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Only God

I was diagnosed with triple negative stage 2A on July 22nd of this year. I found it by doing a self exam (early detection is the key). I had 8 rounds of the hard stuff and now I am doing 12 rounds of Taxol. I had a sonogram last Thursday and all they found was the clip they inserted when the performed the biopsy. My oncologist doesn't want to say I am in remission just yet not until they do the lumpectomy, but I know I am healed I am just waiting for the doctors to catch My oncologist is surprised and thrilled she states this rarely happens. Now I still have 4 more rounds of chemo, surgery and radiation to go, but I believe It's Who holds my future in His Hands has healed me. I want to send out strength and encouragement to all survivors of this ugly disease notice I didn't say victims because we're not. God Bless.

Pamela Crittendon
Humble, TX

keep the Faith

Hello my name is christine Horton i kicked Breast cancer butt in2011 yes with God cancer didn't have a chance Doctors gave me 3Months God gave me life i never gave up with Hope, FAITH, LOVE, FAMILY, Prayer most of all my God so never give up you can do it.

christine horton
phenix, AL

Pregnant with cancer

Pregnant with cancer

Words can not describe all the emotions and thoughts that went through me. I was 28 and pregnant. I felt a lump on my breast but assumed it was related to my implants, so I decided that I woul wait to see my surgeon till the birth of my son. However , that lump kept getting larger as the weeks passed by. I brought it up to my OBGYN , and he sent me for an ultrasound . Thy of course found a large mass as well as a swollen lymph node. I had a biopsy done and it was then when I felt my life come crashing down . On July 16, 2013... I was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer, as well as a cancerous lymph node. I was scheduled to be induced the following day due to the diagnosis. Thankfully I was 36 wks prego. Kaleb Alyjah Lopez was born a healthy boy at only 5lbs 9oz. I am truly blessed to have been given the chance to fight the horrible battle and have my lil boy . Today, December 19, 2013, marks a special milestone for me. It was my last day of chemo. Due to my BRACA results coming out positive, I will need to undergo a bilateral mastectomy. I had no idea how many siblings I had with breast cancer. This was truly a life changing experience . My life will never be the same but I hope it will get better.

Cynthia Lopez
Gardena, CA

Approaching 1 year!!

My journey began with my annual mammogram in oct. 2012. From there more mammograms, MRI with contrast, sonogram , and biopsies. November 26,2012 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage I in two areas in my left breast. I had just turned 49 two weeks before. My areas were too far apart for a lumpectomy . Mastectomy was treatment of choice. Was encouraged to consider bilateral mastectomy because of family history, age ect. With awesome family , friends,doctors and strong faith in God I had a bilateral mastectomy 12/31/12. Reconstruction was began at the same time. I have been Blessed in so many ways. No chemo, no cancer in lymph nodes, do not carry the gene!! Tamoxifen for8-10 years and finished reconstruction 3/28/2013. It has been and continues a process. I am emotional as I approach my 1 year anniversary. We are much stronger than we know. God carries us through our challenges. My mammogram and general family dr saved my life. I am so very Blessed!!!

Angela Larson
Colony, KS

My Sister, My Friend

My story is not about myself, but about my sister Barbara. Barbara was a wife, mother, sister and daughter and a friend to all. Funny, serious, thoughtful, sincere but most of all an inspiration to anyone who met her or knew her.
She was my inspiration, as she faced her battle with such courage.
She fought her battle with not one ounce of self pity, never uttering the words "why me".

Growing up we fought like all sisters do, Barbara being the oldest and myself the youngest. As the years passed we grew together emotionally and spiritually. She was my best friend.

Barbara fought her battle with dignity. She loved her husband and five children through it all with courage unlike anything I have ever witnessed. She was on her journey.

Eighteen years have passed now. She left us here far too soon but I believe she has found that rainbow she was reaching for.

I love you my sister, my friend.....

Hopatcong, NJ

Story of my breast cancer

Back in July of this year went in for a normal mammogram. There was spot so I ultar sound then a biopsy it came back positive for cancer. I was scared out of my mind. My daughter Tabitha told me not to worry until we get all the information. Meet with surgeon and cancer Doctor and my mind was at ease. . Had a PEM study it showed a couple of tiny spot but you couldn't see them in an ultra sound. So the day of my surgery the Docter and I talked and so we decided the best thing was just to have the breast removed. After the reports came it was the best thing. So it was sent off for testing and the results came back I'm very lucky no chemo or radition. I thank God everyday. Have a best friend that went to every appointment. I made up my mind that I was going to hit this head on and I did

Linda Gray
Lake Station, IN

Listen to your gut feelings

Listen to your gut feelings

My mom had breast cancer at 38 and her sister had it 2x in her 30's so i had been getting mammograms since i was 28. I went to see my new GYN Dr in May 2012. I was 34. He recommended i do my mammogram. I agreed and did so. The Dr called the next day and said you need to do more images and an ultrasound. i went back in. The radiologist discussed he found a mass.. My heart sunk. They had are hard time finding it on ultrasound. so they sent me for a biopsy.

Once there the Dr there said no need for a biopsy. He said come back in 6 months and they will see if it changed.. I was upset i asked that Dr you can promise me it is not cancer there and in 6 months it won't be growing uncontrollably.. HE SAID YES IT'S NOT CANCER I AM SURE..

Well 3 weeks passed. I felt gut wrenching pain in my stomach. Something is not right. So i went back to my GYN Dr . He agreed with me and said it needs to be biopsied. I went to get the biopsy at that same place that swore it was not cancer. As the Dr did the biopsy the were talking down to me as like " you are worrying for nothing, this is no big deal".

The next day i came in person to get my results. She said " I am so sorry Nancy , we should have listened to you. It is cancer and it is bad. You need a radical double mastectomy now and aggressive chemo because it is the fastest most aggressive breast cancer there is."

I fell apart. I just knew it. I then was told if i would have waited 6 months i wouldn't be here. So please if you feel or find something follow your gut. Dr's can sometimes be wrong. I am thankful for being persistent and getting that biopsy. It saved my life!!

This is my story
Nancy Byrd from Indiana

Nancy Byrd
evansville, IN



Hi my name is Yauntina Johnson. I found out I had breast cancer February 9th 2012. The doctor ( Dr. Perry) walked out the room after he had finished telling me. That I was being diagnosed with breast cancer.The nurse came in the room frantic. She said, " are you ok, I just like to make sure my patients are ok when they hear some news like that". I told her I was ok. She gave me her number to call her if I had any questions. Her name was Chris. So I had been calling her. Talking to her about every thing that was going on.
Then my mom got I didn't go back to the doctor, so I could take care of her. She past away June 7th 2013... Now I'm really sad...
Now after that I go back to the doctor, and I call Chris back.Now they tell me that she doesn't work there and she never did. So I describe this lady to her she say no body works here like that. I was in shock. Now I know that was my angle that the lord had sent here for me. To let me know everything is going to be ok.So I made a appointment. Now in the meantime I'm waiting on the appointment , I meet this guy.
So I go to the doctor and he fussed me out. I mean really fussed me out like he was my dad ( Dr. Shabazz).But I liked that , he showed me he cared. So now im at stage four breast cancer. But im ok.. I am now going through radiation therapy. I have to go take chemo treatment again. I have a lot more to tell but I don't have much more space. Oh yea, you know that guy I meet. He went with me to every appointment. He's been there from day one. Now we're getting ready to get married (Stephen Scott) is his name. Now thats love right there. I love you baby. Now the lord turned my fround upside down.. Thanks....

Yauntina Johnson "Beany"
Portsmouth, VA

Support from Unusual Source

Wooooooeeee. "Do you know how fast you were going?" "No, officer", replied my husband. He then explained that we were on our home from the doctor's office where we had just learned that I had breast cancer. One look at our pale, shell-shocked faces and she told us to go on home. She then told us she had stopped over a hundred cars that day and we were the first to not get a ticket. She will never know how much we appreciated that small gesture!
My journey started on the night after Christman 2002. While getting ready for bed, I noticed a tiny lump that I did not recognize. I have a strong paternal history of cancer so have always been diligent about mammograms and self-exams so knew which lumps were normal and which were not. We were in the doctor's office the very next morning. After various tests the answer came back that it really was cancer. Since the kind I had spread to the other breast before the lymph nodes, a bilateral mastectomy was the treatment of choice. I opted for tummy-tuck reconstruction so after five hours of surgery, I woke up with new breasts. There was still more to come but all in all it was worth it. I guess God must have a use for me. My husband and family were there for me every step and prayers came in from all over the US.
Please, ladies, do your self-exams - they saved my life.

Joyce Reagan
Bedford, TX

Walking by faith

Walking by faith

On June 12th I went to the doctor for a lump I found in my breast, on June 13th I was having a Biopsy, on June 18th I was told I had breast cancer two months after turning 46 and on one of my BFF’s birthday. June 21st I was in the surgeon’s office discussing my options. Surgery was scheduled for July 3rd, but due to insurance issues it was rescheduled to July 17th. I had a lumpectomy and they found cancer cells in my lymph nodes as well but they were confident that all were removed. The cancer was fast moving and had grown in just that little time. I have the greatest team of doctors, nurses, surgeons anyone in the world could ask for. I started Chemo Aug 21st; I have two more left and then off to radiation for 6 weeks. I have been able to make this journey with the support of my faith, family, BFF’s and my motorcycle/social club. Walking on and in faith knowing that this too shall pass and fighting like a girl I will win this battle.

Kingwood, TX