A True Survivor Pink Faith

Life will throw Many Challenge's at us. We often wish to think that it will NEVER happen to us nor to those we Love. Unfortunately the reality is...It does happen, it happened to ME!!!

Imagine waking up one day and thinking it’s going to be like any other normal day. It was Sunday, Oct 13, 2013 the day after my 48th Birthday, and I decided to do a self breast exam in the shower. I noticed something that had not been there before, but I said nothing to no one thinking that it would be gone the next morning. Unfortunately on Monday morning it was still there and I knew at that point that I really needed to get it checked out. After a mountain of tests, I received the dreaded call on October 28, 2013 … “Lisa, we got a little bit of cancer going on in your right breast”. From that day on, my entire life changed! Being told you have breast cancer is enough to swallow, but imagine having two medical crisis to cope with. During my breast cancer testing, it was discovered that I had an enlarged heart. On Nov. 11, 2013 my enlarged heart turned out to be an Aortic Aneurysm! So now I am dealing with two major medical crisis’. From this point on the Aortic Aneurysm needed immediate attention and took priority over my breast cancer. Surgery was scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2013 to repair my aneurysm. Sadly enough, I wasn’t prepared to deal with the first medical crisis, let alone the second one.
There is no history of breast cancer in my family … Breast cancer does not discriminate. “With over 3 million women battling breast cancer today, everywhere you turn there is a mother, daughter, sister, or friend who has been affected by breast cancer.” It can happen to you.

Hugs~ LiSa :)

Lisa Kerkez
San Antonio, TX