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Zarin (1937-2013)

Zarin (1937-2013)

Soon it'll be the day I lost my granny to cancer and there hasn't been a single day I haven't missed her. Everyday has been a struggle, a fight, a really tough fight but I know I'll win because she taught me to. Yes cancer did take her life but she did not lose the fight, she won, she won in ways more than one.
She began her fight against cancer in her late 50's and won her first battle. 10 years later cancer came back into our lives and we fought back with everything we had. In the process we saw many, many miracles. She won, cancer lost.
Despite the immense pain she was constantly in she always put the people around her first and thought of their happiness before her own. She did not once complain because she never wanted to see her loved ones worried or upset around her. And that's exactly what she got.The time we had together was always happy, always filled with lots of laugher, and always blissful. She won, cancer lost.
Cancer caused my granny, our family, and all those who loved her immense pain and definitely affected us negatively but we didn't let that last. Together we always overcame the negativity and let positivity surround us, because that was who she was and that was what she wanted. She won, cancer lost.
She was the most beautiful woman, she was beautiful for the way she thought, she was beautiful for her courage, she was beautiful for her ability to make other people happy even when she was in pain, she was beautiful for her ability to spread so much love, she was beautiful, deep down to her soul. This beauty lives on in the lives of the many she touched and will continue to live in the people they touch. She won, Cancer lost.
So here's not just to my granny but all those who lost their life to cancer. They continue to live on in all that they gave the world, they did not lose against cancer, they all won.

Ajax, Canada

Happy Ending

January 22/2013 had my annual mammagram.Had a call on Jan 29/2013 that I was to have a second mammagram,they found something & wanted to check it.On
February 4/2013 I was scheduled for a biopsy.So we got that all done & on Feb 25/2013 while in with my father for his check up,my doctor called me in to tell me that I had cancer.My doctor is also my father's doctor.So he said do you want me to tell your father with you.I said yes.That was the hardest day of my life.My mother has passed away 5 years earlier from cancer.So we survived that day & my doctor made an appointment with a surgeon & I had my surgery at the end of
March/2013.I survived the surgery & was waiting to here what kind of treatment I would be having.But during the wait I lost my father to cancer in june.3 days after my father died I started 16 treatments of radiarion.I finished my treatment on july 16/2013.I would have to wait 6 months for another mammagram to see if the radiarion did any good.So on January 21/2014 I had my mammagram.Now the wait begins.Then on January 28 while doing my laundry I get a call from my doctor.I
take a seat in case its bad news.The nurse says I have some"Good News" for you.Your mammagram came back negative.Your cancer free my friend.I started to cry.Tears of happiness.But I wish my parents could have been here to help me celebrate.So I celebrated with my sister & nephew & told all my loyal friends.I have
never had so many e-mails in my life then that day.I'm a cancer surviver & proud of it.Now I do volunteer work with our local cancer society.I thought I would share my story with the world.Thank you god & all the praying that my friends did for me.God bless one & all.

Carla Hood

My Strength Comes from the Lord!

Im stationed in Korea as a Soldier and four months ago I found a lump in my breast. After seeing a doctor and going thru the testing was informed it was cancer. I then was given biopsies to remove the tumor and to test the lymphnoid. By the grace of God my results were negative. Due to the cancer being present I am going thru the chemo process now. 3 sessions down 3 more to go. Strength and Inspiration comes from within. Being a Soldier has made it challenging but never the less Im a survivor and fighter. For all those going to the battle stay strong and stay inspired!

Shelethea Bailey
Platte City, MO

Beginning the fight!

The story starts with a routine annual mammogram on 2-14-14. The next Monday morning, I got the report, (because I work for the doctor that I see as my PCP) it read solid spiculated mass in right breast. As soon as the doctor came in the office I showed him the report and said get an ultrasound. That afternoon I went and got the ultrasound and a scinti mammo. Yes I had a 15-18mm solid mass. On 2-19-14 I had a needle biopsy. Then one week after the mammogram I was told I had ductal carcinoma in situ. I cried and cried. And then I looked to Heaven and said Lord, you brought this to me now get me through it. I made an appointment with a doctor in Houston, TX and was told good news: Stage 1, 95% cure rate, lumpectomy and then radiation. Thank you Lord Jesus. I have my surgery on 3-18-14 and I am on a mission to BEAT THE BEAST

Beverly Martin
Goliad, TX

My Amazing Sister!

My Amazing Sister!

This is my beautiful sister Lynn! She just finished a year of chemo treatments on March 5! Through strength, determination, courage, and faith in God, she has finished the journey and according to her doctor, can now say "I am cancer free!" Her entire family is so proud of her! Congratulations Lynn! We love you!

Oshkosh, WI

Valerie's Victory

I was diagnosed with stage IV breast, liver and bone cancer back in June 2013. I had a walnut sized lump in my breast, 5 tumors in my liver, 1 was 6 cm, a tumor on my spine, cancer on my right pelvic bone and cancer in my adrenal gland! I just completed my 32nd chemotherapy treatment and the cancer is gone in my breast, adrenal gland and spine. I have 1 tumor in my liver that is down to 2 cm, the cancer in my pelvic bone and possibly a spot on my spine. I had an ovarianectomy in October, kyphoplasty surgery in October and another kyphoplasty scheduled this month to repair the damage in my spine, caused from the cancer. My oncologist wants me to continue chemotherapy for at least another month or two to try and shrink the remaining tumor in my liver and bones! I've been married almost 22 years and have a precious almost 2 year old daughter. I've had so much love and support from my husband, daughter, parents, Grammy, siblings, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, friends and my sweet animals. I'm a fighter and will do everything possible to survive!

garden city, KS

My last chemotherapy

My last chemotherapy

This is my mom.. last year in october she found out she had breast cancer.. she has done 18 weeks of a sturggled journey of chemotherapy.. on the 12th february 2014 her chemo finally came to an end and we had been told good news that the lump had shrunk.. yey!! Her next stage now is an operation and then 5 weeks of radiotherapy we are now all waiting for the end result when my mom can finally carry on her life being the happy lively person i know she is. After all this me and 4 other family members are now doing race for life.. not just to support my mom but to support all other women who have gone through the same journey.

sammie tarplee
truro, United Kingdom

Last chemo

Last chemo

Last chemo 02/28/14. Looking forward to carrying on with my life. A massive thank you to all my family and friends for all there support. Xx

Glasgow, United Kingdom

A True Survivor Pink Faith

A True Survivor Pink Faith

Life will throw Many Challenge's at us. We often wish to think that it will NEVER happen to us nor to those we Love. Unfortunately the reality is...It does happen, it happened to ME!!!

Imagine waking up one day and thinking it’s going to be like any other normal day. It was Sunday, Oct 13, 2013 the day after my 48th Birthday, and I decided to do a self breast exam in the shower. I noticed something that had not been there before, but I said nothing to no one thinking that it would be gone the next morning. Unfortunately on Monday morning it was still there and I knew at that point that I really needed to get it checked out. After a mountain of tests, I received the dreaded call on October 28, 2013 … “Lisa, we got a little bit of cancer going on in your right breast”. From that day on, my entire life changed! Being told you have breast cancer is enough to swallow, but imagine having two medical crisis to cope with. During my breast cancer testing, it was discovered that I had an enlarged heart. On Nov. 11, 2013 my enlarged heart turned out to be an Aortic Aneurysm! So now I am dealing with two major medical crisis’. From this point on the Aortic Aneurysm needed immediate attention and took priority over my breast cancer. Surgery was scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2013 to repair my aneurysm. Sadly enough, I wasn’t prepared to deal with the first medical crisis, let alone the second one.
There is no history of breast cancer in my family … Breast cancer does not discriminate. “With over 3 million women battling breast cancer today, everywhere you turn there is a mother, daughter, sister, or friend who has been affected by breast cancer.” It can happen to you.

Hugs~ LiSa :)

Lisa Kerkez
San Antonio, TX

Keeping my Faith

God is Good! I feel I am both a fighter and a supporter ! My grandma had breast cancer and won (for a time ) and Jan 18th,2014 I found a lump in my left breast .... Called my doctor ASAP and was in for the first mammogram and ultrasound in my life find I had a 5x3 cm lump. Of course we set up an appointment to have it biopsied Feb18th . I didn't make it... My darling parter insisted after seeing me in soooo much pain to go to the ER . Feb.16 I went in and they didn't let me go. Set me up for surgery the very next morning . It had grown to the size of a grapefruit !! Lucky for me it was not cancer but an very extreme and severe infection and almost killed me ! To this day my wound is open and is being packed daily . I have to go to the cancer center every week and continue to get better every day . I like to think although it wasn't cancer I fought that battle and won NEVER LOSING FAITH that GOD had a plan and I needed to put it in his hands .... So am I a fighter ... I think so !! Am I a supporter!!YES !! That word cancer eats at ur soul... Anyone who has, is, or had the scare of going through it ... Ur AMAZING !! YOU CAN DO IT ! YOU CAN BEAT IT . GOD BLESS U AND KEEP ON FIGHTING !! You GOT THIS ! ** Thank you Robert Eugene for standing by me and holding my hand through it all I love you !!! THANK YOU MOMMY ! Ur tender love and dedication to seeing that my booboo is packed proper each day (even though it breaks ur heart to have to do it for me) ur beyond the greatest mother a girl could ask for !! I love you more than words can say !

Amanda Whisnant
Hephzibah, GA