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My Mother Sent Me a Message From the Other Side

My Mother Sent Me a Message From the Other Side

First of all, I am blessed to say that I'm a 5 year breast cancer-free survivor!

However, when I first diagnosed I was devastated and scared. It wasn't until I received an email from a former high school classmate of mine that I was able to pull myself together. She told me she was home alone when she heard a women's voice say, "Gladys says, Darcy will be fine." Then she told me, "Honey, I don't know anyone named Gladys!" She said she kept hearing the exact same message over and over again all day long, and finally decided she'd better share this message with me. She ended her message by say, "I'd be curious to know if this means anything to you." You can imagine her surprised when I called her immediately after reading her email and said, "It makes total sense to me. My Mom that died of breast cancer was named Gladys!"

I will be eternally grateful to my classmate for sending me this message. It was exactly what I needed to hear in order for me to take charge of my health, stay positive, and fight through this entire ordeal Although my breast cancer was only Stage 1 and it was found in just one breast, I made the decision to have a bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction. As a result, I did not have to have radiation or Chemo! Plus, I now have 2 new perky boobs!!

My Mom was right....I am fine!! Thanks Mom!

Darcy Stuck
St. Joseph, MI

Yes to Faith, No to fear

Yes to Faith, No to fear

At the age of 24 I completed a simple breast self exam during my 30th week of pregnancy, and found a lump. My thoughts were that it was just something as simple as a plugged milk duct or something pregnancy related, but I did not hesitate to inform my nurse practitioner at my prenatal visit the following day. I was scheduled for an ultrasound, and since the radiologist was unsure I was scheduled for a biopsy. I was terrified and just knew during the biopsy that things weren't going to turn out the way I expected. Sure enough I received a phone call on the way home from my first final exam in my jr year of nursing school saying that the biopsy showed stage II invasive ductal carcinoma triple negative breast cancer. My treatment began as soon as possible, and I completed two rounds of chemotherapy while I was still pregnant. I was always concerned about the well-being of my unborn son, but was completely filled with joy and unconditional love the moment I laid eyes on his completely healthy beautiful self once he was born! My treatment consisted of four rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan, four rounds of Taxotere and Carboplatin, lumpectomy, and radiation therapy. My journey had many tough days, but during those tough days it was God and my son who gave me the motivation to keep going. I decided that I needed to allow my faith to lead my journey and not allow fear to take over. Once I said yes to faith and no to fear I was able to tackle each tough situation in my journey like a champ. I spent Dec 2013-Oct 2014 coping with breast cancer and all that came with it, but I made it out victorious! As of June 11, 2014 I am cancer free, and now I am embracing my calling of helping women currently fighting breast cancer and raising awareness so that women and men are able to have early detection and higher rates of survival. Everyday as a survivor with my son is a blessing!

Katherine Spradley
Indianapolis, IN

Visions Of Hope

Visions Of Hope

I was at work when my cell phone began to vibrate, the vibration made me jump and my hands started to shake as I ran from my desk to answer the call from my doctors office. I had been waiting on the results of my pathology report from my needle biopsy. I stood by my car in the parking lot clutching my phone, tears running down my face, as I listened to the voice on the other end say “ you have invasive ductal carcinoma," why me? How could I have CANCER? The six letter word nearly brought me to my knees. I was also triple positive, which is an aggressive form of breast cancer.

I had gone in for a mammogram after finding a lump that my doctor originally thought was a cyst. I’ve had a history of breast cyst so my doctor was not that alarmed.Once he performed the mammogram and needle biopsy,he told me that he believed the tumor was cancerous but needed further testing. I was devastated after the appointment, my world stood still and I felt like I was standing in the eye of a storm.

At 34, I was a single mother on the go. I had relocated only five months prior to my diagnosis. I was in search of change and a better quality of life for my son. I never thought that I would be facing a battle for my life. As I look back, after completing 6 rounds of chemotherapy, I remain hopeful because the fight is far from over. When I initially started chemo I saw no end in sight, that light at the end of the tunnel didn’t seem possible. It’s been a rough road but I’ve fought through the ugly side effects, needle pricks, and doctors’ visits. There were times that I felt defeated but remained optimistic and decided to trust God because he has the final word. I will continue to fight cancer, with everything in me because I have too much to live for and I no longer take life for granted.

M. Jones
Columbia, SC

my daughter my mirical baby

Baby surprise for cancer survivor
Breast cancer survivor Helen Gastev describes her daughter Neisha as her miracle.

At age 32, the Reservoir woman began chemotherapy for aggressive breast cancer, and despite having her eggs frozen she gave up on her dream of motherhood.

So the former nursing assistant was stunned when, less than a year after completing cancer treatment, doctors revealed she was six months pregnant. Ms Gastev had been experiencing chronic nausea, headaches and vomiting, leaving doctors fearing the worst.

"They thought cancer had spread to my bones," Ms Gastev said.

"I had to do MRIs and bone scans. I had test after test, they all came back OK, but the last test found cysts around my ovary. They did an internal and there was a baby. I said 'no it can't be' and the doctor said 'turn around and look at the monitor'.

"I named her Neisha which means 'God's miracle' in Hebrew."

Seven years on from her own scare, the disease has touched her life twice more.

The disease killed her father last year, while an aunt is now in remission. For the fourth year in a row in October the single mum will hold a Girls' Night In event to fundraise for the Cancer Council. The invite-only event will include auctions and entertainment.

"When I was a patient the way I was looked after was unbelievable so it's good to give something back."

helen Gastev
Victoria, Australia

fighting the fight

fighting the fight

I went to the ER for a pain in my stomach, they did a CT scan that inadvertently got a spot on my left breast. When I went to have a mammogram I had missed my yearly so they did both sides and said the spot on my left side wasn't what they were worried about it was a spot on the right breast. More tests determined it was cancer so I had a lumpectomy. I liked my doctor but I wanted to go to an actual cancer hospital so I changed doctors and about 2 months later as I was healing they did an MRI just for precaution that showed the spot on the left side again that they later determined was indeed also cancer. I had another lumpectomy and a total of 68 radiation treatments. Thankfully it was caught very early. I know I didn't lose my hair with the treatments but I'm sure I have the same thoughts and fears about what was happening to my body and my life. It's all a very scary journey but I had a lot of support and lots of faith in God. I feel blessed that there re so many people that care. Be vigilant about your exams and keep the faith.

Terri Betts
St Louis, MO

Hard Rock denounce unfairly dismissed employees Cancer Patients

Hard Rock denounce unfairly dismissed employees Cancer Patients

Attorney Susan Espaillat reported on Friday 10-10-2014 that the company Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Punta Cana, has fired an year ago the employees Petya Petrova, who was in active treatment of breast cancer, during their million dollar fundraising campaign for patients with this disease .

The lawsuit was won by my client for being fired unreasonably from the hotel as a cancer patient. "This is not the first time they do, I have more cases like Mrs. Petya.

In that sense, commentator Jose Piantini condemned the action of Hard Rock, "I do not understand how a company that makes millions as fundraisers, fires an employee in full breast cancer campaign with that disease!!! Where the money go if they dismiss a sick employee of breast cancer disease, questioned the commentator?.

In order to collect my client benefits I had to make an embargo on the company account, that took months trying to get them and she has no job, no income but lots of very expensive treatments.

With the sentence: 384-2014, the court sentenced the Hard Rock Hotel Casino Punta Cana because of canceling one of his employees in the treatment of cancer in October 4th, 2013, to pay 50 thousand Dominican pesos to Petya Petrova for unfair dismissal and damages.

"I would not say that there was bribery of judges to achieve this, but it is incredible that the $ 1 million we asked for unfair dismissal and damages , we grant that kind of money, when Mrs. Petrova paid about $140 000 USD in treatment after be fired, and hers salary was more then $3000 U.S. dollars per month, "said Susan in Z 101.

After making the complaint counsel thanked the station having granted the space to make the claim, because according to her, other media have refused to publish the information, because it is such a prestigious company.

Hard Rock is a worldwide campaign over 14 years ago to raise funds for preventing breast cancer and support called "Pinktober", where the money raised is supposedly donated to institutions responsible for combating deadliest disease in recent years.

Petya Petrova
Sofia, Bulgaria

Does Hard Rock’s Pinktober have a face?

Does Hard Rock’s Pinktober have a face?

Does Hard Rock’s Pinktober have a face?
Yes. Mine.

My name is Petya Petrova

In 2010, my husband Jordan and I received job offers from the Casino Manager at the Hard Rock Punta Cana Casino, in the Dominican Republic. I was a pit manager and Jordan was promoted to casino shift manager.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. My treatment involved a mastectomy, 28 radiation therapies and 6 chemotherapies. Every morning, I wore my Hard Rock Pinktober Guitar pin on my blouse and felt excited about healing and returning to work.

After several months back on the job, I was fired on October 4, 2013, a special month for women who have survived breast cancer. The Hard Rock Casino General Manager and his Human Resource Manager offered me an inaccurate severance, which shortchanged me according to the labor laws of the country.

After filing a lawsuit in the Dominican labor court against the casino company and Hard Rock, I traveled 36 hours, from Bulgaria, to attend the hearing so that everyone present could put a face to my name.

The judge ruled in my favor, validating my claim. My appeal has now been filed for damages. I have medical affidavits to prove this process has taken a toll on my health. Apparently, the company's support of Pink October does not include standing by one of its own employees in her efforts to beat breast cancer and return to a productive life.

Corporations have a moral responsibility towards their employees. Behind the iconic Hard Rock guitar, there's a whole bunch of people....employees like me.

I hope women everywhere will hear my story and remind companies like Hard Rock that we are real people, not marketing tools in a hollow "pinktober" ad campaign.

Petya Petrova
Sofia, Bulgaria



I lost my youngest sister last year to cancer. When she was diagnosed terminal.... I did a breast check and found a lump. The day after we buried her I had my biopsy. A childhood friend who had dealt with breast cancer naturally, talked me thru my chemo, her cancer came back full force and she passed away. I lost loved ones because they chose to ignore, postpone or chose alternative treatments. If my sister had not gotten cancer, I may not have checked quick enough. Get your mammograms and make sure you do self exams. I felt guilty at first, once; I was healthy again, but: now, I accept and am glad... I survived! I survived!

Salle Curtis
Pewamo, MI

Trust your instincts!

Trust your instincts!

During the first half of 2010 I noticed that my right breast was leaking clear fluid. Concerned I went to my OB/GYN who sent me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound which showed nothing. I never heard anything more from my doctor about it, so I assumed everything was okay. My right breast continued to leak clear fluid and I ignored it. 10 months pass, and I now notice that my right breast has this achy pain and when I went to put deodorant on one day I also noticed that my breast was dimpling in. That lead me to feel around and sure enough there was a lump. My heart sank. The next day I went back to my OB/GYN who again sent me for a diagnostic Mammogram and ultrasound, only this time it showed a 2cm nodule and I was told I would need a biopsy. The day before my 45th birthday, I went for my biopsy and was told I had invasive ductal carcinoma. I was devastated and was terrified as I have 2 sons, who were ages 12 and 14 at the time. I then had a lumpectomy and internal radiation via Savi catheter. I would need 4 rounds of chemo. I made it through 3 rounds of Taxotere & Cytoxan, I didn't feel my body could make it through anymore chemo. My oncologist was fine with me getting through the 3 and Oct. 27, 2011 my treatments were over and I was thankful. By December my hair started to sprout and I also started taking Tamoxifen. Today is Oct 13, 2014 and I am a 3 year survivor, and I am thankful I was given a 2nd chance at life. I look at life differently now and appreciate every day that is given to me. My doctor probably should've sent me for an MRI in the beginning and I should've been more aggressive on finding out why my breast was leaking. Always trust your instincts and never ignore warning signs. Early detection is the key!

Del Haven, NJ

Be Aware - Early Detection is Crucial!

Be Aware - Early Detection is Crucial!

An eraser at the top of a pencil – who could have thought something so small & insignificant – 5 mm – could threaten my life? It was late summer, 2010 when I was summoned back to my doctor’s office for a second mammogram, this one digital. I was not overly concerned - it had happened before due to having dense breast tissue. These repeat studies had been uneventful in the past. As the digital mammogram progressed however, the technician kept repeating view after view. She was not giving me any information. I began to get anxious with knots in my stomach. When it was finally over, the patient liaison spoke with me about the need for a biopsy, going into great detail about what to expect but much of that went over my head as the fear had begun to take hold. My heart was beating fast, the tears were only seconds away from flowing down my face. She showed me the mammogram film, pointing out ‘micro-calcifications’ that were present that hadn’t been in the exam from the prior year. Things moved very quickly from that point on. The biopsy was positive, and a lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy was performed. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, but thanks to early detection, it had not yet spread to my lymph nodes. It was also HER2 Positive - not dependent on estrogen or progesterone for growth. HER2 is an aggressive cancer as it accelerates the growth of cancer cells. I received 6 rounds of chemotherapy consisting of Carboplatin and Taxotere, 30 radiation treatments and one year of Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks. The oncologist told me that it was due to early detection that my outcome was so positive. A 5 mm tumor would not have made itself known for some time in terms of a lump, and it had already started to invade nearby breast tissue due to its aggressive nature. I am now 4 years post diagnosis and thankfully have had normal mammograms every year since 2010. Early detection saves lives, I am living proof!!

Deb Neil
Grindstone, PA