I'm a Survivor...Glory to God

January 15, 2013 is a day I will never forget, I received the news that my biopsy was positive for stage 2 Breast Cancer, Tears began to flow and all I can think of was "I'm to Young and I want children, and what about my Husband", Fear began to take over, but God is so good, my house began to fill up with family and friends who prayed and gave positive words of strength, My Mom and her Sister are survivors, so with them by my side, I began to fight, God has blessed me with a supportive family, friends , and church, I had great Doctor's from Northwestern Hospital in Chicago, IL. I had 8 section of Chemotherapy, and 33 Treatments of Radiation, To God be the Glory, I'm a Survivor, this journey was not easy but I Learned so much and my Faith was mad stronger, and my love for my Husband , family , friends,and church grow stronger, I give my testimonies every were I go. I FOUND MY OWN LUMP DURING A SELF BREAST EXAM, please ladies check u r self , do mamo, ultra sound, and MRI early detection Is the best. KEEP a positive attitude and have Faith, All things work for the Good , for those who believe, God will get u through and your journey can help others God Bless all my Fighters and Survivors , PAULA PEREZ.

Paula Perez
East Chicago, IN