i am a survivor

Back in 2002 I had a mammogram it showed a small lump in my left breast . I went and had a lumpectomy. Two weeks later I ended up having a full mastectomy on my left breast. Two months later my Dr. decided I should have some chemo treatments so I had 4 of them .They weren't pleasant but my hubby & my best friend (my sister) got me through them. My son was getting married at that time & I would be losing my hair within 2 wks before he got married so I asked my LORD if he would let my hair stay in tact until the next day after he was married I would be grateful & then if it fell out so be it. Well the next morning it fell out in big clumps but I was thankful.GOD had answered my prayer.My hubby & I cried that morning in the bathroom as I combed my hair. But GOD is good & 7 yrs later I am still doing fine. I just had my yearly mammagram 5 days ago & am praying it will be another good report.So please ladies it is very important that you have a yearly mammagram.

judy ross
Cape Sable Island, Canada