I have more strength than what i knew i had!

I had always feared breast cancer since my maternal grandmother suffered through this, although she survived cancer and died from other unrelated illnesses. at 48, May 2014, I decided it was time to face my fears and go do my baseline mammo. As i waited in the waiting room the technician advised the Rad dr. wanted another pic of my right breast due to it was very dense and it seemed i had some microcalcifications. Second shot confirmed that indeed i needed a biopsy as the microcalcs were suspicious. there...i was already terrified and knew something was about to change my life. June 9, i had stereotactic biopsy, not good experience..turned out this came back with atypical cells but no definite answer. Sept. 5, 2014, Dr. did an excisional biopsy and the results were DCIS..ductal carcinoma in Situ, positive margins, positive for Estrogen and progesterone, not bad news but not greatest either. I just had an MRI yesterday Oct. 3, 2014, 3 days short of my 49th bday and will be sceduled for a lumpectomy before end of this month. Long story short,, we have more strength and courage than we think we have! Im not scared anymore, im just grateful to God that it was caught and i am being cared for. Ive been cared for at the Mount Sinai Breast Cancer center and the Dr. is an angel and everyone else from their team are very compassionate and super friendly. God puts angels to care for us! Bless every single women that like me are Survivors!!!

barby diaz
miami, FL