Stage 3 Breast Cancer and Brain Cancer

Hi! My name is Chelsea! Im 29 years old. I would love to tell my story. I found a lump in my left breast when i was pregnant with my son. I went and had it checked but got scared. I waited until to long after. It was in January of 2013 when it began to hurt and i went to the hospital. All they did was look at my breast and knew it was cancer. They sent me to a different hospital and they ran all the test they needed and came in and told me it was stage 3. Never in my life did i think it would be me. They started me on chemo right away. I did chemo every week until march of 2013. And on April 30 i have my first surgery to remove my left breast and all the cancer cell. Whdn i woke the doctor said i only had 3 live cells and he got them all. Then on May 1 i had my second surgery to put a thing called a flap on. It was a hard road but i made it through. I recovered from it all. So u could say i was cancer free. I started my chemo again and did the radiation. Then found out Dec 24 2013 i had brain cancer. January 2 2014 had brain surgery to remove the cancer. Twice in one year is very scary. But im still fighting to stay strong. Still doing chemo and about to start radiation again. This is my story!

Chelsea Dine
catoosa, OK