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My Mom - My Hero - My Fighter!

My Mom - My Hero - My Fighter!

This is a tattoo I got to honor my mom. The cross is for her faith, the pink ribbon for her strength and battle and mom so she will always be with me!

Her story:
She was diagnosed with Stage 1 Left Breast Cancer on September 5, 2013. She had a lumpectomy and her margins came back "dirty" so she braved a double mactomy with reconstruction on October 30, 2013. She is only 44 years old but fighting like a champ! Her faith in God, her Awesome doctors and nurses and the support of her family and friends is what keeps her going. She has had a few setbacks with infection BUT she is looking ahead for her last surgery to be completed in about 6 weeks. Taking one day at a time is her advice to all breast cancer fighters. Its a roller coaster but we CAN and WILL beat this disease. We are FIGHTERS and SURVIVORS!!!! Don't give up!!!!! Fight Girls Fight!!!!!!

Kayley Denton
Ten Mile, TN


my mother in law who is more like a mom to me she had breast cancer and had sureay and that was more then ten years an she is now 88 and she still gose out with her friends we have to keep asking her what she will be doing ever week we have to make a list so we know were she is we are about 20 years younger than her and she dose more than we do. love susan easton

sue easton
las vegas, NV


I was diagnosed with breast cancer nine years ago I kept it to myself until the night before I went in for a mastectomy.Colin & Glenn two of my sons were a pillar of strength my husband didn't seem to accept it,he tried to push me to have reconstruction I wasn't ready for it.We drifted apart,he has never taking me out since then,even although I had reconstruction three years ago when it felt right for me.I still share a house with my estranged husband .i lost my marriage on one hand and gained two sons who stepped up and have always been there for me taking me to my hospital check ups.I wished my husband had excepted me I was the same person.also I was an assistant manager with spectrum care my boss sent me a letter telling me I was fired as I hadn't the computer skills needed although I had been doing the job for a year she had to give me my job back and I told her to stuff it. that was on the day i went in to have my mastectomy that is someone who was in the care sector I did not want to work with her after that.I thank God for each day I have I'm lucky I've survived. To me it is important to do what is right for you and your body not your partners.

Evaline Heron
Dumfries, United Kingdom

Breast Caner Fighter

Breast Caner Fighter

I am 48 years old and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on October 22, 2013. I lost my mother to cancer when I was 15 and she was 42 years old when she passed away. You can imagine the devastation I felt when I heard I had cancer. It took me a while to soak it in. I had a wonderful family that supports and loves me. I have my husband, 26 year old daughter and 2 year old grandson. We decided to treat this cancer as aggressive as possible. I had the BRCA test done and tested positive.
I had my bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction December 11, 2013. I started chemo January 31, 2014. I have had five sessions so far and still need 7 more of taxol and will then get 4 sessions 2 weeks apart of another medicine and I will complete my chemo sessions. After chemo I will finish up my reconstruction.
It has been a journey but will be well worth it, I want to be around to enjoy my life along with my loving family!

Patricia Acosta
El Paso, TX

Fighting with hope and laughter.

Fighting with hope and laughter.

I found out over two years ago that I had stage 3 breast cancer. From the moment we got the news my family and friends, and internet friends have been their with their love, support, strength and prayers daily. Every time we have come to a difficult stage my family have all traveled from different places to come together and make the time less scary and depressing. When I first found out that the chemo was going to cause me to loose my hair - they had a "shave G-ma's head and girls weekend". We shaved my head and laughed all weekend just being silly, making family videos, trying on different wigs, and just sharing our time and love, so now have positive memories we've taken away from the experience. We do something like this when ever possible.

My oldest daughter has cheerfully taken so much on to be there for me on a daily basis even when it keeps her on the road and stressed. My other daughter and sisters have done so much to make me feel special and strong and I love them for that. They have truly spoiled me rotten! Our family has been connected with the Army for many years - "We're not just Army Strong - we're now Cancer Strong!" It's hard not to think positive when so many people around me are offering their strength and love to help hold me up so I can fight this cancer.

I pray that every cancer patient could be surrounded with such love and support! As I am waiting for my hair to grow back in for the second time after a change in the chemo, I am still fighting to win the fight and for this I thank God and my support system.

Linda Murray
Dallas, GA

My Story

My Story

My story begins on September 7, 2013 when I married the man of my dreams. I was living in a honeymooners high until October 1st when I found a lump in my right breast. On October 4th at the age of 35 I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer, and oh how my world changed. Within the next few weeks everything became so real, I met with my cancer team and the reality set in that I had stage two breast cancer, and a mastectomy was the only choice for me. The doctors determined that I had a very aggressive and fast spreading cancer and scheduled surgery for the 1st of November. Since November 1st I have been living my life as a woman with one breast, raw emotions, a sense of ugliness but the will to live. I have found a strength in me that I never knew I had and decided to embrace the new me. Breast cancer will forever be part of my life but I refuse to let it run it. So far I have had 6 of my 8 chemotherapy treatments, lost my hair, but I have not lost my courage, strength, faith and love for all things. As of today I am spiritually more healthy, I will tell anyone and everyone my story, and participate in as many studies as I can to help future women. Most importantly of all, I remind all women self breast exams are never too early or unimportant.

Kimberly McPherson
Siler City, NC



Like many women, I get a mammogram annually. In October, 2013 when I went for mine I expected it to come back normal. It didn't. I had to go back for a second, an ultrasound, and finally an ultrasonic biopsy. The results were positive for cancer. To say the least, this was something I never expected, and a total shock. Two weeks later I had a lumpectomy, and in February 2014 completed my radiation treatments. My surgeon told me it was very small, non-aggressive and if I had to get cancer this was the best kind. I'm not sure I totally agree with him on that one.

It is my belief that even though I have no history of breast cancer (or cancer for that matter) in my family, God chose me to bear this to encourage other women to have an annual checkup. I have come through this just fine, but my plea is for women everywhere - regardless of age - to have their mammograms annually. If I hadn't, or had waited, I may not be here to share this with you.

Cape Girardeau, MO

The Train Wreck

The Train Wreck

The expression "train wreck" is used more often in a derogatory manner. But on July 28, 1998 at age 46, I experienced what felt like a real train wreck. After waiting one month and being jerked around from pillar to post, Doc "calls" me to tell me I have the big C. After a mastectomy and chemo, I am still going strong after 16 years because evidently God is not finished with me yet. Keep fighting Girls and Guys!

Georgia Hampton
Flat Rock, AL

My Mother My HERO

My Mother My HERO

Never once did she complain she fought the fight and in all our eyes she won the race.

Six long years of fighting HER 2+ breast cancer we sadly said goodbye to the most amazing strong positive and inspirational woman in our lifes however since we where taken on this journey our mother has given and tought us so very much she has left the most wonderful gift behind that we never could have imagined..... her traits a different one in all her children meaning she will live on forever not only in out hearts but also in us!!!

Life is not forever Love is ❤️❤️❤️

Chanelle Fanning
Dublin, Ireland

About my story

My name is Ashlynn and I am 21 years old. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. She was automatically diagnosed with stage three because it was in her lymph nodes. She had multiple surgery and treatments. She had her lymph nodes removed. Her cancer came back a few weeks letter... & by that time we knew it was terminal. It spread to the bones, spine, and then the liver. At this point it was stage. She fouhgt through every appointment and treatment. She fought her battle for three years & fought it strong. Sadly on 01/07/2014 she lost her batle to breast cancer. I lost my best friend that day. She was so strong & you would never here her complain. Until her last day all she was concerned about was others. I miss her every second of everyday and I am finding it hard to move forward. I am just going to keep paying and hoping they find a cure, even if it was to late for my mom... Thank you for listening to my story.

grand junction, CO