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Self Breast Exam Saved ME

Self Breast Exam Saved ME

June 3, 2014 mammogram, I know this date it was my birthday. Letter comes "All good" July 29,2014 I find a lump on my left breast, while on vacation. Saw my primary care on August 4,2014, he said felt it was nothing but to be on the safe side sent me to see a surgeon, from there the dates become a blur. Saw a surgeon and PA both felt the lump was nothing but wanted an ultrasound "just to be on the safe side" My surgeon deicided to remove the too small to determine lump form my left breast with open biopsy removal on September 12,2014. On September 22, 2014 I hear the word "your area is cancerous" I heard nothing for five minutes after that. Everybody said they felt it was nothing, what happened to it was nothing?
I have struggled not with why me God, but what is my reason God? My reason, self breast exams saved me and a team of physicians that did not blow this off! Leaning on the side of caution, I was a stage I grade I with diagnosis. I still face complete mastectomy (my choice) and reconstruction, depending on results of lymph nodes chemo and radiation, but I know I am not in this alone. My friend outpouring has been phenominal. I could never have felt more blessed. My husband is so strong, comfortable in his man hood and rocking the pink for me, never leaving my side. My daughter (14) is refusing to acknowledge or talk about it, says she knows I will be fine. I worry all the time every little ache and pain is cancer everywhere! will I spend the rest of my life wondering when it will come back and where it will be?
I have joined a club no woman wants to be a part of, but so many members. Strong and fighting!

Kimberly Johnson
Beckley, WV

I almost lost my wife to cancer...Never knew herbs were this powerful.

My wife Lola has been diagnosed of cancer for years now and there has been to treatment apart from the normal chemo... I have spent so much on hospitals but nothing to show for it, Just 2weeks ago I met a man prophet Mica on web surfing on, He cure my wife's cancer in 7days. He sent us a herbal medicine that cure Lola my wife in just 7days. Her cancer was already on the 2nd stage. I know you scared to believe this, but my dear Its true. Contact him through website and see for yourself. This is amazing, my wife is cured at last...I never knew Herbs are this powerful.

30003, AL

Sister's False Positive Mammogram Saved My Life

Sister's False Positive Mammogram Saved My Life

Five years ago my sister had a mammogram that was suspect for about 48 hours. She was supposed to meet me at the hospital that morning to be there for my mothers surgery. She was too terrified to come. That evening, for the first time in my life, I did a self breast exam in the shower. There "it" was. Although I had had 5 benign cysts when I was 19 and was told they would recur, and although this lump hurt, and although there is no breast cancer history in my family, I knew that I knew. The mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy 3 days later confirmed it. My tumor was stage 2, on the larger size but had not spread to the lymph nodes. The following weeks were spent in a myriad of tests, chest CTs, bone scans, heart echo, and blood work to help determine the course of action. My cancer was very aggressive and required aggressive chemotherapy. I had 6 rounds of TAC, a lumpectomy and 35 rounds of radiation. My oncologist, radiologist, and surgeon all said the self exam saved my life. Had it not been found for several more months, the prognosis would have been completely different. The one thing no women EVER wants to hear is "Well, Mrs. Smith, if only we had known sooner". Although being diagnosed with cancer is insanely scary, you MUST find it early. Mammograms and ultrasounds are great but what saved my life was feeling it first. Go there. Be brave. Know what those girls feel like so you know when something is not right. It will save your life. I am now 4 years past my final treatment. When I met with my oncologist after all treatment was finished and was declared cancer-free, I asked her "now what?" Strangely it was scary to walk away from treatment. She said simply, "go live your great life". Cancer can be a gift. There is not a single day, good or bad, that I don't revel in the beauty of having another day of life.

Charlotte, NC

My Amazing Mother

In January 2006 at the age of 46, my hero, my mother, Debra Maymon was diagnosed with breast cancer in both breasts. She immediately had a double mastectomy in February. In the summer of 2007, she was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had a complete hysterectomy. We all thought she was in the clear until November 2010 when we found out the cancer had metastasized to the bone. She went through chemo and radiation but on November 30, 2012 we both received bad news. My mother's cancer spread to her brain and I was diagnosed with BRCA2. My older sister tested negative for the gene so I knew I would be positive. I had a double mastectomy in June 2013 and my mom was there for me the entirety time. My mother went through more chemo and spot radiation. This did not work. I quit my job in October 2013 to take care of her. On January 1, 2014, I took her to the ER. She did not make it out of the hospital. Her soul fought to her very last breath at 6:55 am on January 10, 2014. She lived for my nephew and my son, they kept her alive and continue to.

Lindsey Maymon
Charlestown, IN

Never thought it would be me

Never thought it would be me

April 2014, I found what to me was an enormous lump in my breast while washing in the shower. I was scared and freaked out to my husband right away. We called the doctor got in to see her right away, waited a week to get the mammogram and ultrasound. Radiologist didn't know so wanted to do a biopsy, they had an opening right away that same afternoon and the needle biopsy was done. Now I had to wait the long weekend to hear results, I had convinced myself it wasn't cancer because I'm too young. I was 38 years old with no family history. The radiologist called and told me over the phone, I almost dropped the phone. I went to a general surgeon and then a second for another opinion. I was very impressed by UW Carbone Cancer Center-Madison, they worked extremely fast and I had more appointments before I could fully comprehend what was happening. I've had 16 chemo treatments already and have another 9 more months of Herceptin. I think the hardest part emotionally so far was losing my hair. That was hard for my daughters too. I've got wigs, hats, and scarves, but I think my girls like my pink wig the best. My 11 year old daughter even borrowed the pink wig for 80's day at school!! I even wore the pink wig to the Packer game Oct. 2nd for Breast cancer awareness.
I have bilateral mastectomy w/expanders surgery scheduled at the end of the month. My surgeon told me a lumpectomy is really all I need, but I feel I just want them gone due to the ductal hyperplasia tissue found 4 years ago after having a breast reduction.
Cancer has turned our world upside down. But I know that God is faithful and he will work all things out for the good of those who love Him. My husband has been a wonderful blessing and our 2 young daughters are supportive too. God has blessed me in ways I've never thought about.

Tami H.
Lake Mills, WI

Each Day is a Celebration of Life!

Each Day is a Celebration of Life!

As I walked into the hospital room for my biopsy in May 2013, I knew the cancer had returned with a vengeance. I thought that breast cancer was something that I dealt with 10 years ago, and I was done. My mammograms and ultra sounds always came back with good results. I just knew that I had passed the 5 year window, and I was truly a "Survivor." Cancer has been a part of my family's life for 13 years, both my mother and father battled cancer. My mother forced, I mean "encouraged" my sister and I to get mammograms after she was diagnosed in 2002. Her love saved my life.

Well, August 2011, I moved across the world from Texas to the Middle East to begin a new adventure of travel and self growth. I met and married my soul mate in November 2012, we wanted to start our family and live happily ever after. Well, Mr. Cancer decided to test our love for better or worse. My scar tissue from my lumpectomy surgery site in 2013 started getting larger. My ob/gyn doctor recommended that I get a biopsy. Since that day my life has never been the same, the diagnoses of breast cancer for the second time around has been life changing. This time around, my doctors and I agreed to be as aggressive as my Stage 3 Her2+ tumor, my treatment plan was 6 rounds of chemotherapy, 17 rounds of Herceptin, and a bilateral mastectomy. My soul mate, my man, and my rock never left my side, he said, "We didn't need the breast anyway!" I am currently finished with my treatments, but I live a much healthier lifestyle. The old me focused on what I looked like on the outside, but the new me values what I put on the inside. I am so grateful to wake up each day and celebrate life.

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Family story

Family story

My story is one of 3 women. My mother was diagnosed with her 2nd bout of BC in Oct. 2013 and had her mastectomy surgery in Dec. 2014. Because of her having her 2nd bout I became more diligent about doing breast exams. I had my yearly mammogram and check ups in May 2013 and all was well. After mom was diagnosed and I was more diligent with checking I found an area that was sore to touch and seemed to feel different. I have dense breast so I am lumpy anyway. I made excuses like, I was drinking more caffeine, stress, also exercising so that spot was sore. I did the genetic testing and I am not BRCA1 or 2. In January 2014, I happened to raise my arms while doing a self exam and noticed a puckering, I knew at that moment I had BC. I went to the doctors in February and was diagnosed with ILC stage IIB 1/16 nodes positive. In March 2014, I went in for my bilateral mastectomy, 16 nodes removed, immediate reconstruction, plus elective tubes and ovaries removed. Then it was on to chemo, I was to undergo 6, but only tolerated 5. I was thankful for all of the support I had. Because my mom went through this 14 years ago with mastectomy and chemo and then again in December with just mastectomy (no nodal involvement) she was a pro and walked me step by step through it. As I was going through my treatment, my sister was diagnosed with malignant neuroendocrine tumors in her pancreas, which are linked to BC, which she had 12 years ago having had a partial mastectomy and 33 treatments of radiation. This cancer has effected my grandmother, 2 aunts (1 of whom passed because of it), my mother, my sister and now myself. I am so hoping they find a cure because I have 2 daughters and I am hoping they do not have to go through this nightmare.

York Haven, PA

things happen for a reason

things happen for a reason

I kept feeling a lump. Went to my doctor a couple days later they told me I have breast cancer I had a double mastectomy I was scared but knowing I had the best doctor in the world I was ok. Just finished my Chemo on September-26-2014 I am doing great now I will start Radiation October-27-2014 for 5- days a week for 5 week thank God for my childern Nicole-Michael all the help they gave me and family for being there . Will up date after Radiation WISH meluck

waterbury, CT

My Story of Hope

My Story of Hope

I was diagnosed with cancer for the first time about a year after having my oldest son who is now 28 years old. That cancer was in the cervix. Divorced 3 more children later, including a pair of beautiful twin daughters and another son cancer raised its ugly head about 20 years later , during a regular mammogram at age 40 years old in 2006 then came along breast cancer.
My former Pastor R.I.P a wonderful man of God and his wife and my one and only Sis accompanied me for surgery, he told them I have to pray over my child before the doctors do anything and he did. I bless the LORD for that great man of God I had a biopsy, a partial removal, many checkups and doctors opinion, and.decided NO MORE PARTIAL, I decided a mastectomy of the right breast as I had to see my children become the best they could be, I had to finish mothering them. Eleven lymph nodes were removed with no evidence of cancer spreading any further. When I we got home, thanks to my church sis Marquita who came to pick me up and helped my sister dress me there were stairs to climb which of course I could not, my oldest baby lifted me to my bed, I bless the Lord for my first born, a great man he is today and a greater husband he will make someones daughter when he chooses.
I bless the Lord for my health and strength, I bless Him for my hope and faith, for the word of God declares that FAITH as small as a mustard seed WILL move mountains. So I say to Cancer, that my FAITH makes me WHOLE! Everyone going through, to ALL that have survived, I SAY PRESS YOUR WAY THROUGH YOU CANNOT GIVE UP NOW YOU HAVE TO PRESS YOUR WAY THROUGH! No matter how bad you may feel, no matter how rough it may seem, find that mustard seed faith and hold on, this is a battle YOU CAN WIN!

Ella Morris
Manatee, FL

Young mother's are not supposed to get cancer!

Young mother's are not supposed to get cancer!

In 1993 I was 26 when I heard those ugly words "you have cancer" I was a young mother of a 2 year old and 5 year old. I remember I just wanted to talk to a long time survivor that was diagnosed when she was young. I had a lumpectomy, 6 months of chemo and radiation, lost all my hair, had days that I couldn't get up off the couch. I got through it then 6 years later at 32 I got a 2nd cancer, this time the other breast. Went through it all over again surgery, chemo and radiation. In 2004 at age 38 I took the BRCA test and tested positive and it was recommended that I have a hysterectomy and a double mastectomy. Along with my oncologist, I decided to have a hysterectomy but decided not to have a mastectomy. In 2008 I was 42 and received a 3rd diagnosis. I knew at this point I had to have the mastectomy. In May I turned 48 so now I am that woman that I wanted to talk to when I was first diagnosed.