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Being a Survivor and Finding my Rock

Being a Survivor and Finding my Rock

My story is a bittersweet one. I married the love of my life in August 2013 and a week later he found the lump, ultimately saving my life! Sam and I lived 62 miles apart for three years. I couldn't move there and he couldn't move with us. Things finally started shifting our way and we purchased a home and then had to sell two homes( mine and my mothers as the house has an apartment for her), we had a very busy summer BUT things were coming together.

All within the month of use getting married we received the diagnosis, sold two houses, packed three houses and moved three of them, I had my surgery and we finally moved into ONE home. We were together, and I am so grateful for the timing but talk about bittersweet right?

I began chemotherapy November 11, 2013 and completed chemotherapy today, February 24, 2014. Eight rounds over 17 weeks with one set back due to low blood counts. Chemo wasn't kind to me as I had 'uncommon' but known side effects. I weathered through with the support of my Rock, my wonderful husband, my daughters, my Mom and such wonderful caring friends and family.

I will begin radiation for 30 rounds in March and then 10 years of Tamoxifin.

I can tell you that this changed my life in a way I didn't expect. As a single Mom of two daughters for 7 years we struggled so much but I am a fighter and I always found a way to make ends meet. You can imagine the diagnosis timing made me feel angry at finally having what I always wanted in life with a partner and also a GREAT father figure for my daughters. I then realized that it came when it needed to once I had all the pieces in its place.

I now am making some life changes and focusing on paying it forward. I have been blessed my whole life being strong and hardworking and having that 'knack' to always make things work = aka FIGHTER aka = SURVIVOR

Lisa Pagan
Stoughton, MA

Don't skip that mammogram!

My yearly mammograms had been
October I received my yearly reminder and almost skipped it after listening to recent new medical advisories about how often to have mammograms done. Thank God my doctor didn't support those new recommendations and insisted I have it done. My mammogram resulted in call backs for more tests on both breasts..then ultrasounds on both...then biopsys on both. I had a double mastectomy December 13. The tumor was very small an not in my lymph nodes and was scored as stage 1. My Oncotype score was higher than the oncologist expected so I began chemo two weeks ago. It scares me to think what would have happened had I skipped my yearly mammogram. Don't put it off or listen to the new medical studies that recommend every other year, etc. I had to symptoms, felt no lumps, and had a normal mammogram the previous year. Tomorrow I go for my second chemo treatment. Two down, six more to go! Pami

Pami Lesley
Crawfordville, FL

7 years ago a mammogram changed my life!

7 years ago a mammogram changed my life!

This was my first mammogram I was 41!
I had it go back and they found a lump something I could not feel! I was in the early stages so keeping the savarity of my cancer from my kids was my plan. I have a 3. 6, 9 year old then kids. two girls and my baby is a developmentally delayed, boy with epilepsy. When we met the cancer Dr, , who I love, He mentioned chemotherapy. I could hide the surgery but the chemo I could not. Being a hairstylist since I was 18 and knowing I was going to loose my hair( I know vien) I lost it. I then had to tell my kids. I did loose all of my hair. My son took it well laughing when daddy shaved MY head.( role reversal). My middle daughter wanted me to get a Hannah Montannah wig(blonde I am so brunette). My oldest daughter took it the hardest. But because my out look was good, and I kept our life as normal as possible. We all did great. I have a rock as a husband. He was great through it all.even when I was the only woman I know who gained weight during chemo! He sat with me and played dominos, joked during every chemo session. He would say "Laurie that person gained weight this week too" lol . He helped me realize I had a great life worth fighting for! Honestly I think he was afraid to raise the kids alone. Going on year 6 cancer free! I cherished everyday! today try not to sweat the petty stuff! Live,love, laugh!!!!!!!! I love that saying!

Laurie Galvin
West bridgewater, MA

My Occult Breast Cancer

For the past 10 years I been having extreme pain on the left side of my breast. I just put it down to my hormones. My Dr sent a letter to the Hospital for a Check up. So grateful I went to this appointment as I wasn't going to bother as I have had this problem for many years. Well I had a biopsy of my lymph node & it came back positive for cancer cells, this was August 2012, I had surgery to remove 3, these also came back positive so I had surgery 4 weeks later to remove the rest. They all came back positive plus I had a few branch into my neck. 2 problems! The cancer was called, "Occult Breast Cancer" (very rare, it's a type of cancer you cannot see or feel). A Diagnoses made after surgery, core biopsies, several MRI's, pocked & jabbed all over. Test's upon test's. 3 hospitals were working on my case as it was hard to pin point the problem.

After recovering from the removal of all my Lymph Nodes, I had Chemotherapy for 6 months, I was one of the lucky ones to not become sick. 3 mths later, I was referred to the Plastic Surgeon as I was to have skin sparing mastectomy. TRAM FLAP surgery. 3 months later I had 5wks of radiotherapy to my neck. 6 months later I had a breast reduction, it was 3 cups sizes to big. I have been blessed as ive had no complications.

This September 2014, My husband booked a trip to USA, UK, Amsterdam, a trip of a life time. He is making my dreams come true, will be riding the biggest roller coaster when we hit Disney Land, & I am going to scream as loud & proud as I can. "I AM A SURVIVOR".

Never give up, keep pushing forward, keep fighting and think of all the positives in life, sure it can be hard but everyday is a new day, a new beginning. Smile, laugh because that is the best medicine for you. !

Adelaide, Australia

Another round, but optimistic--using poetry to share with others.

Another round, but optimistic--using poetry to share with others.

It isn't always easy to share what someone has to live through. This is my second round with chemotherapy, but I'm still pretty positive that this too shall pass. It might not be always easy, but if life was simple, I think we would all wonder what will come next. I love my life. I love learning to grow and becoming a better person through this trial. What I'm doing different is expressing how I feel through my love of the written word. Poetry is easy to convey what I'm feeling. Soon, another collection will be published. Though small, there are powerful words.

I love having a friend who'll in a few months will become my best friend. He's my joy, my warrior for me and with me, my hero, my audience when it feels lonely, my cheerleader, and this poem is dedicated to him. Thank you for being by my side during this.

His tender arms, so sweet, but strong as they hold a frail body, sick, but resistant to the poison burning underneath a mask that others see, yet comes off when threat ceases and tears come. Those arms, of a noble Gentry, remain true, honest, virtuous, wrapping around a kindred spirit while it regains heart.

Turlock, CA

Janelle's story

My yearly mammogram was scheduled in July of 2013...this time they offered me a 3-D mammogram at an additional cost of $75.00 over the normal mammogram...I said let's do it. Oh my gosh, this was the best decision I've ever made. This decision saved my life. The 3-D mammogram showed a 1 centimeter lump 3 inches behind my nipple on my right breast. An ultrasound confirmed.....Lobular Carcinoma, Stage 1. This cancer had already been growing for 18 months according to the surgeon. My immediate response was lets get rid of these things. I wanted to have a double mastectomy. After a discussion with my surgeon he felt that because the tumor was small that a lumpectomy was my best option. Surgery went well however the cancer had also invaded my 4th sentinal node. 9 nodes were removed and no other nodes were infected. Radiation therapy was also perscribed. 6 1/2 weeks of radiation 5 days a week took place. It went well, I had a slight burn, but am doing well. I've been left with some fatigue if I push myself too much. I made the decision that I was not going to let this cancer slow me down. Unfortunately I am frightened that the cancer will pop back up some place else in my body. I am trying to let go and let God. This terrible time in my life has made me realize just how short life can be. We need to live life to the fullest. Live, Laugh, Love. Don't let one day go by without telling your loved ones that you love them, they are the ones that will be there for you when you need them the most.

Gretna, NE

i have the victory

I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in April 2011 when I got the news it was heartbreaking but I begin to pray and I told Lord I wanted to live I had lost my house I lost my car I lost my job and my husband walked out but I was determined to live to fight and not give up today I'm healthy I'm strong I have the victory and everything I've lost I got it back most of all I've got peace I've got happiness and I have joy and I want to encourage someone not to give up is a blessing in the fight don't give up don't give in because you are victory..April 2014 I'll be a three year survivor and if I can do it I know you can too keep the faith and stay encourage because you are victory...

Gary, IN

Breast Cancer journey July 2013 to present

Breast Cancer journey July 2013 to present

My name is Amelia (Amy) Plunkett. I found my lump in my left breast on Tuesday July 23, 2013. I went through testing and found out it was cancer on August 8th. Stage 2, with 1 lymph node involved. I had a skin sparing mastectomy on September 9 and started the reconstruction process at the same time. My surgeon took 6 lymph nodes out, one had cancer. I had chemo starting in October which consisted of 4 REALLY aggressive treatments of Cytoxan & Adriamycin (the red devil) and the following day a booster shot of Neulasta. I had just about EVERY side effect on the list for Neulasta. I only made through 3 of these treatments as it made me VERY sick. These treatments were every 2 weeks. After I opted out of the 4th treatment I started 12 weeks of Taxol. This chemo was much easier to deal with. However, I still was fatigued and still am a little. I just finished my Taxol 2 days ago.

I have been going through the reconstruction process during this entire chemo process. Having saline fills to expand the breast and chest muscle. My last one was this past WED Feb 19th. I have been experiencing pain with this reconstruction process. I would like anyone that has gone through this to message me, if they would be so kind, and tell me their story about their reconstruction and how they dealt with it.

I start radiation mid March for 5.5 weeks Mon-Fri, so I should be finished up with all of my treatments towards the end of April!!! However, I cannot have my final reconstruction until 6-9 months after radiation. So I am truly looking forward to 2015!

My daughter told me that god only give his worst battles to his strongest soldiers and I believe she is absolutely right!!! I will beat this and move on!!!

Good luck to all out there fighting this fight! I hope one day they will find a cure so our younger generation does not have to go through this wicked battle!

Amelia (Amy) Plunkett
Berlin Heights, OH

Kristi's story

Kristi's story

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 32. After three surgeries and 6 months of chemo, I'm proud to say that I am cancer free!! I used the Cold Caps during my chemo treatments and they saved my hair! I'm the blonde in the middle :-) I could not have made it through this very difficult time without the help of my amazing support team! 💗

Sacramento, CA

My Hero

My Hero

I'm honored to announce that after being diagnosed with Stage 1, BRCA 2 Breast Cancer on September 24th & undergoing a mastectomy & 6 rounds of chemo.. my beautiful mother stands here today Cancer-Free! It hasn't been an easy journey but she fought like a girl & won! The journey isn't over but her life is just beginning. With that being said join me in celebrating her life! I love you mom ♥

Liz Flores
Ocala, FL