Hope Faith Love

Being 29 and being told you have breast cancer may be like to some women the worst news you could get. But for me being a wife and mother of then 2.5 yrs old and 15 month old it was news to fight. My jouney and adventure started on Jan 24th 2011. Getting my shower I was washing my armpit and felf and hard lump. At first I thought it was nothing. Got done with my shower and asked my husband to feel it. We didnt seem concerned but said call your OB and have then check it out. Well that was a Sunday. By Wednesday I had gone through 3 doctors appointments, needle biopsy, mammogram and breast ultra sound. Then on our way to lunch I get the phone call that would forever change our life. Im sorry Mrs. West but you have invasive ductal carcinoma. My heart sank. But I knew right there at that moment that I wasnt going to let breast cancer get me down. Following that phone call I underwent a double mastectomy, 6 rounds of chemotherapy and breast reconstruction surgery. Today is Dec 19th 2013 and I can honestly say that I have found more good out of cancer than bad. I wear my pink ribbon tattoo with honor. Im part of a group that I never thought I wanted to be a apart of. But its an amazing group to be with. To those of you reading my jouney I tell you this if you get a phone call like I did take it knowing that it will be a jouney but make the best of it. Have faith hope and love and you will get through it. Make it your journey your story, wear that pink ribbon with pride.

Evansville, IN