I Got This!

I have been a huge supporter of breast cancer awareness since 2007. I have had many friends and family that have battled this. My grandmother at the age of 78 is a year in remission. Little did I know that at age 35 I would begin my own personal battle.
January 2014 I went to get a refill on a medication I had been taking for over 7 months. Since we had new insurance they didn't cover that medication anymore. During the two weeks we fought them I was off the medication. I started to have back pain and my right breast started hurting. Found out on February 21, 2014 that I had stage 2, grade 3 invasive breast cancer. Surgery removed a 3cm spot. Then three more 4mm spots were found before the start of my 6 rounds of chemo. I have 2 rounds of chemo left and then we will have surgery on the 3 spots and then radiation treatments.
I believe I was unknowingly being prepared for this battle with all my years of support and involvement in the breast cancer community. It's been hard to become the supported when I've always been the supporter. I am truly blessed by all the kind words and support from my family and friends. Especially my son Jacob, who shaved his head with me when my hair started falling out.
I am halfway through my battle but everyday I remind myself that "I Got This!" and I will win!!

April English
Lincoln, NE