I consider myself a survivor even though I've only begun

I'm a 43 yr old mother of 2 and in June, after prodding from family and friends went for my first mammo. Thought nothing of it but the next day received the call that changed my life. They needed more views and an ultrasond so here I go. The mammo and ultrasound revealed a .8mm mass in my right breast and I now needed a needle biopsy. This came back quickly confirming that I had invasive ductal carcinoma. Many dr. appointments later, I underwent a lumpectomy in September, porta cath insertion and this past monday my first of 6 treatments of chemo with herceptin. When chemo is finished and I'm healthy enough I will be having a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction and eventually I will have my ovaries removed. My cancer is BRCA2 positive which is genetic and HER2 positive as well.
I'm scared every day but I'm not going to let this stop me! I will be returning to work soon and ironically, one of my jobs is in an oncologist office! I will be unable to return to my regular job as an EMT until chemo is done because of the port.
Keeping a positive attitude is key! Through all of this, I was knocked down every time I turned around from diagnosis to procedures but through the strength and love of my family, friends and loved ones, I was able to get back up and fight.

Netcong, NJ