The worst words I ever heard!

I was showering one morning in nov. 2013 and felt a very large lump on the underside of my breast. Needless to say, I was terrified! I immediately saw my Dr. the next day, who sent me in for a diagnostic mammo and ultra sound. That led to a biopsy which led to the phone call I will never forget from my Dr.... You have breast cancer! I immediately made an appt. with the best surgeon I could have ever had. She gave me more bad news...not only did I have breast cancer was triple negative...which isnt good. I was stage 2..grade 3. I didnt tell my family immediately because it was so close to Thanksgiving..then my Granddaughters birthday and Christmas. I sure didnt want to dampen the most wonderful time of my little girls life, so I waited until the week after Christmas to tell them. Let me tell you, it was probably the hardest part of this whole ordeal! I started chemo in January hoping it would shrink the tumor small enuf to have surgery to remove it. Unfortunetly, the RED DEVIL and taxol did nothing to shrink it. Thank God my oncologist had the foresight to stop this regime and start a new one. I was given Carbo/ Gemzar which did show a small shrinkage, but my cancer was so aggresive, it became apparent it was time to take the tumor out. On June 23rd, I had a lumpectomy which came back with clean margins and no lymph nodes involved! Thank God! I had two more rounds of chemo and am now waiting to start radiation next week for 33 treatments. I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I thank my Husband, son, daughter and brothers and sister and friends for their never ending support, but most of all I thank God for guiding my Drs in the right direction on my way to a cure.

Sheri Evans
Manteno, IL