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My Journey

My journey began in December 2013 I had moved a refrigerator for my daughter in law in moving the refrigerator it fell on me bruising both biceps severely about a week later I was eating supper and spilled something on me I realized I had a sore area on my left breast thinking it was from the refrigerator I made a doctors appointment anyway when I went to the doctor he sent me for a mammogram which they also did a sonogram on the same day they call me back to schedule for a biopsy after the biopsy we went on vacation we were gone 10 days upon returning I went for my follow up when I was diagnosed called every day to find out the results the but I had to wait until I got back when I got back I was diagnose with stage 3 breast cancer tripple negative on January 29th i had a lumpectomy I have had 2 sessions 12 weeks each of chemo and 34 treatments of radiations which i am half way through I am a fighter and believe in my heart I do have this beat

Violet Gibbs
Dade City, FL

lisas story

My story begins in dec 2009 I found a lump in my armpit , I had visited the doctors 6 times every time I was told it was a cyst and to come back in a month if it was still there.
The 6th time (6 months) I was referred to the hospital for a biopsy my results came back and the awful news was it was cancer and by the time I waited to be seen it had spread to my breast.
I had a radical mastectomy , chemo, radiotheropy then reconstruction I was cancer free for 5yrs this yr .
Two weeks ago I got the awful news it was back im not dwelling on it just yet as im awaiting an opp and im going to beat this again im also doing a charity night for stand up for cancer .

Lisa King
Manchester, United Kingdom

Still surerving BreastCancer.....

It was in 2003 when I was dianose with breastcancer... I didnt feel any lumps but I felt like a harding muscle that it wasnt right in my left breast..I told a friend she said that I should have it checked out so I did.. I hadnt had a mammogram and I was 47yrs old.. Went to Dr. and she schelduled a mammogram... with in that week .And got a letter in the mail saying it was abnormal mammogram...I was in a daze.. From there it snowed balled....Took a ultrasound and I knew something was wrong... I then searched breastcancer on the web and what to look for in your breast sure enough I had that indention under the breast so I knew I had breast cancer!!!! I went to a surgeon had two biopsy... I had stage 1 I had a lempectomy and had lympnode removal but they came back postive ..So no now I had to remove my left breast... So the day before surgery my left side of my neck was hurting so I told the Dr.. The day of surgery she comes out and says that ,that area was cancer tooo.. Instead of having stage one I had stage 3c with two types of cancer in my breast..Dr. told my family my survioral wasnt good!!!! But I was a fighter I was going to fight until the end!! Went through harsh chemo and 7wks of radiation!! Lost my HAIR I looked like uncle Lurch from the Adams family when taking all the steriods... But I survived it...I was 11 years cancer free but I got breast cancer again in 2014 inFeb.. Wow!! But now I have to fight even harder and I wont give up!!! I have mestastic Breast cancer stage 4.. I have gone thru radiation again for the tumor in my neck that was cancer and chemo again!!! But Dr. says theres no cure for what I have.. But you know I have been responding to my new treatment and my cancer markers are going down!!! I have bone cancer and lung cancer..FIGHTER VAL!!!

valerie ortega
visalia, CA

Never get complacent

Never get complacent

I was diagnosed in 2007 with Breast Cancer Stage 1 - Grade 8 and was told it was extremely close to the bone but my mastectomy and six months of chemo and three months of radiation gave me 7 years of clear blood tests. Late last year and early this year i began to have similar symptoms to the first time, always at the doctor and course after course of Antibiotics not working.

After our dream cruise to Hawaii to celebrate our 40th anniversary i went back to my doctor and told her the cancer was back - i knew it inside me but there was no way i was not going to Hawaii with my husband who had planned it with precision and absolutely spoilt me rotten.

My oncologist was in shock as i had seen him in February and the bloods were telling him nothing although i knew something was different, by April my eye was drooping i had pneumonia and a lump in my neck. Immediately he had me shipped off for a biopsy the same day and on instinct he did a bone scan, and two cat scans and heart scan.

The results showed i was now in Stage 4, with the cancer having moved into my lymphatic system, and just in the lung, the shock for me was that it was in the bone and very extensively, throughout the skeleton. That was not new and must have been there the whole seven years. Now we are mid chemotherapy and its rough, the hair fell out i look like an alien, i have been blessed to work from home and as you see in the picture sometimes the pain is bad and this is the only way i can work, this is my mobile office - my corner of the world for now.

I am fighting, with my team of warriors, led by my husband who is amazing, my children, my team at work, my boss, and my prayer warriors around the world. Together we will beat this - again God willing. Amen.

Odette Metcalfe
Lephalale, South Africa

I have more strength than what i knew i had!

I have more strength than what i knew i had!

I had always feared breast cancer since my maternal grandmother suffered through this, although she survived cancer and died from other unrelated illnesses. at 48, May 2014, I decided it was time to face my fears and go do my baseline mammo. As i waited in the waiting room the technician advised the Rad dr. wanted another pic of my right breast due to it was very dense and it seemed i had some microcalcifications. Second shot confirmed that indeed i needed a biopsy as the microcalcs were suspicious. there...i was already terrified and knew something was about to change my life. June 9, i had stereotactic biopsy, not good experience..turned out this came back with atypical cells but no definite answer. Sept. 5, 2014, Dr. did an excisional biopsy and the results were DCIS..ductal carcinoma in Situ, positive margins, positive for Estrogen and progesterone, not bad news but not greatest either. I just had an MRI yesterday Oct. 3, 2014, 3 days short of my 49th bday and will be sceduled for a lumpectomy before end of this month. Long story short,, we have more strength and courage than we think we have! Im not scared anymore, im just grateful to God that it was caught and i am being cared for. Ive been cared for at the Mount Sinai Breast Cancer center and the Dr. is an angel and everyone else from their team are very compassionate and super friendly. God puts angels to care for us! Bless every single women that like me are Survivors!!!

barby diaz
miami, FL

I had my biopsy on March 7, 2014 at 31 years old and on March 11, 2014 was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

I had my biopsy on March 7, 2014 at 31 years old and on March 11, 2014 was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer.

I had felt a lump a few weeks earlier but due to my age everyone said it was probably nothing. I had a mammogram and ultrasound, which at the end of the doctor said "do you have a surgeon you prefer?" I immediately knew then. My phone rang on the 11th at 7:30pm and my doctor asked if I would rather come in to Boston tomorrow or talk now on the phone. I shut the door to the room I was in and said now. I had breast cancer. She kept asking if someone else should pick up the other line for support, but I had to hear it alone. I hung up and walked halfway to my husband before breaking down. Calling my mom was the hardest thing I have done. Telling your mom she can't fix or take away something so horrible from her baby is heartbreaking.

The next day the three of us went in to meet the team and be told more details. It was Triple Negative, very aggressive, only treatment is chemotherapy. I started 12 weeks of Taxol within a few weeks followed by a double mastectomy and am in the middle of my dose dense 8 weeks of AC.

It can be extremely isolating at times, and what I want people to know is how much beauty, positivity and strength you find along the journey as well. If you know someone newly diagnosed you really can make all the difference in their healing process. My friends and family have been great, and that is something I hope for every woman in this battle. The support, encouragement, and acknowledgment from co-workers, neighbors, local store personnel and people I have not connected with in years has been incredibly inspiring. A random card in the mail, unexpected phone call, a meal prepared for you, or just a question on how you are doing truly makes that tough day seem maneagble or even positive. It is really hard to ask for help and I am so grateful for those people and all those moments I will never forget.

Meghan Morin
Andover, MA



As many women after a Mammogram I was always called back due to density in both breast. I was 54 in August of 2012 when I found a lump in my left breast. I made an appointment and was told it was again, just dense tissue. I had an ultra sound as well. December 2012 the lump became uncomfortable, it hurt. Told my husband I didn't want to go through Christmas like this so scheduled an appointment to have it drained, as I did once before. I seen a different doctor this time and I could tell something was wrong. She did a biopsy right there in the office. It seemed everyone was nervous. The next day received the phone call at 6:55 pm. Stage 2, negative 3 breast Cancer. 2 weeks before Christmas. In Jan, 2013 , Surgery, chemo and rads. I never cried. When I didn't feel good at home I didn't bitch, I just went and laid down. My husband (my rock) was there for me every minuet. Half way through my chemo the precious dog I loved and was helping me get better had to be put down, he had brain Cancer. WTH? So now Cancer is trying to take me .... and it succeeded with my dog. My last chemo treatment I get the news that my Father-in-law passed away. He was such a wonderful support to me as well. Well, here I am, 56 years old. Two years in remission. I have had a few more scares but all negative. I SURVIVED! So there stupid Cancer! Three weeks after my dog passed my husband bought me a puppy who is my little hairy son and he did help me get better! We are stronger than we know!

Gwendolyn Parasiliti

The worst words I ever heard!

I was showering one morning in nov. 2013 and felt a very large lump on the underside of my breast. Needless to say, I was terrified! I immediately saw my Dr. the next day, who sent me in for a diagnostic mammo and ultra sound. That led to a biopsy which led to the phone call I will never forget from my Dr.... You have breast cancer! I immediately made an appt. with the best surgeon I could have ever had. She gave me more bad news...not only did I have breast cancer was triple negative...which isnt good. I was stage 2..grade 3. I didnt tell my family immediately because it was so close to Thanksgiving..then my Granddaughters birthday and Christmas. I sure didnt want to dampen the most wonderful time of my little girls life, so I waited until the week after Christmas to tell them. Let me tell you, it was probably the hardest part of this whole ordeal! I started chemo in January hoping it would shrink the tumor small enuf to have surgery to remove it. Unfortunetly, the RED DEVIL and taxol did nothing to shrink it. Thank God my oncologist had the foresight to stop this regime and start a new one. I was given Carbo/ Gemzar which did show a small shrinkage, but my cancer was so aggresive, it became apparent it was time to take the tumor out. On June 23rd, I had a lumpectomy which came back with clean margins and no lymph nodes involved! Thank God! I had two more rounds of chemo and am now waiting to start radiation next week for 33 treatments. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I thank my Husband, son, daughter and brothers and sister and friends for their never ending support, but most of all I thank God for guiding my Drs in the right direction on my way to a cure.

Sheri Evans
Manteno, IL

Honor Them

Honor Them

I was 2 months past my 40th birthday. It was a fabulous 40 having just earned a first degree black belt and instructor certificate while starting on an education journey that I thought had long since past me by. My pillar of a son had just turned 13. In December 2009, during my yearly visit to the lady doc, I pointed out how my nipple was caved when I'd lay flat. The discussion quickly turned to family history. 1 great and 2 grandmothers from breast cancer and my mother from another cancer. I remember the words 'not exactly a family history technically', 'new recommendations', 'baseline at 50'. Then the miracle that saved my life, she put pen to paper to sign the order for my mammogram, though not without warning that the insurance company may not pay for it because of my age. Better do it now, I thought, as the company I worked for was canceling health benefits at the end of the year and they were talking layoffs. The diagnosis came New Years Eve. Within a week, I managed to be seen and set up with a plan of attack due to some kind hearts working to see me receive as much care as possible before the layoff and loss of insurance, both of which happened in February 2010. Stage II b. Modified radical mastectomy on the right and prophylactic mastectomy on the left. Chemo. My son learned how to cook and my couch became my best friend. I physically could not keep up with the martial arts and had to stop school. I lived on the charity of a group bikers and family. Key word being lived. After 4 long years, of adjunct chemo and 5 reconstructive surgeries, I haves lived. As soon as my hair started coming in, I went back to school. Slowly, but surely, I'm am regaining strength with a goal of testing for 2nd degree (one test away). You see, I'll never hear cancer free, but I lived. I look at other pink warriors and wonder why? I'll take this and honor them.

Christine Sayre
Belleville, MI

couldn't believe my luck

I found a lump in my right breast in December 2011 when to drs they sent me for mammogram and scan got told nothing wrong by Bedford hospital three weeks later asked for a second opinion went to Cambridge hospital git told I had breast cancer it was a shock my partner of 24 years didn't even give me a cuddle or say anything now I have it again and I'm dreading it because I no I won't get any help or support from my partner or family some days I wish I was dead and free from pain

Bedfordshire, AL