The Knock

I put my story in poetry...

"The Knock"

There came a knock upon my door that would not go away
When asked, "Who's there?" all I heard was, "cancer come and play!"
I threw myself against the door to lock it as tight as it could be
But cancer got in anyway and played inside of me

The time had come to wage a war that put me to the test
I knew right then that it was time to be my very best
The battle raged for twelve long months
cancer does not play fair
All I could do was fight as hard with chemo and no hair

I will admit that I was scared
I thought that I might die
cancer laughed and thought it won
But I was also pretty sly

I laughed and joked and fought each day
And cancer tried to hide
But I had love, my family and friends
Fighting by my side

I fought the cancer twelve long months
And got stronger every day
I now stand tall with all my hair
The cancer ran away

I am now an eight year survivor!!

Sue Gray
Bunker Hill, WV