My mum, My best friend, My survivor, My fighter x

In April 2013 my mum found a lump in her breast an as women do she went and got it checked out she thought it was a cist as she suffers with them, but it come back it was triple negative breast cancer we were all heart broken, her first words was '' what am i going to do about my kids? '' we found out it was treatable she had a lump ectomy then chemotherapy and radiotherapy, in the November it had all finished an she got told the all clear:) but then in may 2014 she found another lump in the same breast she got it checked straight away, the mammogram an scan come back all clear and they was going to do a biopsy in 6 weeks time if it got any bigger but as were going on our holidays she asked for it there and then so she had it done, an unfortunately we got the bad news again it had come back, so they decided to take the breast away this time, her breast has been removed we find out what type of cancer it is when she gets her results on Wednesday and see what happens from there, my mum has been such a strong woman not just for herself but for her four children an family, shes been amazing! My mums not only my mum shes my best friend my fighter and my survivor. WE LOVE YOU MUM XXX

Demi Mcloughlin
liverpool, United Kingdom