My Experience with Breast Cancer

I have always had my mammograms every year, I had last mammogram in June of 2013. Everything thing was fine. In a few months after the mammogram I noticed that my nipple on my left breast had started to invert. I was at my G.I. doctor getting my check-up, and I decided to explain to him about my inverted nipple. He suggested that I get an ultrasound. Nothing showed up on the ultrasound, so he suggested a M.R.I. It came back cancer in my left breast in November 2013. I then had to have an ultrasound led biopsy on December 31, 2013. Because it was so hard to detect, he was worried about it being in my right breast. So I had an ultrasound and an M.R.I on the right one. It came back with a small amount of cancer in that one also. We decided I should have a double mastectomy. Before the mastectomy, I had to go through numerous tests, Thank God, these all came back negative. It had not spread anywhere else. My mastectomy was on February 25, 2014. They took out 9 lymph nodes, only one had a very small amount of cancer in it. I had reconstructive surgery right after the mastectomy. When I came out of surgery it was such a peaceful feeling, that it was going to be alright. My church people and my pastor was there along with my family praying. In April I had my first chemo session, I was scheduled for 6 but only had to have 4. I had my last treatment on June. In July I got my permanent implants. I have said all of this to get to my testimony, when I found out I had cancer, I kept asking why. One day I was praying and it came to me that the lord was telling me, I will take care of you through all of this from the beginning until it is over. He is no respecter of persons, what he did for me he will do for others! Just have faith and believe.

Judy Porter
Castalia, OH