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Keep Positive

Keep Positive

In June of 2009 I hurt myself while painting my home. When I grabbed my breast in pain I found a lump. I assumed due to the injury, I already had my yearly mammogram set up. In September, after I finally went in for an ultra sound, I should have known by the quiet in the room something was wrong. I was scheduled for a biopsy the next day, and had an answer that afternoon. I had cancer and it had spread to my lymph nodes. 55 with breast cancer. The 1st of the 7 daughters in my family.

Tomorrow is my last day of chemo and what is left will be removed in March along with all my lymph nodes. It has gone from 4.5 to as the oncologist put it, Mary I just can't find it.

Thanks to all my wonderful family and friends it has been a fantastic journey so far. All the great people I have meet during infusion and the caring team of doctors & nurses out of Blumenthal. All the positive energy and prays and gotten me this far. There were times I just wanted to sit and cry and at times I did, but the end is in site. I believe the worse is over and I will be a happier person because of this.

It has given me a new outlook on life. 2009 was a rough year. Like so many I was laid off, but I would never have been able to keep up the 50-60 hour weeks. I was hired part time at Lowes and they have been wonderful. I am able to work and receive treatment, which keeps my spirits up.

As the saying goes-things happen for a reason, just believe,

Mary Michel
Fort Mill, SC

One week after the "new recommendations," I found lumps.

One week after the "new recommendations," I found lumps.

Despite the new Govt. recommendations, I was examining my right breast and found lumps. I then scheduled a mammogram, had a biopsy and found that I have DCIS. I will be having a bilateral mastectomy on Feb. 11th, 2010. I have continued with my life by creating artwork and have entered 2 different shows between that time and now, and have plans for more work after this is completed.
I want people to know that people who go through a life threatening event such as this need to have their emotions about it when they have them and and shouldn't have to act any differently than they feel. I am very afraid, angry, and sad when I think about it, and have found it useful to work on things rather than dwell on my upcoming event, and have been having my emotions when I have them.
I have been very lucky to have family, friends, and even strangers come out of the woodwork to be of assistance when I need them. For now, I am just focusing on being alive for the next until the surgery happens because anything can happen between now and then.
Time moves too slowly and now too quickly and it's getting away from me. It's amazing how that happens. All I know is that my life has been compressed into living one moment to the next, and that's all I have right now to focus on.

Nancy Miller
Eveleth, MN


Just few days before my sisters 70th birthday she thought she felt a lump on her left breast. She had just had a mammogram a few days before and all was well. She called her physician. He had her come in. He again reviewd the Mammogram. It did not reveal a mass. He then did an Ultra sound.. It showed a mass. After examination he did a biopsy. She had small malignant turmor. It was excised. She went through Chemo. and radiation. This was in May of 2006. When she told me, I mentioned this to my own physician. I had a mammogram. It too was negative. Because of my sisters experience he ordered an Ultra sound along with the mammogram. Sure enough; it revealed a mass. It wa excised. It was a pre cancerous lesion. We both now, have mammograms and Ultra sound.
My sister will turn 74 this May. She is presntly enjoying a cruise with her husband. I wll turn 70 this September. We are both in good health.

My broher in law always says. We have two bodies but one heart.

Thousand Oaks, CA

Breast Cancer can appear at ANY AGE

This isn't about me but my 85 year old neighbor. I do have a mammogram each year but being over 80 ,myself ,felt I was beyond the statistics of having a cancer diagnosis. This ,until my neighbor was diagnosised and under went radiation and chemo. She is cancer free after two years. So breast cancer has no boundies on age.I tell this hoping every woman that reads this gets her mammogram every time it is possible.

Pompano Beach, FL


I am French/Australian and live in Sydney, I am 56. Me too, like most of you who read that website, have been diagnosed with breast cancer last year in March during my annual mammogram. No family history, shocked and scared, diagnostic followed by 2 operations (lumpectomy done twice for safety reasons) 6 weeks of radiotherapy and I take Arimidex every morning. I intend to survive that terrible disease, so many of my friends have done it and still show me the way by being my role models. My husband + friends' support has been wonderful, WE WILL PREVAIL.

Berengere EDWARD
Sydney, Australia

Extremely Fortunate

In mid-December 2007, I was fortunate to be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I say fortunate because it was Stage 0 which did not warrant Radiation or Chemotherapy, but it was extensive in my left breast where a lumpectomy would not have been fully effective. So, I had a Mastectomy with the first phase of Reconstructive Surgery in February 2008. When obtaining my medical clearance for the final stage of the Reconstructive Surgery after complaining of chest discomfort in September 2008, it was discovered I was having heart problems which temporarily set-back the surgery. I was scheduled for a Thallium Cardiac Stresst Test which revealed a blockage in my heart. I was scheduled to have Angioplasty performed and during the procedure, in which you are awake, it revealed I had three blockages. This left me extremely depressed and wondering what else could happen. So, soon after my 55th birthday, I retired with over 31 years of Federal law enforcement service and had a Triple By-Pass in early October 2008. I feel extremely fortunate that I had not suffered a heart attack or stroke due to my heart condiition. This is a true testament that God works in mysterious ways because if I had not been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, my heart problem may not have been discovered until after a full heart attack or stroke. Now that I have recovered from both and can fully enjoy my three grandsons.

Mary D. Smallwood
Homestead, FL

Two-time mastectomy survivor speaks!

At age 59, I was horrified to find I had breast cancer. I lived a healthy, active lifestyle and would seemingly be the last person to have it. After having a mastectomy and chemotherapy I moved to LA and had a career in TV commercials, music videos, and print work so I re-invented myself. Now 10 years later I found myself with the dilemma of breast cancer in my remaining breast and have undergone a second mastectomy. Last year the boyfriend and my mother both died. It was a horrendous year and then to find I had cancer again has been extremely taxing. The good new is: no chemotherapy this time; so I am thankful for that.

We MUST eradicate cancer of all kinds so please do what you can with money or your time. Find an organization that spends most of their funds on actual research, etc., rather than administration costs and one of them I know of is Concern Foundation in Beverly Hills., is the website and there are others. Don't let yourself or your loved ones go through this difficult disease alone. I lost the boyfriend to lung cancer that metasticized and it was not pleasant for him and he died far too young. If you know someone undergoing treatment, call them to give the encouragement and support or help them by going to the store, cleaning their house, taking them to treatment and help them through an extremely scary and difficult time. You will be blessed....

Indian Wells, CA

Breast Cancer Survival

I had Breast Cancer 26 years ago at the age of 36. I had a partial masectomy followed by Radio-Therapy. The future looked bleak as I was also going through a divorce at the time it was diagnosed, and having three adorable children it was a a very stressful time for us all, but with the support of a new partner, family and excellent treatment we won through and now this year we celebrate our Silver Wedding Anniversary which at one time we never thought that we would see.
So to all breast cancer sufferers out there, please take note there are success stories and there is a future after breast cancer! I know! and I am very grateful to all who helped me through it, and to all the wonderful medical care that I have received through the years.

Thank you all.

Winslow, United Kingdom

something to be said for Horoscopes

I am looking forward to reaching my 5 year clear mark from breast cancer on my birthday, which is 28th May this year. As I was watching TV in hospital on my birthday, after having my lumpectomy. I saw on the news that Kiley Minogue was being given flowers for her birthday "on the same day" as she had also been diagnosed with breast cancer. so on the 28th I will be thinking of Kiley as she will be celebrating her birthday, and her 5 years clear the same day as me. Something to be said for our horoscope and also shows that there is no discrimination with this disease.
Good Luck Kiley

Pat Gales
Wollongong, Australia

Life, Death and Touched by an Angel.

I was very fortunate and blessed to have had a friend named C.C. We were friends for over 15 years. She became ill. We found out she had lung cancer in 09. I lost my dear friend February 09. The lord has guided me through this ordeal.
I lay in my bed and say to myself I am 44, and I never had a mammogram. I better get tested right away. As, I lay there I take my left hand and touch my right breast I feel the lump. My hand went to that one spot. I jumped up paced the floor, so you know that night was unbearable.
I immediately the next morning went to my medical doctor. My doctor examined me and sent me for a mammogram. The doctor called, and said' I have to see a breast specialist so they can do a biopsy of the lump. I knew, I felt it, tears ran down my face but I stood strong. Don't get me wrong I'm only human so I had my moments but I refused to go through the stages of being sad, mad, in denial and all that other stuff. I immediately received my results when I went to the specialist. She told me I have breast cancer, to hear those words were so unreal. I said okay whats next.
I was ready. I had a lumpectomy, to remove the lump. They tested my lympnodes under my arm for any cancer cells. They came back negative. I took Chemo for three months. Yes, I lost all my hair but it's okay. I didn't get sick with the chemo, very fatigued. I have truly been touched by an angel. Thank God, for all my family, friends, doctors and church family.

Tuwanda Randall
Brooklyn, NY