u want to go on a holiday, instead of treatment but i did it i walk the walk nearly all the time by myself as we do, and for 4 years ive been indoors, untill i have reconstruction il remain in my safe haven, as their are a few who object as i can not wear a false one they had to scrape back to far , i have always had 2 jobs but this is the hardest job ive ever had . so far so good im feel fantastic , magical and in love with life. with thanks marg mansell melb vic

marg mansell
victoria, Australia

i have just been told i have a lump

Well, The doctor said i have a lump. Nothing could have prepared me for this, although I have said it 100 times to myself. I am booked in for a mammogram/ultrasound on Wednesday. So i am sure i am going to have a good result. The lump has been there for years and has previously been looked at and said it was ok. I actually had pain in my other breast . For years I have been diligent in feeling my breasts, checking for any differences. As far as I was concerned, nothing had changed.
I have best friends who have survived so I know there is hope. I just need to write this. I know i am not alone but it is very surreal. Although I have not been diagnosed with anything at this stage, i feel by writing, maybe I may help someone who reads this.
So 3 more days to wait.
Today I went to tell my mum. That was an effort. My eldest brother died last year from cancer so to have another child, who may become sick, would be very hard. I decided I wouldn:t tell her if she was alone. My sister was there and I told them. They were very supportive and they were glad I had booked in for a mammogram.
I feel like I am being a big drama queen, so Hopefully all these thoughts will be for nothing.
Again, I have no diagnosis however.........

melbourne, Australia

my ten year fight

when i was 14 years old i was daignosed with breast cancer. i was terrified but I still kept fighting even when i got told when i was 19 years old that i only had 6 months left to live well guess what I'm 24 now and i am breast cancer free!!!!!!!!!!! my loving husband supported me through the 10 years we were dating till we got married this year! he told me that i could beat it tho the Doctors were very sure i was going to die all i did every day was say i will live and i will make it through this and i did go through chemotherapy and i finished chemo sept 1'st 2010 just before my 24'th birthday and i have a beautiful 9 year old daughter and 4 year old daughter and a wonderful husband and its thanks to the breast cancer society and my family that i am still here today!

Fredericton, Canada

My Best Friend

My sister-in-law was like a sister to me we hung out together a lot,
I even moved in with her to take care of my brother when he was having a hard time, she had to work to pay bills he was not able to work he had just
had a hip replacement done and he could not stay by his self in case he fell.
She had quit smoking 16 years ago and it was 2 late we lost my best friend
when she passed away , I was in rehab to learn to walk again and could not go to the funeral ad I hate that till this day.
I quit smoking 14 years ago and now I have damaged lung to show for that
My sis and I was talking she told me that we both did not quit soon enough
as far as i know I don't show any signs of cancer in my lungs and I thank
God every day for that , But I know that she is with my brother and my mom and dad in Heaven singing with the angels
Rest in peace my dear sis

Barbara King
Gastonia, NC

Still here!

Hi everyone I'm 37 and ten years ago I was diagnosed with the breast cancer. I went through surgery, 33 rounds of chemo (Taxol and Herceptin) and some 30 rounds of radiations.
For the next 3 years I was taking Tamoxifen but had to stop due to some sideeffects.
Anyway, the sitution looked promising for the next couple of years (8 to be more precize), since all of my test results were fine and without any sign of regression.

And then in May 2008, after having done a CT, a new shock! Lung metastasis (literary out of nowhere, even the doctors were puzzled) along with the enlarged mediastinum lymph nodes.
So, I went through lungs surgery. It was a nightmare, very painfull and seemed as it will never end. I spent a month in a hospital and soon after being released from the hospital I started the new round of chemo ( weekly Taxol and Herceptin every third week). Now, after 2 years I'm still on Herceptin (no more Taxol thakfully, along with Femara pills and Zoladex injections every 3 months).

I must say it hasn't been easy and it still isn't, to learn how to cope with this kind of life where everything seems to turn around tests, some more tests, CTs, ultra-sounds... Fortunatelly, I have a great and loving boyfriend and wonderfull and supportive friends and people who love me to put me to the right track during those ups and down days.

So my message to all the brave women around the globe. Don't give up hope. Who knows which plans has the future for us?
Good luck and God speed!

Split, Croatia

I consider myself a survivor even though I've only begun

I consider myself a survivor even though I've only begun

I'm a 43 yr old mother of 2 and in June, after prodding from family and friends went for my first mammo. Thought nothing of it but the next day received the call that changed my life. They needed more views and an ultrasond so here I go. The mammo and ultrasound revealed a .8mm mass in my right breast and I now needed a needle biopsy. This came back quickly confirming that I had invasive ductal carcinoma. Many dr. appointments later, I underwent a lumpectomy in September, porta cath insertion and this past monday my first of 6 treatments of chemo with herceptin. When chemo is finished and I'm healthy enough I will be having a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction and eventually I will have my ovaries removed. My cancer is BRCA2 positive which is genetic and HER2 positive as well.
I'm scared every day but I'm not going to let this stop me! I will be returning to work soon and ironically, one of my jobs is in an oncologist office! I will be unable to return to my regular job as an EMT until chemo is done because of the port.
Keeping a positive attitude is key! Through all of this, I was knocked down every time I turned around from diagnosis to procedures but through the strength and love of my family, friends and loved ones, I was able to get back up and fight.

Netcong, NJ

When I thought my life was over, I realized it had just began ..

Oh boy, Where do I begin? lol .. I'm a 40 yr old hispanic female whom in March of 2003 @ age 32, was diagnosed with right breast Stage III Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (5.5 cm mass in right breast, 7 cm axillary node). I endured 8 wks of high dose Chemmo (DOXORUBICIN Injection, Cyclophosphamide- brand name = Cytoxan & Neosar, DOCETAXEL- brand name = Taxotere) followed by a full right breast mastectomy, then lastly, 8 wks of External Beam Radiation. I opted for breast recontruction surgery- Tran-Flap Procedure and I'd have to say they did a mighty fine job lol. I am now 7 1/2 yrs & counting in remission! ..
In August of 2008, I was diagnosed with Stage IIB Glassy Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix (8 cm. mass). I endured 4 wks of External Beam Radiation combined with Chemmo (CISPLATIN), followed by 5 wks of of Internal Beam Radiation. I am now 2 yrs & 2 mths, and counting in Remission!
I absolutly know that keeping a positive attitude is diffinately the key factor in the healing process. I encourage all woman who have been dianosed to just keep your head up, be strong and stay positive! God is good and he has a plan for each and every one of us~ Keep the faith and leave it in his hands ...
If anyone would like to ask me any questions, I would be honored to answer them to the best of my ability. My email is

Thanks and keep on Fighting The Good Fight !!

Rose Ebarra ~ Pink Warrior ...

San Antonio, TX