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self-exam saved my life!

Hello, my name is Trisha. In September 2007, I decided to do a self breast exam, after seeing some information on TV. I was 38 and it had been a little while since I had last performed a self breast exam. I casually searched, not expecting to find a thing, but to my horror, I discovered a small nodule in my right breast and when I investigated further, my breast leaked some fluid. A visit to the doctor prompted a series of exams and a removal of the nodule.
Here is the truly amazing part! The cancer they found wasn't in the nodule it was in the tissue right next to the nodule. If they didn't go remove it, they would not have found the cancer until much later probably. KEEP DOING BREAST SELF EXAMS! It could save your life!

Gage, OK

GOD and My Family Saved Me

GOD and My Family Saved Me

It was June 2008 I was sitting in the doctor's office with my sister and parents and was told the horrible news, Stage II Breast Cancer. I was 49. As devastating, and unbelieveable as it was all I wanted to do was get it out of my body. Breast Cancer does not run in my family, but I learned 70% of the cases are not genetically linked. Sure I asked GOD, "Why Me"? He said why not you. With so much family, friends, church, and co-workers support, I am now a two year survivor. Everyday is a day of Thanksgiving - GOD'S BEEN SO GOOD TO ME!!!!!!!!. My sister and I have become closer, she took immediate care of me and became my Patient Advocate. I do not know what I would have done without my sister Bertha. Also my parents are Preachers, and I know the, 'PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS PREVAILTH MUCH, they have been on their knees on my behalf, I love them more because of that. In the picture is me and my neice Alexa. At one time I took care of her and cleaned her up, during my time of need she did the same thing for me - HOW HUMBLING!!! I have learned to live for the day, and my mission now is to inform everyone I meet, women and men and tell them my story how, "EARLY DETECTION SAVED MY LIFE." AND IT CAN SAVE YOURS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I did my first Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure on June 5, 2010 @ the Natonal Mall in Washington, D.C. My team name is - CASSIE'S CRUSADERS. I had 11 walkers and one runner. I raised $3022.00. THERE IS LIFE AFTER BREAST CANCER - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cassandra F.

Takoma Park, MD

A Mammagram Saved My Life

My mother died of breast cancer at the age of 57. I had always made sure I had my mammagram, so in April 2007 I was in shock when my mammagram showed I had early stage breast cancer. I was in even more shock when I had a surgery and it was discovered I had breast cancer in both breasts. After chemo and a long road of recovery, I am a survivor of 3 1/2 years.

Without my mammagram, good doctors and my Lord and Savior, I would not be here today. I urge everyone to get regular mammagrams.

Beverly Rogers
Church Hill, TN

Give and Support

When my best friend, Ellie, died of brain cancer about seven years ago, I was scared. I have a hyphothalmic hamartoma in my brain, the doctors say it won't become cancer, as it has not grown since 1996 when we found it. I thought after my friends' death my life would be free of cancer, but then my aunt Becky was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000. She fought through five years and many rounds of chemo and a mastectomy until she died in 2005. Now I'm 19 and so far haven't had any more encounters with cancer, but I support everyone who has and encourage all to keep fighting and those who have not been affected to give and help. That's why I support the Breast Cancer Site.

Philadelphia, PA

We didnt think she was old enought to need a mamagram

Well my story does not have a happy ending. My baby sister was 27 years old when she found out she had stage 4 breast cancer. She had just had her second child and was breast feeding when she felt a lump and a pain in her breast. She thought it was a cloged milk duct and went to the Dr to have it checked. Right away he new it was cancer. This was in September of 2009. She fought the cancer for 6 months but in the end just 20 days after her 28th birthday she lost her battle in April 2010. I wish someone would of told her to get a mamagram or educated us on Breast Cancer in general. I pray everyday for the families that are batteling this horrabile disease that they live happy productive long lifes and that their families and children dont have to live with out their mother, sister or friend. Thanks you for having a place to share these stories and for the network of supports. Keep fighting...

Brandy's Sister
Grand Junction, CO

i am a survivor

Back in 2002 I had a mammogram it showed a small lump in my left breast . I went and had a lumpectomy. Two weeks later I ended up having a full mastectomy on my left breast. Two months later my Dr. decided I should have some chemo treatments so I had 4 of them .They weren't pleasant but my hubby & my best friend (my sister) got me through them. My son was getting married at that time & I would be losing my hair within 2 wks before he got married so I asked my LORD if he would let my hair stay in tact until the next day after he was married I would be grateful & then if it fell out so be it. Well the next morning it fell out in big clumps but I was thankful.GOD had answered my prayer.My hubby & I cried that morning in the bathroom as I combed my hair. But GOD is good & 7 yrs later I am still doing fine. I just had my yearly mammagram 5 days ago & am praying it will be another good report.So please ladies it is very important that you have a yearly mammagram.

judy ross
Cape Sable Island, Canada

Routine mammograms save lives

because breast cancer had never touched my family,I never was fathful with my mammograms, even though I have been a RN for over 25 years, then one of my friends told me you can make your own appointments with out waiting for a Doctor.I always forgot to ask for it with my MD. so I made it. 2 days after I was to report for a sonogram and by the end of it I knew I had breast cancer by the way people where looking at me, I was told to have a biopsy, then the wirlwind begun, my oldest 32 was having my 1st grandaughter in less than a month and to me that was the most important, I worked surgeries around her birth and missed most of her 1st year due to 4 rounds of chemo and 7 surgeries (she lives 6 hours away), At 14 years old. my youngest daughter became my rock by taking care all my needs, my husband was with me, he gave me Church showed more love than I could imagine. Now I want to fight I raised $2200 for my local ribbon run to help women locally 1400 of that money was raised during chemo. I wanted to support something that could keep one person from going through what I have been, early detection is very important with routine mammograms

Lori Elrod
Elkmont, AL

Angie the Overcomer

Angie the Overcomer

Hi, my name is Angie. I'm 41 years old and I'm a Breast Cancer Survivor. On 4/28/09 I was diagnose with 3 different types of cancer in my r breast. My 1st cousin/bff, just died not even a year prior from breast cancer at the age of 32. Not only did I battle with my disease. I had a son with epilepsy, who was 18 a senior in high school.It started when he turned 14. Three months into my chemo treatment,last year, he went through alot of experimental surgery's to find a cure for his seizures. These surgery's required for him to stay in the hospital for the majority of the summer. As he got surgery I was next door at another hospital getting chemo treatment. Even though I was going threw chemo, I stayed at the hospital with him. I completed my last round of chemo on 9/9/2009. While waiting for my surgery date to arrive, my aunt who also had breast cancer died on 9/29/09. After lying her down to rest, I had my surgery on 10/7/09 a bil mastectomy w/reconstruction tissue expanders. On 10/17/09 I was able to do the Susan G Komen race for the cure with drainage bag still intact Everything was going fine until 2/7/10.I found my son deceased in his room as a result of his seizures. Me battling cancer don't even compare to the pain I felt after losing my son. I'm almost finish with my reconstruction surgery's. I have to take tamoxifen, but thats all good because I'm cancer free. I know I went I through all of this for a reason. The reason is to let people know that there is a God, because when you see me you see him, His work.

Angela Marion
Moncks Corner, SC

LIVE FOR TODAY, Keep The Faith!!!!!!

LIVE FOR TODAY, Keep The Faith!!!!!!

surviving cancer =^..^= it seems like only yesterday my doctor told me I had breast cancer and when I asked, how long do I have? he did not have a answer. and it seemed to me that time stood still . on that day I took a vow to let go of the past, to live for today, here and now, Keep the faith in what you believe in for me it's a Higher Power . Take time to heal yourself. Only you can do it, Believe in you , Let love ones in to your healing .

I have had sixs Birth Days now yaaaaaa!!!!

firestar with a passion for life, =^..^=

Boscawen, NH

A little Black bundle saved my sanity.

I am a retired R.N. I first got cancer of the Vulva in 1988 I had 34 surgeries (because I refused a Vulvectomy) my surgeon was a woman and a plastic one at that, you would never know I had so much surgery. I seemed to be all clear for around 5yrs, then I found the "LUMP" I had a Lumpectomy, Radio Therapy along with some drugs to take for 5yrs, brilliant I dodged yet another bullet.
My mind however did not feel so good,I was overwhelmed, cried at the drop of a hat and felt devastated, my husband (the best in the world) was wonderful, but it didnt help, I was losing the plot.
Then I realised I needed something that would rely on me (like my kid's did yrs ago) So I decided to get a dog, a Black Poodle.
I gave him a name, bought him £250 worth of toys bed's and treats, 6 weeks before we got him.
His name is Denzel (because he Black and Beautiful) he is the best thing that happened to me after the surgery and he has saved my sanity for sure, I am happy, not worried and feel great.
We are lucky enough to have a home in Spain as well as here in the UK and Denzel is a frequent flyer, I take him with me every time I go, and together we spend 7mths of the yr there, he loves it, he is known affectionately as "The Black Prince of Marbella" and is treated like royalty by me and everyone that knows him.
Breast Cancer could have killed me, Denzel has definitely saved me. So when in doubt by a beautiful black poodle, I did.
This is not a cure all, but it worked for me.

Jacqui Petrella
Salford, United Kingdom