My experience with breast cancer

In October of 2009 I was taking a shower at home and I did check for lumps maybe once a month. Well I found one, and I called my gyn, thinking it might have something to do hormones or something. She sent me to gat a mammogram. And then they ordered a ultra sound which led to a biopsy. It came back positive for cancer.
When I walked into the doctor's office and they told me the felt like I was given a death sentence. It was a non-aggressive one thank god, and everything happened so fast, surgery, radiation for 6 weeks (everyday), it felt like you were burning from the inside out. I did not have any family support or anybody to talk to about it. I mean yeah the doctor's can answer you with medical questions but just girl talk. I was 39 years old. And scared to death.
My husband at the time, never cared or even bothered with me. He soon after asked me for a divorce, another long story. It took me 2 years just to say the word cancer. But every 6 months a check-up(which I always get nervous around that time)and so far yes I am a 5 year survivor.
Which I now say with pride and all my inner strength. I did it! it feels good to say that.
I hope my story can help someone who thinks they are all alone going through this......because you have so much inner strength you didn't know you had or where it came from but it's there. And I believed in God to take my hand and help me and guide me and comfort me.
All my prayers and strength to everyone dealing with cancer.....

Plattsburgh, NY