Living with not dying from Metastatic Disease

Jan.2011 my dog jumped on me. When I grabbed my breast I thought I felt a small lump.I went strait to my OBGYN. She sent me for a mammogram etc. Also made an appt. w/breast surgeon to review. She looked at my mam. and stated you have a little calcification ,but its "nothing". Well one yr. later that "nothing" turned into a 7cm mass w/two spots on my pectoral muscle. April 18, 2012. I went for another mammogram etc. the Radiologist. Told me I had cancer and needed to have a biopsy right away! Two days later it was confirmed I had invasive lobular Carcinoma . This is when also learned that stage IV BC. Is not Curable! A week or so later I had a PET scan that confirmed the worst. I had mets in my spin and pelvic bone.
20 months later I've had 6 rounds of Taxatere , had my ovaries removed due to a tumor popping up. Had a skin sparing mastectomy on my left breast. With reconstruction.
I am currently on furmara ,Herceptin ,and Zometa. I have put this in God's hands and Trust he will see me thru anything there is to come!!
Colleen Lee
Goochland Va.

Colleen Lee
Manakin Sabot, VA