Lucky Girl

No one ever expects to hear “you have cancer”. I never thought this pertained to me. For all intents and purposes, I didn’t think I fit into the category. No family history, healthy lifestyle, I nursed for YEARS. I did everything right and learned I was not exempt after all. Anyone who has heard the “C” word has a fight. Some battles are more trepidatious and a struggle than others. My fight was minor in comparison to what it could have been and I know it. I AM LUCKY! After almost 10 months after hearing those words, surgeries healing, daily treatments completed and medications for the next 5 -7 years, I am filled with nothing but gratitude knowing it wasn’t what it could have been. I will take it. THIS COMES FROM EARLY DETECTION. Don’t delay, if you are late – make an appointment and get checked. If you feel something is not right, speak, yell and shout until you are heard. And remember, the best defense is a good offense. You are worth it and no one is exempt, just some luckier than others.

Kathie Smith
Jamestown, NC