Listen to your gut feelings

My mom had breast cancer at 38 and her sister had it 2x in her 30's so i had been getting mammograms since i was 28. I went to see my new GYN Dr in May 2012. I was 34. He recommended i do my mammogram. I agreed and did so. The Dr called the next day and said you need to do more images and an ultrasound. i went back in. The radiologist discussed he found a mass.. My heart sunk. They had are hard time finding it on ultrasound. so they sent me for a biopsy.

Once there the Dr there said no need for a biopsy. He said come back in 6 months and they will see if it changed.. I was upset i asked that Dr you can promise me it is not cancer there and in 6 months it won't be growing uncontrollably.. HE SAID YES IT'S NOT CANCER I AM SURE..

Well 3 weeks passed. I felt gut wrenching pain in my stomach. Something is not right. So i went back to my GYN Dr . He agreed with me and said it needs to be biopsied. I went to get the biopsy at that same place that swore it was not cancer. As the Dr did the biopsy the were talking down to me as like " you are worrying for nothing, this is no big deal".

The next day i came in person to get my results. She said " I am so sorry Nancy , we should have listened to you. It is cancer and it is bad. You need a radical double mastectomy now and aggressive chemo because it is the fastest most aggressive breast cancer there is."

I fell apart. I just knew it. I then was told if i would have waited 6 months i wouldn't be here. So please if you feel or find something follow your gut. Dr's can sometimes be wrong. I am thankful for being persistent and getting that biopsy. It saved my life!!

This is my story
Nancy Byrd from Indiana

Nancy Byrd
evansville, IN