Just few days before my sisters 70th birthday she thought she felt a lump on her left breast. She had just had a mammogram a few days before and all was well. She called her physician. He had her come in. He again reviewd the Mammogram. It did not reveal a mass. He then did an Ultra sound.. It showed a mass. After examination he did a biopsy. She had small malignant turmor. It was excised. She went through Chemo. and radiation. This was in May of 2006. When she told me, I mentioned this to my own physician. I had a mammogram. It too was negative. Because of my sisters experience he ordered an Ultra sound along with the mammogram. Sure enough; it revealed a mass. It wa excised. It was a pre cancerous lesion. We both now, have mammograms and Ultra sound.
My sister will turn 74 this May. She is presntly enjoying a cruise with her husband. I wll turn 70 this September. We are both in good health.

My broher in law always says. We have two bodies but one heart.

Thousand Oaks, CA