
My sister Elizabeth Rosimo Carino is a nurse working in Saudi Arabia for 28 years now. Last April 1, 2014, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer. It did not deter her. When my sister Elizabeth discovered she had breast cancer, she first made sure she didn't have any hatred in her heart left. She forgave the people that had hurt her as she started forgiving herself too. She wanted to make sure that nothing would interfere with her strong faith that God's healing power will come into her. She is enduring the pain with smiles and positive outlook in life. She wanted to make herself more useful and meaningful by performing her duties as a nurse in between her chemos and treatment. She is trying to ignore her pains and worries and quitting is not included in her vocabulary. She is trying to fight her battle with love and strong faith in God. May she serve as an inspiration to many who are suffering with the same disease. Never give up and divert your pains to something worthwhile.

Luzviminda M. Rosimo
Batangas City, Philippines