My Story of Hope

I was diagnosed with cancer for the first time about a year after having my oldest son who is now 28 years old. That cancer was in the cervix. Divorced 3 more children later, including a pair of beautiful twin daughters and another son cancer raised its ugly head about 20 years later , during a regular mammogram at age 40 years old in 2006 then came along breast cancer.
My former Pastor R.I.P a wonderful man of God and his wife and my one and only Sis accompanied me for surgery, he told them I have to pray over my child before the doctors do anything and he did. I bless the LORD for that great man of God I had a biopsy, a partial removal, many checkups and doctors opinion, and.decided NO MORE PARTIAL, I decided a mastectomy of the right breast as I had to see my children become the best they could be, I had to finish mothering them. Eleven lymph nodes were removed with no evidence of cancer spreading any further. When I we got home, thanks to my church sis Marquita who came to pick me up and helped my sister dress me there were stairs to climb which of course I could not, my oldest baby lifted me to my bed, I bless the Lord for my first born, a great man he is today and a greater husband he will make someones daughter when he chooses.
I bless the Lord for my health and strength, I bless Him for my hope and faith, for the word of God declares that FAITH as small as a mustard seed WILL move mountains. So I say to Cancer, that my FAITH makes me WHOLE! Everyone going through, to ALL that have survived, I SAY PRESS YOUR WAY THROUGH YOU CANNOT GIVE UP NOW YOU HAVE TO PRESS YOUR WAY THROUGH! No matter how bad you may feel, no matter how rough it may seem, find that mustard seed faith and hold on, this is a battle YOU CAN WIN!

Ella Morris
Manatee, FL