My Sister, My Friend

My story is not about myself, but about my sister Barbara. Barbara was a wife, mother, sister and daughter and a friend to all. Funny, serious, thoughtful, sincere but most of all an inspiration to anyone who met her or knew her.
She was my inspiration, as she faced her battle with such courage.
She fought her battle with not one ounce of self pity, never uttering the words "why me".

Growing up we fought like all sisters do, Barbara being the oldest and myself the youngest. As the years passed we grew together emotionally and spiritually. She was my best friend.

Barbara fought her battle with dignity. She loved her husband and five children through it all with courage unlike anything I have ever witnessed. She was on her journey.

Eighteen years have passed now. She left us here far too soon but I believe she has found that rainbow she was reaching for.

I love you my sister, my friend.....

Hopatcong, NJ