My Mom - My Hero - My Fighter!

This is a tattoo I got to honor my mom. The cross is for her faith, the pink ribbon for her strength and battle and mom so she will always be with me!

Her story:
She was diagnosed with Stage 1 Left Breast Cancer on September 5, 2013. She had a lumpectomy and her margins came back "dirty" so she braved a double mactomy with reconstruction on October 30, 2013. She is only 44 years old but fighting like a champ! Her faith in God, her Awesome doctors and nurses and the support of her family and friends is what keeps her going. She has had a few setbacks with infection BUT she is looking ahead for her last surgery to be completed in about 6 weeks. Taking one day at a time is her advice to all breast cancer fighters. Its a roller coaster but we CAN and WILL beat this disease. We are FIGHTERS and SURVIVORS!!!! Don't give up!!!!! Fight Girls Fight!!!!!!

Kayley Denton
Ten Mile, TN