My Story

My story begins on September 7, 2013 when I married the man of my dreams. I was living in a honeymooners high until October 1st when I found a lump in my right breast. On October 4th at the age of 35 I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer, and oh how my world changed. Within the next few weeks everything became so real, I met with my cancer team and the reality set in that I had stage two breast cancer, and a mastectomy was the only choice for me. The doctors determined that I had a very aggressive and fast spreading cancer and scheduled surgery for the 1st of November. Since November 1st I have been living my life as a woman with one breast, raw emotions, a sense of ugliness but the will to live. I have found a strength in me that I never knew I had and decided to embrace the new me. Breast cancer will forever be part of my life but I refuse to let it run it. So far I have had 6 of my 8 chemotherapy treatments, lost my hair, but I have not lost my courage, strength, faith and love for all things. As of today I am spiritually more healthy, I will tell anyone and everyone my story, and participate in as many studies as I can to help future women. Most importantly of all, I remind all women self breast exams are never too early or unimportant.

Kimberly McPherson
Siler City, NC