Life, Death and Touched by an Angel.

I was very fortunate and blessed to have had a friend named C.C. We were friends for over 15 years. She became ill. We found out she had lung cancer in 09. I lost my dear friend February 09. The lord has guided me through this ordeal.
I lay in my bed and say to myself I am 44, and I never had a mammogram. I better get tested right away. As, I lay there I take my left hand and touch my right breast I feel the lump. My hand went to that one spot. I jumped up paced the floor, so you know that night was unbearable.
I immediately the next morning went to my medical doctor. My doctor examined me and sent me for a mammogram. The doctor called, and said' I have to see a breast specialist so they can do a biopsy of the lump. I knew, I felt it, tears ran down my face but I stood strong. Don't get me wrong I'm only human so I had my moments but I refused to go through the stages of being sad, mad, in denial and all that other stuff. I immediately received my results when I went to the specialist. She told me I have breast cancer, to hear those words were so unreal. I said okay whats next.
I was ready. I had a lumpectomy, to remove the lump. They tested my lympnodes under my arm for any cancer cells. They came back negative. I took Chemo for three months. Yes, I lost all my hair but it's okay. I didn't get sick with the chemo, very fatigued. I have truly been touched by an angel. Thank God, for all my family, friends, doctors and church family.

Tuwanda Randall
Brooklyn, NY