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Sue's story

I was diagnosed in Jan 2006 with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer - it had moved to my bones. I had tumors in every vertabrae and my hips. Oh yeah, don't forget the original one in my breast!

Doctors didn't think I'd live long. Said the usual person w/ what I had usually lives about 2 years. Well, with radiation (twice) and chemo (once), lots of herbal treatments and MANY prayers, I'm doing well! I have Herceptin treatments once every 3 weeks and will for the rest of my life. But that's a small price to pay to stay alive!

During this time, my mom (my best friend) had been sick w/ End Stage Renal Disease for many years and then got pancreatic cancer! We actually had a couple of treatments right next to each other. What better way to go through something like that than w/ you best friend!! She passed away 6 months later. That was VERY difficult - she had been my rock and I no longer had someone to talk to about it.

When I got discouraged, I just tried to remember that there were ALOT of others out there that were worse off than me. I saw them every time I went in for a treatment. And I tried not to focus on the disease, but on beating it and getting better.

Good luck to those of you who are just starting your journey through this thing call cancer. And to those of you who are veterans (on this veteran's day). Someday we will have a cure.....

Akron, OH

I'm glad I still have my mother!!!

I'm glad I still have my mother!!!

Recentley, my mother found out she had breast cancer, but our story has a happy ending. She had to have a small lump removed, a lumectomy. It is thanks to her yearly mammogram, they were able to catch it when it was small. She didn't even need chemo therapy, because it was the size of a pea. Thank God, and thank her for having her yearly mammogram!! I can't stress enough how thankful I am for all the breast cancer awareness campaigns, because this made us aware of how very important it is to get our yearly mammogram. Thankyou for all you have done to make us all aware, of how important that yearly test is. Thankyou for helping me keep my Mother!! Sincerely Bridget Rosandich

Bridget Rosandich
Durand, IL

my husband, my family, my friends, my cancer and I

I was diagnosed with breast cancer almost 3 years ago. I was 30. All my dreams of becoming a mother collapsed. Today, I am about to have my second breast removed due to a genetic background, and have both breasts reconstructed.I am cancer free and enjoy every second of my life here. Cancer has made me realise how precious life is, and how important our loved ones are and who my friends really are. Friends were there, always. Some I had lost touch with came back, i met others who are like family.And I enjoy being with them more than ever. My husband was there every minute, we got married once my treatments werre obver after 13 years together, every time I needed him he was there. He is a diamond! Our bond is stronger than ever, we have been reinforced y this fight.My family was fantastic, everybody stood by me! My sister, my parents, my nephews, my brother an sister in law were great. And I am so lucky I have them all. Life is good,
Cancer is hard but we are stronger than it!!!!!!!!!!!!
best wishes to all and a better health to all the women, children and men facing cancer.
Carpe diem! Life is good!!!!!!!!!! Make the most of it, every day, every minute.

Labarthe Agnes
Paris, France

I Am A Survivor

I found my lump in Oct 2007. After having every test possible run on me, it was determined to be 1 cancerous lump in my right breast. I have had fibrocystic breast for40 years, so I was not really surprised one would turn to cancer. I was 58 at the time. I chose a bilateral mastectomy because I new eventually it would return in the other side. I was prepared mentally for everything,why I don't know, but I was. I had nice breasts all my life(Victoria"s Secret was my best friend), but I chose NOT to under go reconstructive surgery. I wanted to survive, not worry about boobs!!! I am here to tell you Chemo is very doable. I expected the worse and none of it occured. Yes my hair fell out, but it grew back!! My fingernails turned purple, but that went away. Joints ached, but that too went away. I kept a major POSITIVE ATTITUDE throughout the whole treatment segment. 16 months of Chemo for a chance to survive, and I am here today to tell you, I DID. Cancer is not a death sentence. It was just a pebble on my road of life.

Carol Solomon Proesel
Orlando, FL

My Re-Birth

I am a mother of five,wife,and business owner, i was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the yr 2006,only 33yrs of age,it was devastating when i got the news, especially after having just 3mths before losing my mother to Multiple Myeloma,my first thought was i am going to die and leaving my kids behind, fortunately for me my Cancer was in it's very early stages, i had a mastectomy, to my right Breast,well i guess luck was on my side .cause shortly after i met,some beautiful people that represent Herbalife international,i started using the products after a sample,and i got great energy, little did i know it was also helping me to lose weight,but all i knew i felt great, i could once again,be active with my family,i felt another lump in my left breast but thank God it was not cancerous,but by continuous usage of the product, that lump is no longer there,and has NEVER reaccure today it is 4yrs and no signs of Cancer,using the products have helped me to get healthy and stay healthy,oh! i also lost 32lbs,yay!!!.,and now i to represent this fantastic company and help others.

Port-Of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

My Father's Cancer

It had been quite a long time since I had seen my Father, even though we lived quite close to each other. I was busy with work & raising my family. I decided one day to stop by to see him and I was in SHOCK . He had a one pound tumor on the back of his left hand. He worked for the transit authority for over 20 years & he always drove with his left hand out the bus window. By doing that he developed squamous cell cancer. I KNEW I had to do something to save him. My Father was fearful of hospitals & would not go to a Doctor for this tumor, he thought if he did they would cut off his arm and truthfully, I thought the same thing. I finally got him into the hospital and the surgery was 2 and 1/2 hours. The surgeon expressed to me that this tumor was an anomaly. My Father was in the hospital for 7 weeks as he developed sepsis from this tumor & had to have IV antibiotics everyday. When he was released from the hospital I had to sterile dress his hand each day for 9 weeks. He went back to the surgeon & you could not even tell he had surgery on that hand. I do believe in my HEART of HEARTS that he would have passed from this cancer. The Doctor told me my Father was so close to death, this tumor was taking everything away from him, all his nutrients and etc. The Doctor got the entire tumor & Dad was cancer free after the surgery & lived a full life. If you suspect a sore anywhere on your body get it checked out by a Doctor.

Donna Erlandson
Clearwater, FL

My Fight against Breat Cancer

I found a lump in my breast on 3rd October, i then went to my Doctor on 4th October who reffered me to the hospital, my appointment came through for the following wednesday, i was really nervous, the consultant checked me out and then proceeded to draw on my right breast, i thought this is not good, i then had a mamogram but as i turned i saw the image on the screen, i then had to have a scan and was told that they need to give me a local anesthectic, then i started to cry, i was told not to worry it can be treated, i then had to see the consultant again, who had to prepare me for the worst, i had the rare form of breast cancer that grows behind the nipple, but he needed my results before we could proceed, i had to return the following Monday. Monday arrvied and off we went to the hospital, yes the news was not good, i had got Breast Cancer, my whole world fell to peices ,i was booked in for the 26 October to have a masectomy and all the nodes taken out i had my results they got the cancer out but, i am now waiting for my chemo to start that will be 1 session every 3 weeks for 4 months then i have to have radio therapy 5 time a week for 3 weeks, i will loose all my hair but looking on the bright side i can still see my beautiful daughter grow up, and that is what im thankful for.

west midlands, United Kingdom

I Have Cancer, Now What? By Katherine Alexander

I have Pagets Breast cancer. There is no lump. It did not show up on my mammogram or on an ultrasound. It started out on one nipple as dry skin. Later there would be what looked like cuts that would bleed. It is a rare form of breast cancer. I am finding someone everyday that has never heard of it. I have a decision to make. I can have a lumpectomy with radiation or a mastecomy with breast reconstruction and no radiation. I am 56 and have no history of breast cancer in my family. I have to be honest here. I am scared, I am not ready to die, and want another chance to live life, and be here for my children. Cancer is amazing and powerful. It makes you really take a look at the life you knew, and question what will come next. I have always taken care of everyone elses needs and made sure everyone was happy. Now I am finding that cancer causes you to become self centered. In a way taking care of others needs before my own, I think is a form of denile. As long as you are looking after others you don't have to look at yourself. All that has changed. I am forced to look at myself, and hope that I make the right decision. I think all my life I have always thought that if you are a good person only good things will happen to you. I now know that is the thoughts of the child I once was. Once you are told you have cancer it takes away those childhood notions, but the child in me wants to believe as I always have. Please tell one person about Pagets and ask them to do the same. Thanks

Katherine Alexander
Las Vegas, NV

For you Mamma

I am a survivor in the sense my Mom had Breast Cancer!!!! She was a tough woman and fought the battle with bravory and courage and she tried to hide the pain from us. We gave her all our love and support, but in the end she fought the battle all by herself, just her and God!!!! She left us on the 9th July 2005 two months after our son was born.

So on Friday night we will be having a "Girls NIght In - Pamper Party" in her honour and I will be celebrating her Legacy that she left behind. We will be donating our money (that we would have spend out on the town) to Cancer Foundation in Australia. To me she was an Inspiration and I have a daughter and I see so much of my mom in her.

I miss her so much

This one is for you Mamma xxx

And to you all fighting this battle - I salute you. You are WOman!!!!

Chantel Wagenaar
Darwin, Australia