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Stay Positive

I am a 44 yr old and my story starts with me taking a free mammogram test in November 2011. I felt nothing would be wrong because I did not know of any breast cancer in my family. I worked out at the gym regularly and I did not drink or smoke. The following year January 2012 I had to get a biopsy that eventually came back positive for Cancer in my right breast. With this news I didn’t want to waste any time, I had double mastectomy as recommended. Initially I was told I had a stage 1 but was later advised that my cancer was actually an advance one. I had 11 out of 15 nodes positive. I still don’t know if I am stage 3 or 4. In addition, I was HER2 positive and currently doing Herceptin Treatments along with zoladex and Tamoxifen. I am feeling great and have good support from my husband and friends. Being positive is the key and eat and drink a lot of green fresh foods.

Linda Carroll-Strachan
Freeport, Bahamas

52 years old with stage three male breast cancer

I am a 52 year old. In late October of this year I was awoken with pain near my arm pit. After feeling where the pain was I found a lump. I then went to my doctor he sent me for several test. And after blood work, a ultra sound, a mini biopsy, all came back inconclusive. Well he then did a full removal biopsy through surgery. He sent it out for a biopsy and finally I was giving the results. You see I got a tattoo about three weeks prior and the ink from the tattoo aggravated my now known tumor which caused me to have pain. Next was a mammogram, a ct scan, and a pet scan. Next I was told it was isolated to my nipple and my limp noid on my right side. Creating what is called stage three breast cancer. I have next had a I. V. Port installed. I have started chemo. I now have had a total change in my direction in life. As you see I am a manly man. With stage three breast cancer. Everything I read about breast cancer is directed towards women. I was being prepared for my surgery and the nurse asked me what kind of cancer I have I told her and she laughed. After a few minutes I discovered through her nursing career she had not been aware of male breast cancer. So I will be updating my story as I go. I would just like for people to know make breast cancer is real.

Bakersfield, CA

Living with not dying from Metastatic Disease

Living with not dying from Metastatic Disease

Jan.2011 my dog jumped on me. When I grabbed my breast I thought I felt a small lump.I went strait to my OBGYN. She sent me for a mammogram etc. Also made an appt. w/breast surgeon to review. She looked at my mam. and stated you have a little calcification ,but its "nothing". Well one yr. later that "nothing" turned into a 7cm mass w/two spots on my pectoral muscle. April 18, 2012. I went for another mammogram etc. the Radiologist. Told me I had cancer and needed to have a biopsy right away! Two days later it was confirmed I had invasive lobular Carcinoma . This is when also learned that stage IV BC. Is not Curable! A week or so later I had a PET scan that confirmed the worst. I had mets in my spin and pelvic bone.
20 months later I've had 6 rounds of Taxatere , had my ovaries removed due to a tumor popping up. Had a skin sparing mastectomy on my left breast. With reconstruction.
I am currently on furmara ,Herceptin ,and Zometa. I have put this in God's hands and Trust he will see me thru anything there is to come!!
Colleen Lee
Goochland Va.

Colleen Lee
Manakin Sabot, VA

Hope Faith Love

Being 29 and being told you have breast cancer may be like to some women the worst news you could get. But for me being a wife and mother of then 2.5 yrs old and 15 month old it was news to fight. My jouney and adventure started on Jan 24th 2011. Getting my shower I was washing my armpit and felf and hard lump. At first I thought it was nothing. Got done with my shower and asked my husband to feel it. We didnt seem concerned but said call your OB and have then check it out. Well that was a Sunday. By Wednesday I had gone through 3 doctors appointments, needle biopsy, mammogram and breast ultra sound. Then on our way to lunch I get the phone call that would forever change our life. Im sorry Mrs. West but you have invasive ductal carcinoma. My heart sank. But I knew right there at that moment that I wasnt going to let breast cancer get me down. Following that phone call I underwent a double mastectomy, 6 rounds of chemotherapy and breast reconstruction surgery. Today is Dec 19th 2013 and I can honestly say that I have found more good out of cancer than bad. I wear my pink ribbon tattoo with honor. Im part of a group that I never thought I wanted to be a apart of. But its an amazing group to be with. To those of you reading my jouney I tell you this if you get a phone call like I did take it knowing that it will be a jouney but make the best of it. Have faith hope and love and you will get through it. Make it your journey your story, wear that pink ribbon with pride.

Evansville, IN

A Blessing in disguise

A Blessing in disguise

In December of 2002, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I remember sitting with my mom and only hearing the words from the surgeon "I am sorry Patti but you have Breast Cancer." I took it all in and then later that night reality set in. All the questions of will I be alive to see my son graduate from high school and see him get married started running through my mind. I struggled to get through Christmas that year as I had to wait until December 26th to get all the other test results on whether it had metastasized to my bones or not. I am thankful I had a great support system.

All though my treatments were not easy and no one wants to go through cancer, the diagnosis has led me to a more fulfilling life. I have learned that I can do anything I put my mind. Since 2003, I have chaired a cancer support group and have been able to help so many wonderful people through their diagnosis. In 2008, I became a licensed massage therapist with a focus on working with cancer patients and in 2011, I published a book on cancer called "Hope An Inspiring A - Z Guide for Cancer Patients, Survivors and Caregivers." We never know how strong we really are until we have to go through a disease or illness. Breast Cancer has been a blessing in disguise because it has made my family and me realize what is most important in life: Family, Friends, love and faith. God Bless.

Patti A. McGee
Oneida, NY

This doesn't happen to young people!!

This doesn't happen to young people!!

2 months ago I notice a small and I mean small bead like lump In the left of my nipple, I went straight to the doctors where she said it was probably a milk duct as I had a baby 5months earlier. She referred me to a breast specialist as I had a huge family history of breast cancer also as I did not breastfeed.. I went to the specialist the following evening where he confirm a lump, he sent me down to have a ultra scan to confirm and a biopsy just to see what it was. He assured me it was most likely a milk duct and not to worry. I went back the following week and the news was I had a 14mm tumour which was cancerous I also had 35mm around it which was precancerous cells.. I was told I needed a double mastectomy asap.. Two weeks later I was taken in for my op. They were sure that it hadn't spread but in my op they found it had spread to the lymph noids. I had 19 lymphs removed in which it had spread to two of them, this meant 6 months of high dose chemotherapy as it was stage 2 grade 3 cancer which means it was aggressive and fast spreading... I start Chemo on the 27th December. I am 25 and never thought it could happen to me. I have my little boy, fiancée family and friends they give me so much positivity!!

Jodi Marks
London, United Kingdom



My story is a little different. Five years ago I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. On the one year anniversary I wanted to get a tattoo of a pink ribbon around my left wrist and was told that I couldn't because I'd lost lymph nodes on the left side so I got it on the right wrist. I wanted it BIG, BRIGHT and flashy so that people would see it and ask me about it and I could go into my speech about early detection and to encourage women to do regular breast exams and mammograms. I wanted it so badly because my Cancer was found accidentally when i was in the hospital with pneumonia and after a CAT scan they saw the lump under my arm. I feel that my two courses of chemo were so successful because it was found very early. After getting the tattoo from a friend of the family it was horrible. A tattoo shop was having a cover-up contest and the four artists each picked a picture of a tattoo that someone wanted a cover-up on with the story of why they got the tattoo. Then there was supposed to be a week of people liking the picture to cast their vote on who got the cover-up. I submitted mine and was named on the site as a finalist. Where the story gets interesting is that the other three contestants read my story and why I wanted the tattoo and they bowed out and gave the win to me. I went to Alcatraz Body Modifications and instead of them covering it up they decided they liked my story of why I got it so it was decided to just fix it and make it the way it looked in my visions when I was dreaming it up. Thanks to them and the three wonderful people who stepped aside I now have a tattoo that I don't try to hide and flash proudly while it does what I'd intended it to do and make people ask me questions about it.

Pamela Emery
New Castle, PA

Back to Living

Back to Living

I will start my saying it has been one heck of ride...Our mom was battling colon & bladder cancer when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember hearing the doctor and just staring at my daughter...we cried together and then I went to talk with my mom and sister. It was the hardest thing to do but I knew I had to be strong...the days that followed went by quickly, had my surgery and had port put in and started my treatments, many days I would sit and wonder if I would make it, I think it is natural to wonder but one morning during my chemo treatment another patient started talking to me about his wife and how she meant the world to him and how upset this whole thing made him mad and upset with God..I made up my mind that day on that chair that cancer was not going to take me from mykids and I promised myself to fight and be strong. Many days I don't know how I would make it home but I did and I am proud to say I am a survivor. Cancer free and living and loving life

Carmen Rivera Crespo
Hoboken, NJ

My Mother,strong hands,strong heart

I was only 6 years old when my Mother found out she had Breast cancer. 2 weeks later it was my first day of school and the day of my moms surgery. I did not see her for close to 2 weeks after the surgery. When she woke up I seen the fight in her eyes That never left until the day she passed. She was and still is the strongest person I have ever laid eyes on. To this day I am amazed at how strong she was. Every time the cancer came back she just got stronger. I am so proud of her. Its been close to 3 years now that she has been gone but I will never forget you mom. She passed at the age of 43 with 2 kids. One 17(brother) and one 15(me). Life got hard but we learned from the best and I pushed on. Not letting anything stop us. I think she would be proud of her 2 boys. Phillip is in the army and Christopher (me)working 3 jobs to build a better life. If people can take anything from this I would hope you can take to never give up. It gets hard but thats just a test. So pass your test! R.I.P Darlene 1/6/11.

berea, OH

fight like a butterfly sting lije a bee

fight like a butterfly sting lije a bee

In mid April 2009 I was diagnosis with stage 2 bilateral 2a breast cancer. I was 29 at the time it went through my head no not me but it was true.for 5 years 8 surgery and chemotherapy and radiation treatment today I beat it... I waited so long to hear those words that I actually went blank in the face I was so happy I am still fighting ovarian cancer but this is such a big step for myself and kids.they gave up so much for mommy I couldn't ask for more I fought a survived I was a victim to victory.. With lord Jesus and prayers and great people all is possible thank you for letting me share god be with all who are fighting. Survive. Or lost a love one amen

amanda brown
new port richey, FL