Still here!

Hi everyone I'm 37 and ten years ago I was diagnosed with the breast cancer. I went through surgery, 33 rounds of chemo (Taxol and Herceptin) and some 30 rounds of radiations.
For the next 3 years I was taking Tamoxifen but had to stop due to some sideeffects.
Anyway, the sitution looked promising for the next couple of years (8 to be more precize), since all of my test results were fine and without any sign of regression.

And then in May 2008, after having done a CT, a new shock! Lung metastasis (literary out of nowhere, even the doctors were puzzled) along with the enlarged mediastinum lymph nodes.
So, I went through lungs surgery. It was a nightmare, very painfull and seemed as it will never end. I spent a month in a hospital and soon after being released from the hospital I started the new round of chemo ( weekly Taxol and Herceptin every third week). Now, after 2 years I'm still on Herceptin (no more Taxol thakfully, along with Femara pills and Zoladex injections every 3 months).

I must say it hasn't been easy and it still isn't, to learn how to cope with this kind of life where everything seems to turn around tests, some more tests, CTs, ultra-sounds... Fortunatelly, I have a great and loving boyfriend and wonderfull and supportive friends and people who love me to put me to the right track during those ups and down days.

So my message to all the brave women around the globe. Don't give up hope. Who knows which plans has the future for us?
Good luck and God speed!

Split, Croatia