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The Grateful Survivor

The Grateful Survivor

My name is Rowena Ireland, I am 39 years old, single mother from the Big Island of Hawaii. On October 28, 2013 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Understand my shock as I have no family history and very active as I am a Zumba Instructor. I had 2 types of cancer, one in each breast. DCIS: Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (non-invasive cancer) on my left and a 7 mm. malignant tumor - Stage 1 Invasive cancer, on my right. Initially my mammogram found the cancer in my left side, but nothing on the right. Only when I was undecisive about the type of surgery I wanted is when I my Dr. referred me to do an MRI to see how big the actual cancer was, so I could make a better decison of what I wanted to do. Fortunately I didn't make a decison then because the MRI picked up the cancer on my right breast. God was fogging my decision for a reason. With that, I made the decision to have a double masectomy done.

My surgery was on 4.22.2014, and last thing I remember was getting my cocktail, then looking at my niece Desiree and seeing her worried smile. All I could do was give her a smile back saying I will be fine as they rolled me away. Next thing I woke up in my hospital room, feeling like I had the best sleep ever, I looked down and saw that I had new breasts. I was so stoked that my sentinel nodes came back negative and was a good candidate for direct implants. I skipped a whole stage and didn't have to go through the pains of the tissue expanders and one more surgery. I looked up and Thanked God for everything he has given me. No pain, no pain narcotics to take, just IBU's to relieve the pressure.

Weeks of recovery has past and I am feeling great. Just looking forward to being independent and back to my excercise regimen. Now acting as a Breast Cancer Advocate in Hawaii will be my Lifetime Job!

Hilo, HI



My sister Elizabeth Rosimo Carino is a nurse working in Saudi Arabia for 28 years now. Last April 1, 2014, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. It did not deter her. When my sister Elizabeth discovered she had breast cancer, she first made sure she didn't have any hatred in her heart left. She forgave the people that had hurt her as she started forgiving herself too. She wanted to make sure that nothing would interfere with her strong faith that God's healing power will come into her. She is enduring the pain with smiles and positive outlook in life. She wanted to make herself more useful and meaningful by performing her duties as a nurse in between her chemos and treatment. She is trying to ignore her pains and worries and quitting is not included in her vocabulary. She is trying to fight her battle with love and strong faith in God. May she serve as an inspiration to many who are suffering with the same disease. Never give up and divert your pains to something worthwhile.

Luzviminda M. Rosimo
Batangas City, Philippines

The Fighters Club

The Fighters Club

I was diagnosed on 3/31/2014, a day like any other and one that will forever change my life. I was in complete shock and disbelief how could I have cancer, it has to be wrong? I was about to get married in 4 months, how can I get through all of this? Well, I didn't have a choice, I had to chose my battles and prepare to fight cancer and win! My fiancé and I decided to elope and get married 4 days before my surgery. I don't know what I would do without him. He is truly a super hero! This is truly a test of for "better and worse" that's for sure!!

I've had my mastectomy and lumpectomy, diagnosed stage 2A. I've had a very rough start with chemo, causing blood levels to drop very low and blood clots. And as if it couldn't get worse, my employer of 8 years terminated my medical insurance when I went out on medical leave! UGH!!!!

All I can say is I'm so VERY grateful to all my loving family and friends who have been my army in helping me through this battle...


Cathy Renner-Bloch
Woodland Hills, CA

I fought like a girl & I WON

I fought like a girl & I WON

My journey started July 25, 2013, when my doctor called me during my Uncle's funeral. Nothing prepared me for those 3 words "You have cancer". So many thoughts running across my mind including DENIAL. My mammogram results were NEGATIVE and I found the lump 6 weeks later from a SELF CHECK. I chose to do chemo first where I lost my hair after 2 treatments, and the tumor had shrunk from a 1.8 to a .6. Just had my bilateral mastectomy April 1, 2014. There was no indication in my family of breast cancer, but I decided to do both as I didn't want to go through this again. I am healing now and waiting for reconstruction July 3. I just want to get back to whatever normalcy of life I can remember before this life changing event

I've been around SOME people that think, have what? It's EVERYWHERE. YES IT IS but to the person who was diagnosed, it's devastating news. It not only affects the family and friends but to others, it's also a reminder of loved ones they know who've had it..whether they survived or not.
FIGHT ON, Pink Warrior Sisters & Brothers! The physical scars will eventually fade away in time. But the mental and emotional scars will be there forever. I know it's a reminder of the battle I'm winning...or should I say I WON. My battle wounds will eventually disappear, but FOR NOW..It's a constant reminder that I, as well as others fight the good fight. Most will win and some will lose, but I plan on winning! Oh wait...I WIN! :-)

Joy C.
The Woodlands, TX

My Journey

A week or so before Thanksgiving 2013 I found a lump in my left breast. I called my primary doctor and told him what I found and requested that he schedule a mammogram. I had the mammogram and an ultrasound done. A couple of days before thanksgiving a biopsy was done that confirmed I had breast cancer. On December 31, 2013 I had a double mastectomy done. Simple on the right and radical on the left. When they did the surgery they discovered a second lump on the left side which did not show on the test that were done. I started radiation treatments in February 2014 and had to have 35 treatments. Toward the end of the treatment I developed an UTI along with a staph infection and a severe radiation burn. One thing that makes it more difficult to treat me is that I have a rare autoimmune disorder that affects my muscles and causes a skin rash. After three weeks off from treatment I was able to finish the radiation treatments. I had my first chemo treatment three weeks ago and spent last week in the hospital with another UTI, staph infection and e-coli. The joys of treatment when your immune system is already compromised. I know that I cannot give up this fight and that God and my family are with me every step of the way.

I have stage two breast cancer and elected to have both breast removed. I elected not to have reconstruction surgery. I had breast for 59 years. I can live the rest of my life without them. Going back to my hippie days. No bra, no makeup and no hair now. The hair will grow back eventually.

Thanks for reading my story. I will keep everyone updated on my progress.

Elizabeth Osborne
Brookwood, AL

When you're already at your lowest...FIGHT

When you're already at your lowest...FIGHT

In July 2010 my husband was diagnoised with Liver Cancer. The Doc said he had 1-2 Years with or without any treatment. I noticed I had a lump on my right Breast. I didn't say anything, my husband was my concern. I've gone to my yearly mammo appts and have no family history of Cancer. We're from the island of Oahu in Hawaii and went to Arizona to the Cancer Treatment Center August 23rd. By then the lump was the size of an egg and hurt when i touched it. I told him and he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "when we get home call your Doc and make an appt. I know you're worried about me but you have to take care of yourself too." The Doc said they could offer him Chemo, but its just to prolong, it wouln't be a cure. We went home disheartened. September 7th Harold Souza Jr passed. My Doc appt was Sept 10th, did a biopsy and ultrasound on the 18th. On the 23rd my Doc called me at 5:30pm, 5 days before the funeral. I have stage 2 Breast Cancer in my right Breast and right lymph nodes. I was scared, felt so alone and was in shock. I decided right then I'm not ready to die, I want to live, I want to see my daughter have children. My inlaws were there for me, my sister from Kauai would fly in and come to my Chemo appts and my neices would do anything for me too. It shrunk to a pea size and I had a lumpectomy and Radiation completed July 1st. I gained 50+ lbs, my skin changed, my hands and feet are dry, my joints hurt, my hair was to my hip, I lost it All. That is superficial, hair will grow back. What does matter is I have my Life and I am Cancer Free!! I do the Relay for Life and Susan Komen walks for a Cure. Early detection is everything and listen and have Faith in your Doc.

Wendy Souza
Waianae, HI

My mum, My best friend, My survivor, My fighter x

In April 2013 my mum found a lump in her breast an as women do she went and got it checked out she thought it was a cist as she suffers with them, but it come back it was triple negative breast cancer we were all heart broken, her first words was '' what am i going to do about my kids? '' we found out it was treatable she had a lump ectomy then chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in the November it had all finished an she got told the all clear:) but then in may 2014 she found another lump in the same breast she got it checked straight away, the mammogram an scan come back all clear and they was going to do a biopsy in 6 weeks time if it got any bigger but as were going on our holidays she asked for it there and then so she had it done, an unfortunately we got the bad news again it had come back, so they decided to take the breast away this time, her breast has been removed we find out what type of cancer it is when she gets her results on Wednesday and see what happens from there, my mum has been such a strong woman not just for herself but for her four children an family, shes been amazing! My mums not only my mum shes my best friend my fighter and my survivor. WE LOVE YOU MUM XXX

Demi Mcloughlin
liverpool, United Kingdom

God has Blessed us all

Hi everyone. I know when I heard the words you have Brest cancer I felt like someone just knocked me down. It was the worst day that I thought I would every have. Went through the surgery Right side Radical Mastectomy Lymph removals then chemo then another surgery for a new boob lol. Anyway 12 years its been and god has giving me another chance at life Just fought thought Lung cancer and it has been over a year. I feel very blessed and loved by all my family and friends that have been with me in thoughts and prays. Thank you all

Cottonwood, AZ

I Got This!

I Got This!

I have been a huge supporter of breast cancer awareness since 2007. I have had many friends and family that have battled this. My grandmother at the age of 78 is a year in remission. Little did I know that at age 35 I would begin my own personal battle.
January 2014 I went to get a refill on a medication I had been taking for over 7 months. Since we had new insurance they didn't cover that medication anymore. During the two weeks we fought them I was off the medication. I started to have back pain and my right breast started hurting. Found out on February 21, 2014 that I had stage 2, grade 3 invasive breast cancer. Surgery removed a 3cm spot. Then three more 4mm spots were found before the start of my 6 rounds of chemo. I have 2 rounds of chemo left and then we will have surgery on the 3 spots and then radiation treatments.
I believe I was unknowingly being prepared for this battle with all my years of support and involvement in the breast cancer community. It's been hard to become the supported when I've always been the supporter. I am truly blessed by all the kind words and support from my family and friends. Especially my son Jacob, who shaved his head with me when my hair started falling out.
I am halfway through my battle but everyday I remind myself that "I Got This!" and I will win!!

April English
Lincoln, NE

5K Race For The Cure

5K Race For The Cure

My fantastic team of 17 and I attended the Susan G. Komen Race For a Cure in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday May 31st.
Having Breast Cancer and being in the environment with thousands of other Breast Cancer battlers, survivors, supporters, and loved ones running/walking in honor of past loved ones will be day I'll never forget and will remember with such gratitude. Understanding that people may never know what you go through daily can be difficult. However, understanding you're never alone in this battle is a gift. I wouldn't be able to fight this battle with out all my supporters.

Dana Nowland
Prairie du Sac, WI