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a story of two freinds

Im writing this about my cousin we where very close she died at 27 with breast cancer and that broke my heart it is a harbeal feeling to lose someone u love she had 3 beautiful children .

anita mckay
trenton, NJ

Fire Ants

Fire Ants

I had been to the doctor in April of 2013 and all was well. In September, I was cutting the grass and cut over a fire ant hill and ended up being bitten by four ants on my ankles. I developed a skin reaction on the right side of my body and what I thought was the fibroid cyst in my left breast. When the skin on my body resumed to normal and the "cyst" did not, I knew I had a problem. I called my imaging center and being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I could not get an appointment until the 29th. Upon viewing my mammogram, Denise turned around and announced to me that she was a Breast Cancer Survivor and I needed an ultrasound. It was done immediately, and Juanita informed me that she also was a survivor. Biopsy was done the next day, results were received Monday, November4. Tumor was 1 1/2cm, by the time I got to surgery it had grown to 3 1/2cm. Triple Negative Breast Cancer. My surgeon was phenomenal! She recommended lumpectomy, followed by chemo and radiation. She got clean margins on removal and by the Grace of God no lymph node involvement! I finished Chemo yesterday, 3/5 and will be moving on to radiation in a few weeks. Stay in tune with your body!

Stephanie Hopson
Atlanta, GA

Who Would've Thought?

Who Would've Thought?

No woman truly expects to hear the words "I'm sorry you have breast cancer." But I was truly shell-shocked when I was told those words on October 21, 2013, after having an absolutely normal mammogram May, 2013 and after always having normal mammograms. No family history, just found a lump in my left breast and thought it wasn't any big deal. Fast forward, I've had a lumpectomy, completed 4 cycles of chemotherapy and I am about to undergo 6 weeks of radiation and I am truly grateful. With the grace & love of God, my awesome family & friends, I am blessed & highly favored!! I truly appreciate and I am living my name "CHIDINMA" which means "God is good" in the Igbo dialect in Nigeria, W. Africa. I've beaten this, I am a champion & a conqueror and cancer has heard me ROOAARR!!

Chidinma Byron
East Hartford, CT

Last Chemo 3-4-14!!

Yesterday was my last Chemo! In September 2013 I was diagnosed with Stage 1a breast cancer...found during a routine mammogram. After my lumpectomy I was told the borders were clear along with the nodes. Thought I was home free! When the pathology report came back it was HER2 positive and I was told I would need Chemotherapy! Even still...none of this seems real! After being told I would lose all my hair the first step I took was to donate 12" of hair...if I was going to lose it, someone should have the gift! Anyone starting this journey....some advice I have... Rely on your support...remember not everyone will react the way you think and some will really surprise you...remember all mean well! Also, learn from your experience...remember what meant a lot to you when someone you care about is going through a difficult time!! LIVE, LOVE and ALWAYS remember to LAUGH! My Mom (who will be 80 in May taught me that-love you Mom)! Right I the middle of my Chemotherapy I married my best friend! Lucky me I got a husband and two more beautiful daughters ... Added to my one beautiful daughter and one handsome son! One daughter who is away at college could not be there yesterday (away at college) but was there in spirit! Stay strong for everyone around you...and they will be strong for you! God Bless!!

Hamilton, NJ

Amazing Mum

My amazing 80 Year old mum was diagnosed with Breast cancer 2 weeks before her eldest grand daughters wedding. She underwent a mastectomy and 4 days later was discharged from hospital and attended the wedding. She was so pleased to be there and nobody could believe how good she looked. 6 months later she had to have another op to remove another tumor and once again bounced back. 6 weeks of radio therapy and the only comment was " I think I am a bit tired" That was 3 years ago and she is my inspiration.

Adelaide, Australia

Spontaneous cancer

Spontaneous cancer

My name is Theresa I'm a 33 year old mom of 3 and have 4 step children . During a regular shower I felt a lump in my right breast . I called my gyn went to see him and was reassured it was prob nothing . Within 3 hours I had a ultrasound and mammo . I was told I needed a breast biopsy and a good breast surgeon . This was tues jan 14,2014 by jan 17 ,2014 I had a pos diagnosis of dcis . Ugh really what did this mean . So it begins MRI drs boobs flying out lumpectomy mastectomy chemo rads !!! I love the term simple mastectomy !! After weighing all the options i decided with a bilateral mast. That was performed on feb 25,2014 . My fabulous dr with her dark pink scrub hat with the word bitch all over it in black was my sanity !!! Family next to me and the "bitch" in control I was ready !!! After a few hours I was awake to find out it was gone the cancer was gone !!! No chemo no rads !!! I now knew I would fight through and let cancer know it's got nothing on me ! Brca neg but hormone receptive my dr is ok hopefully w no tomoxafin !!! Start from here out !!! Positive thoughts healing and knowledge with my family next to me I know I can get through whatever life throws at us !!! Cancer sucks there's no In between !! These sites have helped my understanding in knowing I'm not alone !! My journey is mine alone but I hope to one day be able to help others with theirs !!

Theresa f Laudati
Pine bush, NY

I am a survivor for GOD

I am a survivor for GOD

I want to thank GOD first for allowing me to live, to be able to share my story! I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer in 2006.

With the love and support of my family, I had a full mastectomy & reconstructed surgery on the same day! I went through healing process. And the next phase , was chemotherapy . Each treatment day my husband spent with me, this was a a little hard because the treatment made me lose my appetite ! But GOD carried me through!

Also my testimony during my chemo was, that I was a licensed therapeutic foster parent, with a infant baby to care for as well! I received the baby when he was two days old, also a blessing, he was born on my birthday . I continued therapy while caring for him! He became sick at three months old with A respiratory infection that caused him to be hospitalized !

I stayed at the hospital with him, would not leave his side, in spite of my treatments! After the chemo, I started radiation . This was everyday for I think 6 or 8 weeks straight ! Thank JESUS that I was there everyday, a friend watch my GOD child while I went to the treatments and a friend would take turns and go with me! Once I was done I could not thank my GOD enough for his mercies ! I have been free if cancer for , as of June 2014 it will be for 8 years! Glory HALLELUJAH !

Denise Jenkins
Baltimore, MD

The strongest survivor I know.......MOM

The strongest survivor I know.......MOM

A daughter grows up to aspire to be like her Mother...... I never truly grasped that entire concept until my beautiful Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. God had a plan for us we never expected. I was given military orders to be stationed 2 hours from my parents and 1 month later I was given the news that Mom had Breast Cancer. It was by far the worst day of my life. I never imagined the path we went on would change our lives forever. Mom never felt sorry for herself and never let us feel sorry for her. Through chemo and surgery and doctor visits she worked as a nurse to keep her insurance. As I struggled being a active duty single Mom she insisted she help watch the grand babies while I was tasked with military obligations. Competed chemo treatments and made sure she was at my brothers basic military graduation for the US Army. Completed surgery and more chemo days before attending a my wedding as well as my brothers wedding. She never gave up..... She never let cancer control her life. Jut when I thought my Mother could not be more amazing she came to my base to educated soldiers about self exams and mammograms and told her story and hasn't stopped supporting the cause. She still works 2 jobs and struggles with the aftermath of treatment.... But you would never know it. My mother amazes me very day with her strength an devotion as a loving wife, mother of 3 and Grandmother of 3. I wish I could give her all recognition she deserves. Words could never express her impact on my life as well as the lives of others. I wish more people in this world could be like Mom! I will always strive to be like her. She is a true Survivor!

Crystal Frazier
Snow Camp, NC

My amazing auntie

In February 2009 she was diagnosed with breast cancer which was devastating. She had the lump removed and then they found a couple more so the best option was to remove it, they said there was a risk of her getting it in the other breast so she had a double mastectomy. She went through that as well as chemo and radiology too and she was so strong through it all. Since then she has had other health problems to deal with too but she always stays positive and manages to smile even when she probably doesn't feel like it. She is an amazing and very brave lady. A true inspiration.

Tasha hamblin
Hastings, United Kingdom

Almost one year

As I get closer to my one year survivorship of breast cancer, I get a little emotional and anxious for that date to arrive and pass. I have to reflect on the past year to help me realize that I am beating this cancer. I relayed with a team at the Tri for the Cure in August 2013, ran in the Denver Race for the Cure September 29, 2013 and just completed the Romp to Stomp Breast Cancer snowshoe 5k event on March 1 in Frisco, Colorado.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer on September 18, 2012, I was devastated. Facing surgery, chemo and radiation, the only person I knew that had breast cancer was my paternal grandmother who passed away at the age of 54 when I was 9 years old. I was approaching the age of 54 and found strength to fight and survive with every treatment that my doctor prescribed. The surgery was the worst. My cancer surgeon and plastic surgeon teamed up and determined that the tumor was in the right place and I was the right candidate to do a bilateral reduction in the same surgery as the lumpectomy. I know I am very lucky but the recovery has been long and painful.
So now, I have a "right" size chest with my own breasts, still scarred but survived. My hair is slowly coming with curls and waves that has me styling my hair different than the long hair I sported for many years. And I have inspired 2 others facing the diagnosis and needed support to get through the treatments. I look forward to celebrating one year and many years to come!

Cindy VonFeldt
Arvada, CO