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This is what BLESSED looks like....

This is what BLESSED looks like....

My mind heard the news on March 10, 2014 but my spirit would not accept it. I was driving home in the car and heard the news, "You have breast cancer." I had waited a week for the results of the biopsy and although I was hoping there was nothing to worry about, somehow I already knew. Within the hour, I was at the hospital to meet with the best breast care coordinator in the state.

One Saturday while at work, I was in a dazed depressed state. I had not shared the news with anyone but my husband. I was waiting for surgery in a few days. I looked up and said to God, "I am so afraid, I need to see a survivor to know that I can win this fight." I turned my head towards the front door and immediately in walked a lady wearing a pink breast cancer shirt. I found the courage to ask her if she was a supporter or a survivor. Indeed she was a survivor. She was just passing through. She was from another country visiting a local arcade with her kids and just stopped by to get some change. She could have stopped anyplace else. But at that very moment, it was divine intervention that she walked in and saw me. She cried with me, hugged me, and gave me her information. On the day of my surgery, she came to the hospital and loved on me again. She is a strong angel and I am blessed that she is still in my life.

I had lumpectomy but because the margins were not clear had to have a second surgery. On April 9, 2014, I had a mastectomy and was thankful that no lymph nodes were involved. The cancer was CANCELED! My therapy included six rounds of chemotherapy and reconstructive surgery. Through the hair loss, fatigue, tears, and other health challenges, I persevered. Although not completely reconstructed yet, I can say when I look in the mirror, "This is what BLESSED looks like. I will continue to win this fight!"

Tenisha Jenkins
West Bloomfield, MI

It Wasn't supposed to Happen

It Wasn't supposed to Happen

39 years old, and I lost my mom just 30 days before my diagnosis. Fibroids, they said......its nothing to worry about, but did the mammogram anyway, which led to the ultrasound. The next thing I know, the Radiologist is telling me that they can't be sure, and the surgeon was waiting to do the biopsies. Atypical cells. I knew. As a chemotherapy Infusion nurse, I KNEW. Still struggling with the emotion of losing my mom, I now faced surgery and chemo. My son left for Marine Corps boot camp, and I left for the hospital. 8 surgeries, and chemo is now done, and I am 7 years cansur free. Neuropathy, pain, weak bones, weak joints, chronic nausea, and abdominal pain is now my life, thanks to those three little words, "you have cancer". People I thought were my friends quickly disappeared, but I faced it all, head on. My daughter was my strength, and still is. My son served his country, while wearing a pink bracelet, and anything else he could display in my honor. I still face more surgeries, and the hospital has become my second home, but I am grateful for the love that surrounds me, and the blessings that arrive often. Its a path I wouldn't want to wish on anyone, but I am most definitely a better person because of it.

Gail Lashley
Mount Vernon, OH

I'm in the middle of nowhere!

I'm in the middle of nowhere!

Summers in Alaska are always bright. The sun shines nearly 24 hours! It's always beautiful! That fateful morning...August 1, 2011. I did a CBE. I discovered a lump on the outer part of my left breast, I immediately called the village clinic. The HA referred me to the regional hospital a week out. After the mammogram and u/s were done, I KNEW what the results were. August 14 had me flying 460 miles SW to Anchorage, AK, leaving my young family behind. My husband stayed home until the 18th to care for my three youngest, with the help of my dad and brothers. I met with the surgeon on August 15, a brief meeting, she explained I would have a biopsy on 17th and results would be revealed on August 19; that day she told me I had breast cancer! My husband burst into tears, I looked at him and said "I'm still here!" Once I was diagnosed, I had appointments here, appointments there, all the while scared and nervous about EVERYTHING! I battled through bilateral mastectomies, 4 rounds of chemotherapy, 6 1/2 weeks of radiation, a hysterectomy, tooth extractions, hair loss, and loss of confidence in being "a woman" to my husband. All these treatments meant I traveled back and forth by air, leaving my kids at home with friends and family offering their loving, and heartwarming help. As I'm typing this, I'm flooded with the memories of my experiences. I remember a few conversations with a dear friend who helped see me through that difficult part of my life. During our regular steam bath, she encouraged me to talk the cancer in my body and laugh and make fun of it, so I did! I also swept my body from head to toe toward the stove and kindly asked the cancer to leave, that I am too strong for it. I am a three year survivor, and I plan on being around this place, my home, out in the middle of nowhere for many more years.

Charlotte Tikiun
Mountain Village, AK

Cancer sux!

Cancer sux!

“Cancer Sux! There is just no nicer way to say it.I thought I was prepared for this journey, I read everything I could, I talk to different people and it really didn’t seem like it was going to be that bad. I had no idea what I was really in for. There are days when I can hardly drag myself out of bed. The throwing up, the nausea, the body pain, and everything else that goes with it, its to much for one person to go through. It’s also not only physically, it’s emotionally. There are so many emotions that go into play with this. Some of the worst part of this too is trying to tell people about it, unless you have been in this position, it’s really hard for someone to understand what you are going through. It’s like I tell people, this is a hell I never knew existed. BUT, there is one person that has been with me through this whole thing, that knows exactly what I have gone through and continue to go through, and that is GOD. He has been with me every step of this journey and he will continue to be there with me. I have cried out to him so many times and each and every time he has heard my prayer.

There’s a saying that goes, “I’m a strong person, but every once and a while I would like someone to take my hand and tell me everything’s going to be alright.” I have an amazing family and friends that tell me that on a regular basis, but most of all, God reassures me that I will get through this!

Kristin West
Bismarck, ND

Two Time Survivor

Two Time Survivor

During those months of studying for the Bar Exam I wasn't feeling well. I went to the doctor. During that appointment the Doctor felt a lump on my breast and recommended a breast ultrasound. I went to multiple doctor's appointments and after I took the Bar Exam I underwent a breast biopsy. A few days later at 8:00 am in the morning my doctor told me I had Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Next to my mother on that office I cried because I couldn’t believe that at 29 years old I was facing cancer for the second time in my life.

On my first visit with the oncologist I found out: first that my cancer was really aggressive because from the time I had the ultrasound the mass measure 1 cm in size and by the doctors visit it measure 4.5 cm. The second thing that destroyed me was the fact that I'd to start chemotherapy right away; that chemotherapy causes infertility and that there was a possibility that I never could bear a child. Not every woman wants to be a mother but I do, so this news destroyed me. I cried for days. I still do. I don’t know if I’ll ever be a mother but I have faith that God will hear my prayers and concede me this wish. Now after 18 rounds of chemo and a bilateral mastectomy I'm cancer free. I want to thank my mother and father for never leaving my side. I want to thank my husband for taking care of me, for loving me unconditionally even when I looked like a corpse. I want to thank those real friends of mine that called me, gave me support, visited me, prayed for me, and with their actions never let me give up. Thank you my friends for helping fight this battle, I couldn’t have done it alone. Thank you family for having my back, for helping me fight, for supporting me and praying for me. You guys were my strength. I love you. For all of you fighters NEVER GIVE UP & FIGHT HARD

Dory De Jesus
Beltsville, MD

From Supporter to Survivor

From Supporter to Survivor

In 2011 I was inspired to do the Susan G. Komen 3-Day after watching my lifelong friend participate. I had friends affected by breast cancer and something inside of me screamed “YOU HAVE TO DO THIS WALK!!!!” I immediately signed up for the 2012 event, and it was such an amazing experience.

Just six months later, in May 2013, my life changed forever. I went in for a baseline mammogram, not because of any issues (I felt great), but because I turned 40. That mammogram saved my life! Several suspicious lumps were found in my left breast and after a biopsy I was told I had Stage 1B HER/2 +++ Breast Cancer. The lumps were so deep they could not be felt with a self exam. My cancer was growing at a rate of 25% and if I had waited a couple more months to have a mammogram my circumstances would not have been good. It is so scary to think I may not have been around for my amazing husband and three awesome kiddos. After all, they are my life.

Without a second thought I opted for a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Within a month of diagnosis I had a double mastectomy. Due to a 0.6 mm spec of cancer in my left sentinel node, I needed six rounds of chemotherapy and one year of Herceptin. My husband was by my side at every appointment and chemotherapy; he is my rock.

Cancer did not stop me from the 2013 3-Day walk. I was honored with raising the Remembrance Flag at the opening ceremony. It was the most emotional event in my life surrounded by those that I love most. I had just undergone my fifth chemo, and am proud to say I walked 30 of the 60 miles. When I no longer had strength to walk, my amazing teammates pushed me in a wheelchair so I could finish the event.

I have now finished chemotherapy, Herceptin treatments, and underwent reconstructive surgery last month. I'm currently gearing up for my third 3-Day walk and feel wonderful!

God is Good!

Cathy Coursey
Sunnyvale, TX

My Mom

I can write for days about how wonderful my mom is. But there is a limit on words. So I will keep it short and sweet. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990. My mom had a lumpectomy and underwent radiation treatments without missing a day of work. My mom was recently diagnosed again with an invasive ductal carcinoma of the same breast. My mom will undergo a bilateral mastectomy on October 14th and will need chemotherapy. My mom is my world. My mom is my rock. Please pray my mom is OK.

Mary Jude Ulmer
Carbondale, PA

keeping faith through everything

My story started in 2008. My son was 15 months old and after putting off my mammogram I decided I needed to go ahead and get one. I was the last patient in the waiting room that day after my mammogram and I thought that was strange. The radiologist called me into the office and showed me a spot on the mammogram. I went from that to a needle biopsy to a lumpectomy then chemo and radiation. I was placed on tamoxifen but in 2011 it came back. I had a double mastectomy on my son's 4th birthday. It was stage 4. I then had it come back in the skin on my left side and had to undergo a latissimus flap. I have been cancer free since 2012 however after being radiated 2 times over my heart and the heart damage that occurred from being on Herceptin I had a quadruple bypass in November 2013. I know God is in charge and is healing me every time something happens and I also have the best oncologist. You wake up everyday pray and leave it in God's hands. My husband has been my best cheerleader.

Laurie Harner
Lake Wales, FL


kathie easton is my mom that i love she is great she is
in her eightis and is a breast cancer survivor we have to keep a list
everyday so we know were she is going . because mom is always
going out with her teacher friends and church friends .mom is great
and loveing everyone who knows her loves my mom love sue easton

sue easton
Las Vegas, NV

Lucky Girl

Lucky Girl

No one ever expects to hear “you have cancer”. I never thought this pertained to me. For all intents and purposes, I didn’t think I fit into the category. No family history, healthy lifestyle, I nursed for YEARS. I did everything right and learned I was not exempt after all. Anyone who has heard the “C” word has a fight. Some battles are more trepidatious and a struggle than others. My fight was minor in comparison to what it could have been and I know it. I AM LUCKY! After almost 10 months after hearing those words, surgeries healing, daily treatments completed and medications for the next 5 -7 years, I am filled with nothing but gratitude knowing it wasn’t what it could have been. I will take it. THIS COMES FROM EARLY DETECTION. Don’t delay, if you are late – make an appointment and get checked. If you feel something is not right, speak, yell and shout until you are heard. And remember, the best defense is a good offense. You are worth it and no one is exempt, just some luckier than others.

Kathie Smith
Jamestown, NC