Never stop believing

I was first diagnosed with a benign cyst with my first mammogram in 2000. In 2004 I was diagnosed with DCIS and had several wide incision biopsies until they were convinced they got clean margins. I went through the regular treatment routine but ended with a week of internal radiation where I looked like a porcupine and glowed! In 2008, I was diagnosed again and chose to have a double mastectomy. My surgery was postponed several weeks because of Hurricane Ike. I underwent reconstruction with expansion and had no problems. At my ultrasound in 2009 a small mass showed up and the surgeon went in to look, finding scar tissue that she was able to remove and completed nipple reconstruction at that time. At my 2010 check everything was beautiful...I feel great, I look great and I know I did what was right for me and my family.

Get second and third opinions, ask questions and let your loved ones help. By all means, know that you are not alone and no one procedure, clinic or doctor is right for everyone. Find the one you trust and feel good with. With a great team of family and friends right behind a medical team you trust, your fight against breast cancer is made a little easier.

Just remember, breasts are body parts we don't have to live. Don't let society's emphasis on breasts be a determining factor on how you chose to fight your diagnosis and whether or not you chose to do reconstruction, and what type you chose if you do. You have to take control... it's your life, it's your fight... and it's your victory!

Debbie Pilcher
Kingwood, TX