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My Story

I'm 38yrs old a mother of two a 16yr old son and 3yr old daughter I am very pettite 5'2 110lbs with overall good health no family history of breast cancer I was diagnosed with breast cancer invasive ducal carcinoma grade 3 stage 2
I first discovered a lump in my right breast in December 2013 after seeing my PCP had mammogram and ultrasound then immediately biopsy had 3 in right breast and 2 in left a total of 5 biopsy done in one day results came back in 3 days on a Friday due to weekend had to wait until Monday was given results cancer in my right breast had genetic testing done came back negative had MRI done I made the decision to have a double mastectomy just had a bilateral simple mastectomy done with tissue expanders for breast reconstructive February 18 2013 had 11 lymph nodes removed in left breast and 18 removed in right breast I have lymphedema in my right arm pathology report showed cancer in my lymph nodes in right will have to start chemo will have a port inserted this is my story it's my pleasure to share it and I hopes it helps anyone who just started or going thru my same situation we got this and we will overcome
with the help of my father The Lord my God, a excellent group of doctors and support group of family, friends, church and others I am blessed and will remain positive

Arlington, TX

My Breast Cancer Story- A Message of Hope

My Breast Cancer Story- A Message of Hope

Hi, My name is Brande Wilkerson. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in Jan 2014 at 39 years of age. I have been married for 16 years and have 2 daughters.I work as a Creator Director, Artist, Designer & Photographer. So naturally I processed my emotions for this life changing ordeal through my photography, design & art.

Thank you for the chance to connect and share my story of hope & encouragement with others. We all need it in all mediums!

Brande Wilkerson
Austin, AR

I'm a Survivor...Glory to God

I'm a Survivor...Glory to God

January 15, 2013 is a day I will never forget, I received the news that my biopsy was positive for stage 2 Breast Cancer, Tears began to flow and all I can think of was "I'm to Young and I want children, and what about my Husband", Fear began to take over, but God is so good, my house began to fill up with family and friends who prayed and gave positive words of strength, My Mom and her Sister are survivors, so with them by my side, I began to fight, God has blessed me with a supportive family, friends , and church, I had great Doctor's from Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL. I had 8 section of Chemotherapy, and 33 Treatments of Radiation, To God be the Glory, I'm a Survivor, this journey was not easy but I Learned so much and my Faith was mad stronger, and my love for my Husband , family , friends,and church grow stronger, I give my testimonies every were I go. I FOUND MY OWN LUMP DURING A SELF BREAST EXAM, please ladies check u r self , do mamo, ultra sound, and MRI early detection Is the best. KEEP a positive attitude and have Faith, All things work for the Good , for those who believe, God will get u through and your journey can help others God Bless all my Fighters and Survivors , PAULA PEREZ.

Paula Perez
East Chicago, IN

I could not beleive it

I was recently diagnosed wit stage 1. Breast cancer. I am 30 years old mother of 1. I could not beleive my biopsy tested positive for invasive ductal carcinoma. I will be undergoing a mastectomy in two weeks at the recommendation of my oncologist. I hope to have a full recovery with no chemo or radiation. I hope my story encourages other young women to do self exams no matter your age as breast cancer comes to us at any time. Posting my story on this site will hopefully bring me support and maybe tips on what to expect after surgery. To all those going thru this like me fight fight fight ......god bless

Jessica Acosta
Belleville, NJ

My moms story

Few months back my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer. The immediate thought of even possibly losing her, brings me to my knees in tears and makes me surrender to God, and beg to make it all better. I pray each day for her treatment and progress to go as smooth as it can! As few months went by and I see how weak she's gotten from chemo, it breaks my heart seeing her suffering. I keep telling her I need her for many years to come, I keep reminding her that her three grand kids need their grandmother. Her last chemo coming up this Friday and then she will be taking her medication until she gets the surgery. I never thought much about my parents getting older, I seemed to take it for granted thinking they are eternal. This is a brutal reality check for myself. For those who are going through something similar, get well soon and for those who have lost a loved one due to cancer, may they rest in heaven and their family's have peace at heart. At difficult times like this I try my best to rely on our savior. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:33, 34 NIV)

Burbank, CA

Breast Cancer and Me

Breast Cancer and Me

Daughter, Sister, Marine, Mother, Nurse, Survivor.......times two. Embrace the journey and believe there is something else that we need to learn or give to someone else. Breast cancer defines beauty is such a different perspective, it brings out the beauty of your soul. Cherish the fight, and make it the most passionate one you can. Breathe, Hope and Believe.

Monique Pichette
Fall River, MA

Stage 3 Breast Cancer and Brain Cancer

Hi! My name is Chelsea! Im 29 years old. I would love to tell my story. I found a lump in my left breast when i was pregnant with my son. I went and had it checked but got scared. I waited until to long after. It was in January of 2013 when it began to hurt and i went to the hospital. All they did was look at my breast and knew it was cancer. They sent me to a different hospital and they ran all the test they needed and came in and told me it was stage 3. Never in my life did i think it would be me. They started me on chemo right away. I did chemo every week until march of 2013. And on April 30 i have my first surgery to remove my left breast and all the cancer cell. Whdn i woke the doctor said i only had 3 live cells and he got them all. Then on May 1 i had my second surgery to put a thing called a flap on. It was a hard road but i made it through. I recovered from it all. So u could say i was cancer free. I started my chemo again and did the radiation. Then found out Dec 24 2013 i had brain cancer. January 2 2014 had brain surgery to remove the cancer. Twice in one year is very scary. But im still fighting to stay strong. Still doing chemo and about to start radiation again. This is my story!

Chelsea Dine
catoosa, OK

The Knock

The Knock

I put my story in poetry...

"The Knock"

There came a knock upon my door that would not go away
When asked, "Who's there?" all I heard was, "cancer come and play!"
I threw myself against the door to lock it as tight as it could be
But cancer got in anyway and played inside of me

The time had come to wage a war that put me to the test
I knew right then that it was time to be my very best
The battle raged for twelve long months
cancer does not play fair
All I could do was fight as hard with chemo and no hair

I will admit that I was scared
I thought that I might die
cancer laughed and thought it won
But I was also pretty sly

I laughed and joked and fought each day
And cancer tried to hide
But I had love, my family and friends
Fighting by my side

I fought the cancer twelve long months
And got stronger every day
I now stand tall with all my hair
The cancer ran away

I am now an eight year survivor!!

Sue Gray
Bunker Hill, WV

No Regrets

No Regrets

I remember speaking with my husband about how i have been feeling and the best way for me to describe it is that I just felt death inside of me. I made a dr appointment and hoping that I could finally get a diagnoses so I wouldn't feel like I was crazy.
Before I went in I prayed that if there is something wrong please Lord let this dr find it. The appointment when on like all the others and had to go home and wait for results. The next day I got a call from the dr saying I needed to come in. My heart started to pound quickly and I hurried in.
The dr told me that he ran some genetic test and that it came back positive for BRCA1. He then went on and explained to me that it was already in dangerous mutation and I needed to think about doing something right away. They gave me a brochure and I went to several counseling sessions to learn my best option.
The only 2 options that applied to me we're wait until cancer made a home in my body hope they catch it in time and then do chemo and surgeries or just go ahead and do surgeries. To me if I waited I think it would be almost a smack in the Lords face. The Lord gave me an gift to get it all done with and not have to worry.
So the process began I first did the hysterectomy and after I was healed from that I went on and did the bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I never want to experience that kind of pain again. My heart goes to the ones that have to do chemo and then surgery. Two Important things I've learned on this journey is you know your body better than any dr don't doubt yourself and the second is God has a plan. I look back and I can see where he was with me and how he helped every step of the way.

Mary Bates
Perkins, OK

I had NO lump..

I had NO lump..

I'm a clutz, I always have been. But this time it saved my life. Last year when hearing about my husbands day I was fiddling with my mac laptop in my hands and turning on it's side and back again. Not really watching what I was doing, when it became too top heavy and smacked into my left breast. The pain I felt from the knock was out of this world and a lump formed straight away. I turned to google after a few days when the lump had not gone down. Don't google, is my lesson I learned. I waited about 2 weeks to go to the dr. I was told it can take months to heal and to come back in a few if the lump hadn't gone away. It didn't, it got big and more painful as the months went by. When I finally went to the dr as I couldn't take the pain anymore, I was sent away for tests. I NEVER thought breast cancer. I'm 33. It was a a knock to the breast. So when I finally got the results back and dr said it was aggressive stage 2 breast cancer. I thought he was making a horrible joke, but he was serious. He said the laptop must have just hit it on the sweet spot, I felt my vision dim and breathing became very hard for me. I needed to get out of there. I left my husband sitting in the drs office and went and called my mum who had only just lost my stepdad to lung cancer. With the help of my husband, kids, family and friends I started on the fight for my life. The cancer is not winning, I am. the chemo has been working and it had gone down fro 8cm by 5cm to almost nothing now. I will be having a double mastectomy after my treatments are finished. I am scared but I have an amazing support team behind me cheering me on.

Katie Morrison
Melbourne, Australia