When I thought my life was over, I realized it had just began ..

Oh boy, Where do I begin? lol .. I'm a 40 yr old hispanic female whom in March of 2003 @ age 32, was diagnosed with right breast Stage III Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (5.5 cm mass in right breast, 7 cm axillary node). I endured 8 wks of high dose Chemmo (DOXORUBICIN Injection, Cyclophosphamide- brand name = Cytoxan & Neosar, DOCETAXEL- brand name = Taxotere) followed by a full right breast mastectomy, then lastly, 8 wks of External Beam Radiation. I opted for breast recontruction surgery- Tran-Flap Procedure and I'd have to say they did a mighty fine job lol. I am now 7 1/2 yrs & counting in remission! ..
In August of 2008, I was diagnosed with Stage IIB Glassy Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix (8 cm. mass). I endured 4 wks of External Beam Radiation combined with Chemmo (CISPLATIN), followed by 5 wks of of Internal Beam Radiation. I am now 2 yrs & 2 mths, and counting in Remission!
I absolutly know that keeping a positive attitude is diffinately the key factor in the healing process. I encourage all woman who have been dianosed to just keep your head up, be strong and stay positive! God is good and he has a plan for each and every one of us~ Keep the faith and leave it in his hands ...
If anyone would like to ask me any questions, I would be honored to answer them to the best of my ability. My email is tatt_gurl@yahoo.com.

Thanks and keep on Fighting The Good Fight !!

Rose Ebarra ~ Pink Warrior ...

San Antonio, TX