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Don't Put It Off

Don't Put It Off

I know you are supposed to have mammograms every year. I try but you know how it is, you think about it but don't make the appointment and then you forget about it. Well, I finally remembered to make that appointment. It had probablly been a year or two since my last one, I don't remember, but I scheduled mine the last part of August 2013. A few days later they called and said they saw a small shadow, thought it might just be a calcum deposit but needed another mammogram to check for sure. I went in and they told me they would look at it while I was still there but if they weren't absolutely positive I would have to have a biopsy done. They weren't positive so I scheduled the biopsy with the Breast Cancer Center. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know anyone who had gone through any of this. I had the biopsy one morning before work. A few days later the doctor called with the results, pre-cancer. I went in to talk to her, she explained everything and said she wanted to biopsy the other end of the duct. That came back as non invasive cancer. She said I also had LCIS cells, high risk cancer cells. That part went right over my head. I was dealing with the "C" word. Then she said the tests showed I could have something in the other breast. So I had an MRI of the breasts. Result: invasive cancer and LCIS cells on other breast. From the beginning I only wanted a lumpecotomy. After talking to oncologist and plactic surgeon and letting information sink in for a few weeks I finally decided on a bilaterial mastectomy. For me that was a very hard decision. After surgery results were in, lymphnodes were clear and even though another cancer was found behind one of the others, none were large and oncologist said I did not need chemotherapy. Early detection make a big difference. I will be 1 year cancer free October 22, 2014

Connie Butts
Greenwood, IN

My experience with breast cancer

In October of 2009 I was taking a shower at home and I did check for lumps maybe once a month. Well I found one, and I called my gyn, thinking it might have something to do hormones or something. She sent me to gat a mammogram. And then they ordered a ultra sound which led to a biopsy. It came back positive for cancer.
When I walked into the doctor's office and they told me the felt like I was given a death sentence. It was a non-aggressive one thank god, and everything happened so fast, surgery, radiation for 6 weeks (everyday), it felt like you were burning from the inside out. I did not have any family support or anybody to talk to about it. I mean yeah the doctor's can answer you with medical questions but just girl talk. I was 39 years old. And scared to death.
My husband at the time, never cared or even bothered with me. He soon after asked me for a divorce, another long story. It took me 2 years just to say the word cancer. But every 6 months a check-up(which I always get nervous around that time)and so far yes I am a 5 year survivor.
Which I now say with pride and all my inner strength. I did it! it feels good to say that.
I hope my story can help someone who thinks they are all alone going through this......because you have so much inner strength you didn't know you had or where it came from but it's there. And I believed in God to take my hand and help me and guide me and comfort me.
All my prayers and strength to everyone dealing with cancer.....

Plattsburgh, NY

I am still here

I praise God everyday for giving me my life. I am a 15 year Breast Cancer Survivor. Twice diagnosed and I owe my survival to God. Hearing the words "you have cancer" can and will change the course of your life. I was first diagnosed at the age of 35 and then at the age of 42. I was living my life to the fullest and enjoying my career as a Nurse. When cancer comes into your life you feel like you have been given a dead sentence, you are unsure if you will make it another day, you ask God "why me, why me? "what did I do to deserve this"? But the truth is you did nothing, this not your fault! Once you have gotten over the shock of hearing the words "cancer" you realize that you have got to fight this demon ! You don't want to die you want to live ! So you cry! You pray and you pray! Fighting the Fight against Breast Cancer is not always easy but with the support of Medicine, Family, and Friends we can do this! We as Breast Cancer Survivors cannot stop hoping, praying, and Fighting! We are Strong! We will win! This Battle is not just ours but it is the Lord's! I refuse to stop fighting! I'm still here! Thank you Lord! Im still here!

Rose Harley
Allen Junction, WV

My Mom and I survived

In Oct. 2008 I Went For My Routine Mammogram. Several Days Later I Got A Call To Come Back They wanted To Get Another Look At My Right Breast. They Showed Me A Small Tumur On The Upper Righ Breast. Panic Set In, But I Tried To Be Positive. So I Saw The Surgeon, Had A Biopsy. Came Back Positive For Stage 2 Hormone Positive Breast Cancer. I, WE Were Devastated. I Went Thru 2 Surgeries. First To Remove The Right Breast To Send To Pathology For Testing. Several Weeks Later The Surgeon Told Me They Found Two Lump Nodes That Tested Positive For Cancer Cells. 2ND Surgery To Remove Lymph Nodes Under My Right Arm And Implant A Port For Chemotherapy. Had 6 Rounds Of 2 Chemo Drugs, Then 6 Rounds Of Another Chemo Drug. It Was Horrible. But I Have The Best Husband. He And My Family Got Me Through This Trying Time. November 2009 My Mom Found Out She Has Aggressive Breast Cancer In Her Left Breast. It Was A Repeat Of What I Went Thru All Over Again. I Knew I Had Survived for My Mom To Help Her Go Thru Her Treatments For A Full Year. She Did Great.

Survived 5 Years And Counting.

Soso, MS

Gaye's story

My story started with a regular doctor's appointment, but my results were slow coming back.I. was told I would have to have a biopsy afterwards the doctor told me I would need to see a surgeon.At the time I had just remarried and was waiting to get my husbands insurance. That was November and we had to wait until Feburary for the insurance. Then on Valentines day 2006 my husband sent a beautiful bouqet of red rose's, less than a half an hour later my surgeon called and said she need'ed to see me immediatly, we knew, and we both cried it seams for hours. I had stage one breast cancer. My mammogram had caught it early, I could'nt even feel the lump. I had a lumpectomy, and six weeks of radiation ( which my husband drove me daily ) 8 years free and and a mammogram every year!

Gaye Kimble
Jackson, MI

I am not my breasts

I am not my breasts

In June 2014 I was forced to see the doctor by family, friends and colleagues because I was complaining about a lump in my right breast that was paining. I then went to hospital and they did 2 needle biopsies. The first test came back as it being fibroadenomas and the second sample they sent away. I left the hospital feeling optimistic and relieved. I believed that the second test would come back giving the same result.
Exactly 2 weeks later I was called back for a mammogram an ultrasound. The results were sent to the doctor on the same day. On the 20th June 2014 I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29. My lump was measured at 6cm. Upon hearing the news I did not know what my reaction was supposed to be. All I could manage to ask was “Are you serious?”
My doctor explained what would happen going forward. Immediately I saw the Oncologist and she explained that the lump has attached itself to my chest muscle and I will have to do chemotherapy before surgery. All I thought about was losing my hair and feeling sick because that is what I saw in the movies. I came home and reality still did not hit me until a week later.
I then made a decision that this is not the end for me but only the beginning of my journey to tell my story. A wise woman said something to me that stuck. She told me “You are not your breasts”. So my breast does not define who I am, my faith in God does. So I have complete faith that he will heal me.
I am still fighting breast cancer and I won’t give up. I thank my family, friends, colleagues and my amazing boyfriend for all the love and support.

Tania Hess
Cape Town, South Africa

My Experience with Breast Cancer

My Experience with Breast Cancer

I have always had my mammograms every year, I had last mammogram in June of 2013. Everything thing was fine. In a few months after the mammogram I noticed that my nipple on my left breast had started to invert. I was at my G.I. doctor getting my check-up, and I decided to explain to him about my inverted nipple. He suggested that I get an ultrasound. Nothing showed up on the ultrasound, so he suggested a M.R.I. It came back cancer in my left breast in November 2013. I then had to have an ultrasound led biopsy on December 31, 2013. Because it was so hard to detect, he was worried about it being in my right breast. So I had an ultrasound and an M.R.I on the right one. It came back with a small amount of cancer in that one also. We decided I should have a double mastectomy. Before the mastectomy, I had to go through numerous tests, Thank God, these all came back negative. It had not spread anywhere else. My mastectomy was on February 25, 2014. They took out 9 lymph nodes, only one had a very small amount of cancer in it. I had reconstructive surgery right after the mastectomy. When I came out of surgery it was such a peaceful feeling, that it was going to be alright. My church people and my pastor was there along with my family praying. In April I had my first chemo session, I was scheduled for 6 but only had to have 4. I had my last treatment on June. In July I got my permanent implants. I have said all of this to get to my testimony, when I found out I had cancer, I kept asking why. One day I was praying and it came to me that the lord was telling me, I will take care of you through all of this from the beginning until it is over. He is no respecter of persons, what he did for me he will do for others! Just have faith and believe.

Judy Porter
Castalia, OH

Dear Mom

7 long, devastating,exhilarating,empty,fulfilled,blurry,memorable years w/o you.I'll just come right out & say it,those random times I go from laughing to an absolute monumental meltdown;those nights I toss & turn & still recall so vividly the way you smelled;those damn episodes of Grey's Anatomy;those days I just have absolutely no idea which road is best for me & would give anything to hear your wisdom.Those moments aren't a sign of weakness; I know that now. Instead,those moments are a clear & direct reflection of the utterly amazing woman you were & just hard difficult it's going to be to ever,ever stop missing you.Guess which life change I would be the most excited to tell you?It would be graduating with my MBA that you were 'there' for.I will never forget how dad reacted,since I never see him get sentimental outside of when you and Missy passed away.He handed me a card & was so tickled & in a hurry for me to open it when my response was ‘dad,it’s just a flipping card, I’m sure it’s only money..relax’ but what I didn’t know is what I would find when I opened that card. I opened it& immediately started balling knowing exactly what that card was only to silently hear Marco Polo say “Your mother bought that for your freshman year at Ohio State..she had such high hopes for you & knew what potential & what a bright future you had ahead of you that she went out & bought a graduation card after we dropped you off at your dorm. Since she didn’t get the chance to see you graduate for undergrad I thought it was only proper that you have a piece of her here with you to celebrate one of your biggest accomplishments..” You have touched many lives mom & continue to do so.I love u,will always miss u,& will stay strong for as long as I am living for u.You showed me what true strength was.What fighting a battle looked like & even more so, what winning a battle looked like you continue to be my inspiration.

Lindsey Escaja
Columbus, OH

Who Needs Boobs Anyway

Who Needs Boobs Anyway

I found the lump in my left breast. I was doing my monthly self breast exam, and there it was. But I'd had lumps before. In fact, I'd had one removed in that same breast a few years ago. I had enough sense to call right away to make a doctor appointment so that my new lumpy friend could get checked out. My wonderful doctor decided it was time for my annual mammogram. She wanted to do a sonogram as well since we could both feel that little suspicious pebble hanging out in my breast. The first sign that I should be concerned was when the sonogram technician spent triple the amount of time on my right breast than she did on my left breast. Even my untrained eyes could see the dark spot that appeared with every pass of the wand. But the real kicker was when the mammogram technician called in two other technicians to help her look at the lump of surprise that was hiding out in my right breast. Even when my doctor called and said I needed a biopsy, I still felt like the results would show that I was a bit lumpy but nothing was wrong. The date of the biopsy was July 2nd. On July 11th, my phone rang. It's never a good omen when the doctor's office manager calls and says, "The doctor wants to see you right away." It's especially ominous when it's 10 o'clock on a Friday morning. I don't remember much, but I remember my doctor's first words, "There's no easy way to say this. It's cancer." I remember hearing my doctor talking, but I couldn't understand anything she was saying. I remember the taste of tears in my mouth and someone handing me a box of Kleenex. The cancer was possibly in both breasts. That's weird, right? Three days later, my fiance left. He couldn't handle what I had to go through. I had a bilateral mastectomy on September 23rd. I still have a long way to go, but nothing scares me anymore. I've got this.

Lindsay, CA

My Greatest Blessing

My Greatest Blessing

In November 2011, I had my 2nd annual routine mammogram. A few days after my appointment I received a "call back" and went in for more pictures. I was told there was definitely something different from my mammo 15 months ago and they wanted to do a needle biopsy. On December 8, 2011 I received a call from my doctor saying I had breast cancer. I remember the moment clearly, the burning in my solar plexus, the blood draining from my extremities, the panick, the terror of the unknown.

The following months were some of the most difficult days I have ever faced. A bilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, reconstruction, more unknown, feeling isolated, alone, betrayed by my body, not knowing if I could ever trust my body to do what it was supposed to do again.

I look back on those days and all the times that I believed I would never be able to live a normal life again, not think about cancer, treatment, or recurrence every day. However, you get stronger, you go back to your life and then develop a comfort level with the word cancer, your body and your mind. Although I didn't believe it at the time, there are days you forget you had cancer.

I tried to remain positive throughout my treatment and recovery. It helped to search out motivational quotes and books. When I started to feel bad, I'd google something to watch or searched quotes about hope, perseverance, and belief. I read books, I posted positive posts on my Facebook page, anything to bring a positive view to my life. I made a decision to looked for lessons and blessing in my life.

It was one of the worst times of my life, but it also was the biggest blessings in my life. I grew as a person and I was able to use the blessings and lessons in what I went through and develop a new appreciation for life, myself, my body, and my family. I learned what is really important in life.

Wendy Shaw
Kennebunk, ME