Two-time mastectomy survivor speaks!

At age 59, I was horrified to find I had breast cancer. I lived a healthy, active lifestyle and would seemingly be the last person to have it. After having a mastectomy and chemotherapy I moved to LA and had a career in TV commercials, music videos, and print work so I re-invented myself. Now 10 years later I found myself with the dilemma of breast cancer in my remaining breast and have undergone a second mastectomy. Last year the boyfriend and my mother both died. It was a horrendous year and then to find I had cancer again has been extremely taxing. The good new is: no chemotherapy this time; so I am thankful for that.

We MUST eradicate cancer of all kinds so please do what you can with money or your time. Find an organization that spends most of their funds on actual research, etc., rather than administration costs and one of them I know of is Concern Foundation in Beverly Hills., is the website and there are others. Don't let yourself or your loved ones go through this difficult disease alone. I lost the boyfriend to lung cancer that metasticized and it was not pleasant for him and he died far too young. If you know someone undergoing treatment, call them to give the encouragement and support or help them by going to the store, cleaning their house, taking them to treatment and help them through an extremely scary and difficult time. You will be blessed....

Indian Wells, CA