Happy Ending

January 22/2013 had my annual mammagram.Had a call on Jan 29/2013 that I was to have a second mammagram,they found something & wanted to check it.On
February 4/2013 I was scheduled for a biopsy.So we got that all done & on Feb 25/2013 while in with my father for his check up,my doctor called me in to tell me that I had cancer.My doctor is also my father's doctor.So he said do you want me to tell your father with you.I said yes.That was the hardest day of my life.My mother has passed away 5 years earlier from cancer.So we survived that day & my doctor made an appointment with a surgeon & I had my surgery at the end of
March/2013.I survived the surgery & was waiting to here what kind of treatment I would be having.But during the wait I lost my father to cancer in june.3 days after my father died I started 16 treatments of radiarion.I finished my treatment on july 16/2013.I would have to wait 6 months for another mammagram to see if the radiarion did any good.So on January 21/2014 I had my mammagram.Now the wait begins.Then on January 28 while doing my laundry I get a call from my doctor.I
take a seat in case its bad news.The nurse says I have some"Good News" for you.Your mammagram came back negative.Your cancer free my friend.I started to cry.Tears of happiness.But I wish my parents could have been here to help me celebrate.So I celebrated with my sister & nephew & told all my loyal friends.I have
never had so many e-mails in my life then that day.I'm a cancer surviver & proud of it.Now I do volunteer work with our local cancer society.I thought I would share my story with the world.Thank you god & all the praying that my friends did for me.God bless one & all.

Carla Hood