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Boob Job saved my life

Boob Job saved my life

I had a boob job in November 2010, 6 weeks later I found a lump! Christmas Eve in 2010 I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer that had progressed to Lymph Nodes and I needed a mascetomy. It appears that the boob job pushed the lump to the surface which was why I felt it. I was absolutely devastated. My world turned upside down again, I was in a brand new relationship and was terrified of losing my breast, my life and possibly the love of my life. I had gone through a messy divorce and when I met James everything seemed right in the world until this. However 3 years later I have never been happier! The treatment was second to none, I cannot praise the NHS enough, they are on it and you really get the best care and attention. I took everything possible from the medical profession, changing my diet and spiritual healing. James moved in with me straight away, held my hand every night and made me laugh and is still making me laugh. I have recently had my reconstruction and am so happy with the way I look. I believe things happen for a reason and having breast cancer made me realise how precious life is and how happy you can be if you are positive. To anyone just getting diagnosed, the diagnosis is the worst part, so dont get anxious, this is your time to focus on yourself, get better and make a new start. I now wake up thankful each day for being healthy, being happy, being in love and ready to get on with the rest of my life.

Steff Massey
Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

My Breast Cancer Journey

My name is Philomena I was Diagonised with grade 1 Ductutal Carcinoma back in October 2011, I had 6 months wirth of gruelling Chemotherapy and Herceptain. followed by 6 weeks of Radio Therapy. I was pretty rough going through the treatment but ive come out smiling, im into my 3rd year of been Cancer free I take Tamoxifen and will be for another 2 years. Cancer changed the way I look on life now, I used to take things for granted but not anymore Life is for living and I intend to enjoy it and live it to the full, so all you readers out there anybody going through Breast Cancer Treatment theres light at the end of it dont give up.

Philomena Lapinska
Clevedon, United Kingdom

i am a survivor

in Dec of 2009 I got the phone call that I had breast cancer , I was really scared my sister had breast cancer a bout three years before so I thought that I would not get it boy was I wrong .I had stage three breast cancer I had to have chemo and then surgery and six weeks of raditon .I was so up set I thought that I was the only one having breast cancer but when I started treatment I found a lot of people that had the same as me , so I know I wasn't alone ,one of the worst days for me was my hair started falling out,so I went and had my head shaved then I looked in the mirror I had a shock that wasn't me i so cried . the chemo made me so sick all I wanted to do is stay in bed I was so nausaed all the time it was awful . when I went to chemo i was all ways sick but the nurses were so kind they always had a smile I called them angels because I knew that they cant not help everyone , six months after having breast cancer I had a lung cancer I was so scared not another cancer to deal with , it was a stage one so all I had to have was surgery, I needed something more in my life to get through all of this so I went to church I found peace and comfort there I met a lot of new friends it has been five years thank God and the people that where there for me and my dear husband who passed away in May

Boise, ID

I am a man, how can I have can I have breast cancer?

I am a man, how can I have can I have breast cancer?

In Jan of 1978 I was at my M.D. office while there I mentioned to him a lump on my left breast I had noticed. He looked at it & said not to worry it was just a fatty tumor. A few weeks had gone by & I noticed the lump seemed larger & seemed a little sore. I finally did call my M.D. office. Of course I listened to him once more, after all he was the Doctor ........... I was at his office again for my yearly check up, and brought it up once again. He sent me across the street to another doctor To have it checked. After a exam, he decided to do a biopsy there in the office. He said he would call me with results. A couple of week later I got the call from his nurse......... She said I needed to come in to his office that same day......... When I got there I was taken to his office, where when he came in, put his hand on my sholder & said Gary I am so very sorry ........ YEP CANCER . My life changed that day. What the hell was intraductal cancer?????? I didnt know but I had it. Two surgeries later, Two rounds of chemo, three rounds of radiation, Loss of all hair, the sickest I had ever been in my life................. The good news finally came in 1980 .......... YEPPERS it was gone !!!!!! I had gone through this ordeal alone ....... no family, no girlfriend, just me alone with my awesome doctors, & my good friend My Lord Jesus Christ. It really made me a stronger person for it though. From that day on Mammograms each year until 20012 ............ Now just every 5 years. YES I HAD KICKED CANCERS ASS ALL ALONE, other than the hand of GOD and my truely wonderful team of doctors. Now cancer free for 34 years .......... MEN AS WELL AS WOMEN PLEASE CHECK YOURSELF.......... DONT BE STATISTIC ........... Together we can beat it ............TOGETHER WE STAND AS ONE AGAINST IT !

Nashville, TN

Listen to YOUR body not what some doctor tell you to do.

Listen to YOUR body not what some doctor tell you to do.

January 2001, I had noticed an pencil "eraser head" size bump near my right cleavage area. Prior to that, I had the gastric by-pass in August. I dropped nearly 60 lbs, and feeling bones I hadn't felt in a very long time. I dismissed the bump because it felt as though it were on my ribcage. June I had my yearly exam and the N/P told me I needed a Mammogram. ( I was 34 years old) She said I had a lump in my left breast. I hadn't felt it because I had ALWAYS had "lumpy" breasts. Had the mammogram and ultra sound on both spots. After, I also had needle and core biopsies. The surgeon said I had cancer in my right breast but not in the left.
After research and deliberation I decided on a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. When I told the surgeon of my decision she did not agree with me, but did not argue, as she could see that my mind was made up.
1 week post-op she very humbly said it "was a good thing I had them take the left side too, as it too had cancer (just not where they did the biopsies). A couple of months after my fight, I had a very dear friend come to me to hear my story and for some "advice". After hearing my story she elected to do the very same thing. A couple of months later I ran into her and she explained that she let her doctor talk her into a 'lumpectomy' but they didn't get clear margins. She said she was going to insist on the bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. A couple of months later she did it again...another lumpectomy without clear margins....2 years later she died of brain cancer. Her breast cancer had metastasized. She let her doctor talk her into something she did not agree with, but she felt he knew more than she did.
Moral of this story, YOU KNOW YOUR OWN BODY...don't let anyone talk you into something you do or do not want to do.

Michale Simmons
Madera, CA

her story

her story

My Mom's story started in 2011.She found a lump in her left brest.Didn't have insurance so she put it off for a year till her medicare kicked in.She was a very private person and didn't want any one to know about her problem.She didn't know the help that was out there.By the time she got it checked and removed she had 33 lymphnodes infected.She still had both of her breast.She went through chemo and radiation.Living in Florida while her family lived in Michigan,she took the bus every day to her treatments,alone.Six monthes later she was getting sick and falling.She called me and told me she had a brain tumor.It was right next to her brain stem.It was removed,she had radiation and back to Houghton Lake MI I brought her.Then we found out the tumor was triple neg(the most aggressive) and was spreading fast.This was july of 2013.She had by Aug numerous more that returned.15 treatments of radiaton and by Nov 27th 2013,five days after Birthday, it took her life.I kept her at home.She had nights when her and I were up while she was getting sick.Day after day she would lose her mind due to the cancer in her brain.I had Hospice and they were a God sent.I am a Nurse Aide my self so it was easy for me to take care of my Mom.I watched her take her last breath and I wouldn't of had it any other way.I guess what I'm saying is Please make sure you get your self checked.It could have saved my Mom's life and it could save yours.

Kimberly costanza Peake
Houghton Lake, MI

Finding strength

I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 breast cancer on August , 2008. What a punch in the gut! Hearing those words were devastating. I thought this was the worst words anyone could hear. Until 3 weeks later my husband suffered a massive heart attack and passed away at age 51. Now I was facing cancer without my husband, my friend, my comfort.
Looking at the faces of my 5 children I knew I had to fight harder than ever. Their love and support healed me physically as well as mentally. My medical staff at St. Mary hospital were wonderful. So caring!!
Today I am a 5 year survivor!! I celebrate everyday for tomorrow is never promised. I still grieve my husband but I know he is always with me.

Mimi Stansbury
Holland, PA

My Story

My Story

I had been expecting breast cancer all of my life. My mother was only 38 when she lost her battle with the disease, and I had always been told that I was at high risk. Suspicious findings began showing up on my mammograms in 2010 – microcalcifications twice followed by a biopsy yielding a diagnosis of atypical hyperplasia in 2011. Here it comes, I thought. However, I had good mammograms in 2012 and 2013. Perhaps I had dodged the bullet after all. Fortunately, my doctor ordered a follow-up MRI six months after my last mammogram. There it was – Stage 2 – Grade 3 - Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

My reaction? Let the fight begin! I had a double mastectomy followed by four chemotherapy treatments. I have been overwhelmed by the support of my family, friends, church, co-workers, and the middle school students that I teach! Their support has given me strength that I never dreamed I could have. My husband has been my strongest supporter during this difficult time. Some people celebrate their twentieth anniversary by taking a cruise or renewing their wedding vows. We celebrated our twentieth anniversary by both getting our heads shaved! I cannot think of a better way for him to show his love and support for me.

Don’t miss those mammograms, girls. If your doctor suggests an MRI – run don’t walk to the nearest imaging center. An MRI probably saved my life.

Phillipians 4 (KJV)

6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Centre, AL

my mom, my inspiration

My mom was two time breast cancer survivor at 40 (first time I was only in 2nd grade...) & 70 BOTH times discovering it herself as mammos dont find in lymphnodes(sp.)/under arms but still considered breast cancer which women/men may not know to look there... It did eventually spread to brain and survived (2 brain surgeries) for several years but passed in September 2013 just turning 74 but able to enjoy her 7 grandkids (6 boys!) for a little longer... We were so blessed and she was our fighter/inspiration and now guardian angel - GET YOUR MAMMOS!

Boston, MA

cancer free

I remember this like it was yesterday,it was June 4th 2013 I was at Dollywood Splash Country having the best time with my family, We came home and not even a hour of being a got a call from the Doctor that done my biopsy the day before she said it came back postive as Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, at that time I thought my life had came to a end. I went through 6 rounds of chemotherapy, during I was in the middle of my chemo and I got really sick and was put in ICU for a week we found out my port had got infected and had to be removed. On December 4th 2013 I had a Double Mastectomy. Finally I can say I'm cancer free!!!!

Sevierville, TN