GOD and My Family Saved Me

It was June 2008 I was sitting in the doctor's office with my sister and parents and was told the horrible news, Stage II Breast Cancer. I was 49. As devastating, and unbelieveable as it was all I wanted to do was get it out of my body. Breast Cancer does not run in my family, but I learned 70% of the cases are not genetically linked. Sure I asked GOD, "Why Me"? He said why not you. With so much family, friends, church, and co-workers support, I am now a two year survivor. Everyday is a day of Thanksgiving - GOD'S BEEN SO GOOD TO ME!!!!!!!!. My sister and I have become closer, she took immediate care of me and became my Patient Advocate. I do not know what I would have done without my sister Bertha. Also my parents are Preachers, and I know the, 'PRAYERS OF THE RIGHTEOUS PREVAILTH MUCH, they have been on their knees on my behalf, I love them more because of that. In the picture is me and my neice Alexa. At one time I took care of her and cleaned her up, during my time of need she did the same thing for me - HOW HUMBLING!!! I have learned to live for the day, and my mission now is to inform everyone I meet, women and men and tell them my story how, "EARLY DETECTION SAVED MY LIFE." AND IT CAN SAVE YOURS TOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I did my first Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure on June 5, 2010 @ the Natonal Mall in Washington, D.C. My team name is - CASSIE'S CRUSADERS. I had 11 walkers and one runner. I raised $3022.00. THERE IS LIFE AFTER BREAST CANCER - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cassandra F.

Takoma Park, MD