Zarin (1937-2013)

Soon it'll be the day I lost my granny to cancer and there hasn't been a single day I haven't missed her. Everyday has been a struggle, a fight, a really tough fight but I know I'll win because she taught me to. Yes cancer did take her life but she did not lose the fight, she won, she won in ways more than one.
She began her fight against cancer in her late 50's and won her first battle. 10 years later cancer came back into our lives and we fought back with everything we had. In the process we saw many, many miracles. She won, cancer lost.
Despite the immense pain she was constantly in she always put the people around her first and thought of their happiness before her own. She did not once complain because she never wanted to see her loved ones worried or upset around her. And that's exactly what she got.The time we had together was always happy, always filled with lots of laugher, and always blissful. She won, cancer lost.
Cancer caused my granny, our family, and all those who loved her immense pain and definitely affected us negatively but we didn't let that last. Together we always overcame the negativity and let positivity surround us, because that was who she was and that was what she wanted. She won, cancer lost.
She was the most beautiful woman, she was beautiful for the way she thought, she was beautiful for her courage, she was beautiful for her ability to make other people happy even when she was in pain, she was beautiful for her ability to spread so much love, she was beautiful, deep down to her soul. This beauty lives on in the lives of the many she touched and will continue to live in the people they touch. She won, Cancer lost.
So here's not just to my granny but all those who lost their life to cancer. They continue to live on in all that they gave the world, they did not lose against cancer, they all won.

Ajax, Canada