We didnt think she was old enought to need a mamagram

Well my story does not have a happy ending. My baby sister was 27 years old when she found out she had stage 4 breast cancer. She had just had her second child and was breast feeding when she felt a lump and a pain in her breast. She thought it was a cloged milk duct and went to the Dr to have it checked. Right away he new it was cancer. This was in September of 2009. She fought the cancer for 6 months but in the end just 20 days after her 28th birthday she lost her battle in April 2010. I wish someone would of told her to get a mamagram or educated us on Breast Cancer in general. I pray everyday for the families that are batteling this horrabile disease that they live happy productive long lifes and that their families and children dont have to live with out their mother, sister or friend. Thanks you for having a place to share these stories and for the network of supports. Keep fighting...

Brandy's Sister
Grand Junction, CO