Approaching 1 year!!

My journey began with my annual mammogram in oct. 2012. From there more mammograms, MRI with contrast, sonogram , and biopsies. November 26,2012 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma stage I in two areas in my left breast. I had just turned 49 two weeks before. My areas were too far apart for a lumpectomy . Mastectomy was treatment of choice. Was encouraged to consider bilateral mastectomy because of family history, age ect. With awesome family , friends,doctors and strong faith in God I had a bilateral mastectomy 12/31/12. Reconstruction was began at the same time. I have been Blessed in so many ways. No chemo, no cancer in lymph nodes, do not carry the gene!! Tamoxifen for8-10 years and finished reconstruction 3/28/2013. It has been and continues a process. I am emotional as I approach my 1 year anniversary. We are much stronger than we know. God carries us through our challenges. My mammogram and general family dr saved my life. I am so very Blessed!!!

Angela Larson
Colony, KS